Top 89 Segal Quotes

#1. In Los Angeles, I'm always in Fred Segal. It's become a ritual. I have lunch and then buy lots of things I don't need. Usually tons of clothes for the kids that they grow out of in 10 seconds.

Ozwald Boateng

Segal Quotes #660295
#2. Just as learning to ride a bicycle requires maturation, training, and practice, so, too, does learning to think (e.g., Segal, Chipman, & Glaser, 1985) and learning to write (e.g., Bereiter & Scardamalia, 1987).

Ronald T. Kellogg

Segal Quotes #757246
#3. I started getting orders from some of the leading stores Fred Segal, Bergdorf Goodman. I realized then that my bags were being noticed by the fashion world.

Kate Spade

Segal Quotes #967266
#4. Kiefer Sutherland is a crazy jerk on '24,' but you love him because he gets the job done. And I think that that goes for a lot of action stars, I mean Steven Segal is a jerk, but you want to watch him because, eventually, he's a jerk who can beat up bad people.

Paul Scheer

Segal Quotes #1443806
#5. I've gotten my butt kicked by the best. Jet Li beat me up the best, but Steven Segal can still kick a good butt. It's a different kind of kicking, though.

Anthony Anderson

Segal Quotes #1713178
#6. Where's my white collarless shirt from Fred Segal? It's my most capable-looking outfit!


Segal Quotes #173583
#7. The world is filled with invisible realities. But, if people do not see or hear, then these realities do not exist.

William Segal

Segal Quotes #1237269
#8. It takes someone very special to help you forget someone very special.

Eric Segal

Segal Quotes #1449250
#9. When one is still and listens, one begins to be in touch with a mysterious element that is within each of us, which can transform and shape us and can help to transform the world.

William Segal

Segal Quotes #1247836
#10. School is so overwhelming - you can get lost in the idea that yes, you are going to be alone.

Tobias Segal

Segal Quotes #1280776
#11. What the hell makes you so smart?" I asked. "I wouldn't go for coffee with you, " she answered. "Listen
I wouldn't ask you." "That, "she replied "is what makes you stupid.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #1341454
#12. Some were brilliant bordering on genius. Others, genius bordering on madness

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #1343978
#13. Heracles' heroic world and Deianeira's warmth and tenderness are mutually exclusive. Sophocles seeks not to vindicate the one against the other, but to dramatize the tragedy of their irreconcilability and their mutual destructiveness.

Charles Segal

Segal Quotes #1385447
#14. You use your Bible like you were ordering from a restaurant menu. I call that Bible a la carte. You choose what parts of the Bible you wish to obey and what others to ignore.

Mark Segal

Segal Quotes #1391811
#15. I kind of don't like doing film commentaries because I think they're kind of weird.

Peter Segal

Segal Quotes #1427122
#16. To see things for what they are is to see with the eyes of the vastness itself.

Suzanne Segal

Segal Quotes #1435556
#17. He would not question Barretto's love, since to know Jenny is to love Jenny; it's a universal truth

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #1067524
#18. I'm not looking for a happy ending. I'm looking for a new beginning.

Ian Segal

Segal Quotes #1226779
#19. The 'equilibrium' that people see in me is really an illusion. I am as flawed as anyone. It's only that I seem to have the knack of hiding.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #1220778
#20. The pain of not knowing what to do was exceeded only by that of knowing what I had done.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #1213103
#21. Although science could pinpoint the exact spot in the brain that ignites rage, they had yet to identify the location that produces love.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #1195273
#22. Some people are like cats - if they're dropped upside down, they land on their feet. I get a little irritated about stories like that.

Peter Segal

Segal Quotes #1192439
#23. Hey. It's a material world. And I'm a material girl." Nancy took another swig of rum.

Roy Segal

Segal Quotes #1171017
#24. With any character, you want the audience to at least empathize.

Tobias Segal

Segal Quotes #1165754
#25. I used to entertain myself - I taught myself to use stilts and juggle and ride a unicycle. But I was never immediately interested in theatre.

Tobias Segal

Segal Quotes #1164233
#26. They glanced at one another like tigers taking measure of a menacing new rival. But in this kind of jungle you could never be sure where the real danger lurked.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #1122446
#27. Even though the museums guarding their precious property fence everything off, in my own studio, I made them so you and I could walk in and around, and among these sculptures.

George Segal

Segal Quotes #1869633
#28. Farming with live animals is a 7 day a week, legal form of slavery.

George Segal

Segal Quotes #1711627
#29. Professors of classics - not even a professor of English - professors of classics, they're something sacred; it's almost like being a priest.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #1851299
#30. The longest road to finding yourself is the one that begins at home, and ends at your home.

Ian Segal

Segal Quotes #1836826
#31. We can't say why we search, except that there seems to be an innate need, in each human being, to know who one is, what we're here for, how to live more poetically.

William Segal

Segal Quotes #1834487
#32. Something may have been lost in translation, but it certainly wasn't love

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #1820439
#33. These eyes see the incredible benevolence of the universe, which is completely trustworthy in all respects. There is nothing to fear. Everything in each moment is so well taken care of - and always has been.

Suzanne Segal

Segal Quotes #1800605
#34. I went into Harvard one way and came out a different person ... It's the air at Harvard; it's like a Renaissance court.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #1778711
#35. Love Means Not Ever Having To Say You're Sorry.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #1760854
#36. It is critically important that as we age and our bodies become less flexible our minds become more so.

Steven A. Segal

Segal Quotes #1753234
#37. I am Love. You are Love. All that is real is Love.
This is worth remembering,
especially when you seem to be stuck
in the middle of a challenging experience.

Paul Morris Segal

Segal Quotes #1752110
#38. I came to the Zephyr not as magic's slave, but so I can leap into oblivion.

Einat Segal

Segal Quotes #1503816
#39. Your destiny will not carry you over the long and winding path of life. You must walk it yourself.

Ian Segal

Segal Quotes #1710973
#40. Please, if one of us cries, let both of us cry. But preferably neither of us.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #1659984
#41. I was afraid of being rejected, yes. I was also afraid of being accepted for the wrong reasons.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #1656463
#42. Part of being a big winner is the ability to be a big loser. There is no paradox involved. It is a distinctly Harvard thing to be able to turn any defeat into victory

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #1605440
#43. Everyone has experienced alienation - at some point you go through a moment where you say: "I just want to be left alone." And what is the ultimate point of being alone? - it's dying, of course.

Tobias Segal

Segal Quotes #1590951
#44. I'm having to protect myself. How do you protect your heart and cover everything? When you don't want to look people in the eye and you're constantly dodging, I fall into it.

Tobias Segal

Segal Quotes #1589441
#45. a real physician almost never seeks another doctor's help. For they all are painfully aware of just how little anybody understands about curing the sick.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #1580495
#46. Deep down I'm still afraid, but at least I can deal with it.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #1548427
#47. One thing that is clearer to me every day is how much we all have in common, and one of those commonalities is that we all think we are alone.

Liat Segal

Segal Quotes #1548414
#48. Family is so important. Friends are so important. You need that connection.

Tobias Segal

Segal Quotes #239988
#49. There was a brief silence. I think I heard snow falling.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #462217
#50. Either way I don't come first, which for some stupid reason bothers hell out of me, having grown up with the notion that I always had to be number one. Family heritage, don't you know?

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #461741
#51. Why do women love The Princess Bride so much? Here's a thought: because its hero, Westley, is able to simultaneously fill the roles of dashing romantic adventurer and seriously devoted (maybe even borderline henpecked) fiance.

Stephen H. Segal

Segal Quotes #437565
#52. Playing music is such a great way to bring people together.

Tobias Segal

Segal Quotes #380206
#53. Sometimes I ask myself what I would be if Jenny were alive.
And then I answer:I would also be alive.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #373613
#54. I'm very spiritual and I'm Jewish by faith. I'm not a practising Jew, I'm more of a recreational Jew. I celebrate the holidays and I try to inform my kids about their heritage because I think we all at some point have to defend our heritage and if they get picked on I want them to know why.

Peter Segal

Segal Quotes #344415
#55. Collision with the Infinite: A Life Beyond the Personal Self

Suzanne Segal

Segal Quotes #320150
#56. He had spent most of his lifetime studying the art of medicine and realized now that he would never really understand its mysteries.
For medicine is an eternal quest for reasons - causes that explain effects.
Science cannot comprehend a miracle.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #306184
#57. Living better is the best revenge

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #287071
#58. When asked Who I Am, the only answer possible is: I am the infinite, the vastness that is the substance of all things. I am no one and everyone, nothing and everything
just as you are.

Suzanne Segal

Segal Quotes #285472
#59. Sometimes I ask myself what would I be if Jenny were alive.
And then I answer :
I would also be alive. - Oliver.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #639954
#60. The rules I go by are: Always keep your villains bad, and keep the plot grounded and real. If you keep those stakes, the comedy will bounce off that and work.

Peter Segal

Segal Quotes #219787
#61. What do I really think? What do I believe in, without the horse manure?

George Segal

Segal Quotes #191620
#62. Her handwriting was curious - small sharp little letters with no capitals (who did she think she was, e. e. cummings?).

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #187727
#63. I think the Peace Corps is a fine thing, don't you?" he said.
"Well," I replied, "it's certainly better than War Corps.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #175694
#64. What term do you employ when you speak of your progenitor?"
I answered with the term I'd always wanted to employ.
"To his face?" she asked.
"I never see his face."
"He wears a mask?"
"In a way, yes. Of stone. Of absolute stone.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #174107
#65. I never put down a bad script and I never walk out of a bad movie because I'm always hopeful things will change.

Peter Segal

Segal Quotes #169302
#66. I urge you to engrave this on the template of your memories: there are thousands of diseases in this world, but Medical Science only has an empirical cure for twenty-six of them. The rest is ... guesswork.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #145189
#67. Love means never having to say your are sorry

Eric Segal

Segal Quotes #56194
#68. Perhaps the whole of life is a continuous
interconnecting of miracle,
but we don't always realise it.

Paul Morris Segal

Segal Quotes #48268
#69. Although we live in an age of celebrity and beauty magazines that try to dictate to us what is beautiful and what is not, our real beauty shines from within. - the secret of life wellness

Inna Segal

Segal Quotes #842373
#70. Quiet heroism or youthful idealism, or both? What do we know? That life without heroism and idealism is not worth living - or that either can be fatal?

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #1032550
#71. What can you say about a twenty-five year old girl who died? That she was beautiful and brilliant. That she loved Mozart and Bach. The Beatles. And me.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #1006802
#72. The cornerstone of our thoughts begins with the spirited flames of our far-reaching imagination.

Ian Segal

Segal Quotes #976560
#73. But it is a myth to assume that the larger amount of early stimulation you provide, the more beneficial it will be. The truth is that babies can be overstimulated
which is what many parents, intent on beginning to groom their progeny for college in the cradle, end up doing.

Julius Segal

Segal Quotes #960870
#74. Luckily, growing up "unfinished" can make geeks the very best people to guide and nurture the next generation of outsiders: We know you don't have to be finished to be awesome.

Stephen H. Segal

Segal Quotes #948459
#75. And then I did what I had never done in his presence, much less in his arms. I cried.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #940192
#76. I think superheroes are heroes with flaws, and in their flaws, there is a sense of humor.

Peter Segal

Segal Quotes #912308
#77. Listen not to the words that have been spoken, but bend your ears to what has not been said.

Ian Segal

Segal Quotes #865820
#78. Instead of experiencing through the physical senses, I was now bobbing behind the body like a buoy at sea, cut loose from sensory solidity, separated from and witnessing the body from a vast distance.

Suzanne Segal

Segal Quotes #864859
#79. Change is a more complicated process involving brain integration than is data gathering.

Jeanne Segal

Segal Quotes #859708
#80. More young people need to come to the theatre in general.

Tobias Segal

Segal Quotes #1040224
#81. Suffering occurs when something is taken for what it's not , rather than for what it is.

Suzanne Segal

Segal Quotes #816138
#82. He had then warned his daughter not to violate the Eleventh Commandment.
"Which one is that?" I asked her.
"Do not bullshit thy father," she said.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #813917
#83. Although it is always present, the mind cannot recognize it because the infinite is not perceived through the mind. The infinite perceives itself." -Collision with the Infinite

Susan Segal

Segal Quotes #783997
#84. I would love to see Steven Spielberg working. I just think he's the greatest living director.

Peter Segal

Segal Quotes #772673
#85. True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #698721
#86. It scarcely made a column of newspaper space, but it wrote headlines in their lives.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #690912
#87. This isn't a watercolor, it's a mural.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #682773
#88. Story has a mind of its own and tells things sometimes it might have preferred us not to know. Stories operate like dreams; both veil what is to be uncovered, neither is capable of the coverup.

Lore Segal

Segal Quotes #675603
#89. Sometimes I amaze even myself.

Erich Segal

Segal Quotes #668845

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