Top 15 Secret Stash Quotes

#1. You know how spooky Ashwini is. She called an hour ago to tell me she has a secret stash of handheld grenade launchers she thought I might want to know about. My response was, 'What the fuck?

Nalini Singh

Secret Stash Quotes #399861
#2. Rocco loving them both so much that he knew he'd never tell a soul about this moment, just take it to bed with him every night for years, like a miser's secret stash of gold.

Richard Price

Secret Stash Quotes #508784
#3. I have a secret stash of Nutella that I pull out when necessary. That chocolate-hazelnut combo is my wife's kryptonite.

Michael Weatherly

Secret Stash Quotes #782429
#4. Nobody can fail to lose weight in the jungle, unless they've got a secret stash of pork pies somewhere.

Colin Baker

Secret Stash Quotes #1372738
#5. The next night he asked Jonah if he could take $9.49 out of Jonah's secret stash that only Danny and his mum and Jack knew about. Jonah kept it in his sock drawer next to a photograph of Jonah and a girl with sad eyes, taken in one of those railway station photo booths.

Melina Marchetta

Secret Stash Quotes #1705904
#6. Every kid I knew had a father with a little stash of men's magazines which the father thought was secret and which the kid knew all about.

Bill Bryson

Secret Stash Quotes #93284
#7. Saw the power of the darkness. Saw that, in fact, I had strayed and that I was a stray and that from the wild places my straying had brought me, I knew things I couldn't have known before.

Cheryl Strayed

Secret Stash Quotes #295399
#8. My library isn't very extensive but every book in it is a friend.

L.M. Montgomery

Secret Stash Quotes #607855
#9. Show me something you never show anyone. Give me a piece of your soul, because I just showed you mine and because I need to fucking live on something and I have nothing.
Give me something I can live on. For a minute. That's all I want.

Molly O'Keefe

Secret Stash Quotes #890784
#10. If some animals are good at hunting and others are suitable for hunting, then the Gods must clearly smile on hunting.


Secret Stash Quotes #1077203
#11. ..I resent the jerk part. I'm meaner than that....

Finn Marlowe

Secret Stash Quotes #1249136
#12. But in that one little window of time, many lasting
decisions were made. First, any love for my father that might have remained either in my
mother's heart or my own - vaporized. Second, we knew for sure that Dad was unfixably nuts.

Douglas Coupland

Secret Stash Quotes #1284878
#13. Always strive to make the next hour better than this one.

Og Mandino

Secret Stash Quotes #1463913
#14. It was revealed to me many years ago with conclusive certainty that I was a fool and that I had always been a fool. Since then I have been as happy as any man has a right to be.

Alastair Sim

Secret Stash Quotes #1468474
#15. And that inverted Bowl they call the Sky, Whereunder crawling cooped we live and die, Lift not your hands to It for help-for it As impotently moves as you or I

Omar Khayyam

Secret Stash Quotes #1793458

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