Top 35 Science And Superstition Quotes

#1. Religion and natural science are fighting a joint battle in an incessant, never relaxing crusade against skepticism and against dogmatism, against unbelief and superstition ... [and therefore] 'On to God!

Max Planck

Science And Superstition Quotes #1543819
#2. We would be a lot safer if the Government would take its money out of science and put it into astrology and the reading of palms. Only in superstition is there hope. If you want to become a friend of civilization, then become an enemy of the truth and a fanatic for harmless balderdash.

Kurt Vonnegut

Science And Superstition Quotes #1011160
#3. Education levels are highly and negatively correlated to religious belief. In other words, ignorance is bliss.

Cesar Nascimento

Science And Superstition Quotes #1017424
#4. One of the greatest obstacles I see to our fashioning a rational approach to spirituality is to have religious superstition and self-deception masquerade as science.

Sam Harris

Science And Superstition Quotes #1139616
#5. Hitler emphasized again and again his belief that Nazism was a secular ideology founded on modern science. Science, he declared, would easily destroy the last remaining vestiges of superstition. 'Put a small telescope in a village, and you destroy a world of superstitions.'24

Richard J. Evans

Science And Superstition Quotes #1168642
#6. I love science. I hate supposition, superstition, exaggeration and falsified data. Show me the research, show me the results, show me the conclusions - and then show me some qualified peer reviews of all that.

Claire Scovell LaZebnik

Science And Superstition Quotes #1239646
#7. A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry. Hence University education.

George Bernard Shaw

Science And Superstition Quotes #1307648
#8. Humanity has the stars in its future, and that future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition.

Isaac Asimov

Science And Superstition Quotes #1468082
#9. The Machine is the friend of ideas and the enemy of superstition: the Machine is omnipotent, eternal; blessed is the Machine.

E. M. Forster

Science And Superstition Quotes #1484089
#10. In science, progress is a fact, in ethics and politics it is a superstition.

John Gray

Science And Superstition Quotes #872202
#11. If you live in a world where the population is separating itself from science and entering an age of superstition, as a marketer, selling to people who will believe anything, it is a golden age.

Daniel Henninger

Science And Superstition Quotes #1547714
#12. As science pushes forward, ignorance and superstition gallop around the flanks and bite science in the rear with big dark teeth.

Philip Jose Farmer

Science And Superstition Quotes #1645749
#13. Every science in a certain degree starts from faith, and, on the contrary, faith, which does not lead to science, is mistaken faith or superstition, but real, genuine faith it is not.

Abraham Kuyper

Science And Superstition Quotes #1647497
#14. [In] the post-Enlightenment world, science [has] taken the place of magic, miracles, and superstition.

Jonah Goldberg

Science And Superstition Quotes #1674256
#15. Likewise, if we offer too much silent assent about mysticism and superstition - even when it seems to be doing a little good - we abet a general climate in which scepticism is considered impolite, science tiresome, and rigorous thinking somehow stuffy and inappropriate.

Carl Sagan

Science And Superstition Quotes #1774943
#16. Why, in our age of science, [do] we still have laws and policies which come from an age of superstition?

Shereen El Feki

Science And Superstition Quotes #1776303
#17. Where is the world whose people don't prefer a comfortable, warm, and well-worn belief, however illogical, to the chilly winds of uncertainty?

Isaac Asimov

Science And Superstition Quotes #1811836
#18. Science ... has opened our eyes to the vastness of the universe and given us light, truth and freedom from fear where once was darkness, ignorance and superstition. There is no personal salvation, except through science.

Luther Burbank

Science And Superstition Quotes #1872219
#19. There are some truths, however, that we should never forget: Superstition has always been the relentless enemy of science; faith has been a hater of demonstration; hypocrisy has been sincere only in its dread of truth, and all religions are inconsistent with mental freedom.

Robert Green Ingersoll

Science And Superstition Quotes #326697
#20. Often, superstition and injustice are imposed by the same ecclesiastical and secular authorities, working hand in glove. It is no surprise that political revolutions, scepticism about religion, and the rise of science might go together,

Carl Sagan

Science And Superstition Quotes #71037
#21. Science is history arranged according to the superstition and taste of the moment. The vocabulary of scholars has no wit, no salt. These heavy tomes have no soul, they are filled with distress ...

Blaise Cendrars

Science And Superstition Quotes #87307
#22. The greatest impact of the Darwinian revolution...was that it completed the liberation from superstition and fear that began in the physical sciences a few centuries before. Man, too, is a natural phenomenon. [in "The evolutionary concept of man", 1972, p. 35.]

George Gaylord Simpson

Science And Superstition Quotes #264105
#23. There is superstition in science quite as much as there is superstition in theology, and it is all the more dangerous because those suffering from it are profoundly convinced that they are freeing themselves from all superstition.

Theodore Roosevelt

Science And Superstition Quotes #282007
#24. [T]he unknown should not be a source of suspicion, fear, or retreat to superstition, but motivation to continue asking questions and seeking answers.

Neil Shubin

Science And Superstition Quotes #295745
#25. [The monks'] credulity debased and vitiated the faculties of the mind: they corrupted the evidence of history; and superstition gradually extinguished the hostile light of philosophy and science.

Edward Gibbon

Science And Superstition Quotes #301106
#26. For the mind of man is far from the nature of a clear and equal glass, wherein the beams of things should reflect according to their true incidence; nay, it is rather like an enchanted glass, full of superstition and imposture, if it be not delivered and reduced.

Francis Bacon

Science And Superstition Quotes #310117
#27. Science can purify religion from error and superstition. Religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes.

Pope John Paul II

Science And Superstition Quotes #319795
#28. Science stands for rational thought, faith for superstition and unreason.

Deepak Chopra

Science And Superstition Quotes #38732
#29. Science and reason liberate us from the shackles of superstition by offering us a framework for understanding our shared humanity. Ultimately, we all have the capacity to treasure life and enrich the world in incalculable ways.

Gad Saad

Science And Superstition Quotes #356593
#30. Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.

Adam Smith

Science And Superstition Quotes #359996
#31. Science is no inexorable march to truth, mediated by the collection of objective information and the destruction of ancient superstition. Scientists, as ordinary human beings, unconsciously reflect in their theories the social and political constraints of their times.

Stephen Jay Gould

Science And Superstition Quotes #438485
#32. The major obstacle to a religious renewal is the intellectual classes, who are highly influential and tend to view religion as primitive superstition. They believe that science has left atheism as the only respectable intellectual stance.

Robert Bork

Science And Superstition Quotes #479883
#33. I'm a member of no party. I have no ideology. I'm a rationalist. I do what I can in the international struggle between science and reason and the barbarism, superstition and stupidity that's all around us.

Christopher Hitchens

Science And Superstition Quotes #511950
#34. The pagan gods are not dead, but can return to topple science with superstition and modern man with bestial pleasures that pre-date civilisation.

Richard Luckhurst

Science And Superstition Quotes #547016
#35. Science intensifies religious truth by cleansing it of ignorance and superstition.

Charles Lindbergh

Science And Superstition Quotes #632241

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