Top 8 Sharolyn Hyson Quotes

#1. When I'm with people, I'm a spiritual teacher. That's the function, but it's not my identity. The moment I'm alone, my deepest joy is to benobody, to relinquish the function of a teacher. It's a temporary function.

Eckhart Tolle

Sharolyn Hyson Quotes #360264
#2. Take your condescension, your unwanted advice, your creepy lurking outside of my door and shove it up your ass.

Erin Watt

Sharolyn Hyson Quotes #403641
#3. Forgiveness is a gift we can only give to ourselves.

Jeffrey Spahr-Summers

Sharolyn Hyson Quotes #838952
#4. I can find my way from 500 A.D. through to 1066 pretty well as an amateur historian.

Robert Plant

Sharolyn Hyson Quotes #902166
#5. Of the book of God
Thou art a copying,
A mirror, wherein showed
The beauty of the King.
All God ever wrought
Dwelleth not apart;
All thou hast ever sought,
Find it in thy heart.

Jalaluddin Rumi

Sharolyn Hyson Quotes #1060129
#6. Set goals, challenge yourself, and achieve them. Live a healthy life ... and make every moment count. Rise above the obstacles, and focus on the positive.

Robert H. Goddard

Sharolyn Hyson Quotes #1480350
#7. When we make time to write, we can do it anytime, anywhere.

Julia Cameron

Sharolyn Hyson Quotes #1766338
#8. I've been interested in autism since I've known about it, which is more or less since I've been writing.

William Gibson

Sharolyn Hyson Quotes #1848342

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