Top 14 Scheffer Quotes

#1. Although Nature needs thousands or millions of years to create a new species, man needs only a few dozen years to destroy one.

Victor Blanchard Scheffer

Scheffer Quotes #58505
#2. While, as I recall, conservative little boys practice quick draw with their cap guns while playing cowboys and Indians, apparently liberal little boys practice how fast they can throw up their hands to surrender to the guys in the black hats.

Tony Blankley

Scheffer Quotes #68748
#3. My experiences with violence in schools still echo throughout my life but standing to face the problem has helped me in immeasurable ways,

Shane Koyczan

Scheffer Quotes #75243
#4. I have been informed about the death of Slobodan Milosevic. It is unfortunate and in many aspects unsatisfactory, given the countless victims of the Balkan wars, that justice now will not be able to run its course.

Jaap De Hoop Scheffer

Scheffer Quotes #248193
#5. More than ever before, crisis management, reconstruction and development demand a new level of cooperation between nations, and between nations and international organisations, where military and civilian instruments are applied.

Jaap De Hoop Scheffer

Scheffer Quotes #675026
#6. What began as a revolt in response to the King of Great Britain's repeated injuries against the colonies, soon became a passionate and glorious call to fight for the beginnings of a new country.

John Linder

Scheffer Quotes #748739
#7. Throughout history, men have tried to play God by moving rabbits, goats, sparrows, mongooses, and a hundred other species to oceanic islands and island continents, and later have wished to God they hadn't.

Victor Blanchard Scheffer

Scheffer Quotes #1020172
#8. Ever since I became NATO Secretary General, I have emphasised the need for enhanced political dialogue among the Allies. And I am glad that, over the last few years, we've had more regular, and increasingly constructive, political discussions in NATO on a wider range of issues.

Jaap De Hoop Scheffer

Scheffer Quotes #1074133
#9. Truth at last cannot be hidden. Dissimulation is of no avail. Dissimulation is to no purpose before so great a judge. Falsehood puts on a mask. Nothing is hidden under the sun.

Leonardo Da Vinci

Scheffer Quotes #1210430
#10. There's a particular kind of suffering to be experienced when you love something greater than yourself. A tender sacrifice.

Lang Leav

Scheffer Quotes #1282357
#11. The young knowledge worker whose job is too small to challenge and test his abilities either leaves or declines rapidly into premature middle age, soured, cynical, unproductive.

Peter Drucker

Scheffer Quotes #1319359
#12. God has a purpose and plan for your life and nothing can stand in the way of it - except you. Are you ready to listen? It's time to stand up and be bold for Jesus.

Michael Franzese

Scheffer Quotes #1499374
#13. I was raised in that generation where it was all 'Women can have it all!' and I don't think you can. I think something falls off the table. The good thing is that the things that stay on the table become so much more important.

Drew Barrymore

Scheffer Quotes #1510139
#14. In the hands of a determined Secretary, the Foreign Service can be a splendid instrument, staffed by knowledgeable, discreet, and energetic individuals. They do require constant vigilance lest the convictions that led them into a penurious career tempt them to preempt decision-making.

Henry A. Kissinger

Scheffer Quotes #1865399

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