Top 100 Sayings About Love And Home

#1. Home grown tomatoes, home grown tomatoes
What would life be like without homegrown tomatoes
Only two things that money can't buy
That's true love and home grown tomatoes.

John Denver

Sayings About Love And Home #695130
#2. I really hated school and so I just wanted to stay home and watch 'I Love Lucy' and watch the movies that inspired me to the point where we are sitting here.

Justin Long

Sayings About Love And Home #3090
#3. Yeah, but before anything, I think in 6 years somehow I've grown up to have a beautiful home, 2 beautiful stepchildren, a beautiful husband, my family is healthy and happy. I'm financially ok and I do what I love for a living. That's what I think, and I think god, how did I get so lucky.

Angelina Jolie

Sayings About Love And Home #4314
#4. Coming from the theater, I love the adrenalin rush from working on 'NCIS.' You get home and you're exhausted, but you feel like you've really worked.

Cote De Pablo

Sayings About Love And Home #4884
#5. Let us make of our homes sanctuaries of righteousness, places of prayer, and abodes of love, that we might merit the blessings that can come only from our Heavenly Father.

Thomas S. Monson

Sayings About Love And Home #6297
#6. Let's do, let's get some handles. I don't know why I'm talking about this stuff. Look, I love you and I miss you and you're doing the right thing. It's costing you too, I know that. I'm here and I'll be here whenever you come home, or I'll meet you anywhere, anytime. That's what.

Thomas Harris

Sayings About Love And Home #11969
#7. I should probably warn you, my love isn't roses and champagne. I'm obsessive, jealous, and controlling, but I'm faithful and I'll be here when you need someone.

Suzanne Steele

Sayings About Love And Home #12311
#8. And now the fight continues for all orphans and children who need families who will love and care for them - until they too can all go home.

Kim De Blecourt

Sayings About Love And Home #13289
#9. I'm gonna give them the advice that I always took myself, that it's better to get to know somebody before you jump into the sack with them. Because then if you jump into the sack and fall in love, and you liked them already, you're home free.

Pia Zadora

Sayings About Love And Home #14712
#10. My hobby is gardening, I love it, it's my main hobby. I like being at home and I'm very happy being in my house, I love cooking.

Susan Hampshire

Sayings About Love And Home #15222
#11. I actually have the Arcade PC at home, and it has 5,500 games on it. Everything from the old school, Galaga, Tron, Missile Command, anything you can think of, they're all on there. I love the old school games.

Diego Corrales

Sayings About Love And Home #17986
#12. I have a really small puppy, Georgie, and one of my favorite things is to take her to the park and play with her. I take two classes at middle school, math and chorus, and I love walking home with her after school.

Emily Alyn Lind

Sayings About Love And Home #24749
#13. It is only a matter of time till the reality of the rest of the world comes home. And all the while we are called by Christ to go to them, love them, sacrifice for them, bring the gospel to them. The Great Commission is not child's play. It is costly. Very costly.

John Piper

Sayings About Love And Home #24935
#14. A man would always wish to give a woman a better home than the one he takes her from; and he who can do it, where there is no doubt of her regard, must, I think, be the happiest of mortals.

Jane Austen

Sayings About Love And Home #25566
#15. I don't feel alone with you. I feel like I have a family and a home again. You're my home. All of the dark shadows seem to disappear when we're together.

R.K. Lilley

Sayings About Love And Home #27593
#16. Nature with her wonders blinds and binds one still. There is no escape. I love her utterly through all time and times. All over the world towns to me are prison; green fields are home.

Marion Dudley Cran

Sayings About Love And Home #29871
#17. I'm a huge fan of Chicago sports and Chicago food, and I love going home and my family is still there. I guess it's pretty easy to have a normal life in Chicago.

Matt Walsh

Sayings About Love And Home #29890
#18. Nothing-was more degrading than for a woman to have to marry for a home. Love should be the sole reason. Surely those with a brain-to think, eyes to see and a mind-to reason must realise that the capitalist system must cease and a co-operative system prevail in its place.

Vida Goldstein

Sayings About Love And Home #32885
#19. I live in New York. I have an amazing apartment over there; I have this amazing life over there that's full of glamour. I get treated like a queen over there - and that's one of the reasons I love coming home. It's very grounding.

Nicole Trunfio

Sayings About Love And Home #33979
#20. There's an Irish blessing that I think fits well here," Kathleen said. "May love and laughter light your days, and warm your heart and home.

Julie James

Sayings About Love And Home #36537
#21. God, I miss you.
I love you so much, Natalie, and when I get home I'm going to keep loving you until you tell me to stop. But don't, please. Don't tell me to stop.
I love you.
With everything.
- Ry.

Andrea Randall

Sayings About Love And Home #38276
#22. Sometimes all we need is a hug that will make us feel home. The heartbeats that sound like a lullaby and the eyes which assure us that the world is not such a bad a place yet every time we stare into them.

Akshay Vasu

Sayings About Love And Home #38396
#23. A finely carved Black Forest cuckoo clock hung just to the right of the hutch. Phil would love that, Reuben thought. Phil had once collected cuckoo clocks, and their constant chiming and tweeting and cooing had driven everybody at home a little nuts.

Anne Rice

Sayings About Love And Home #38398
#24. My father is an expatriate American; he fell in love with New Zealand in his youth and never went home.

Eleanor Catton

Sayings About Love And Home #39099
#25. The First and Worst sin couples commit against one another is not adultery but Negligence because it's Negligence that breeds it couples , do not hold back in giving that care and attention.

Jaachynma N.E. Agu

Sayings About Love And Home #41712
#26. He is my normal. He is my home. He's alive. And I love him.

Alex Rosa

Sayings About Love And Home #48637
#27. Seasons have built our lives hour by hour in the twilight of long, darkening commutes, and we arrive home too tired to speak of love and this we say only with a goodnight kiss.

Bruce Meyer

Sayings About Love And Home #52932
#28. Why kill a wild thing
when you can take it home and tie it down?

Danabelle Gutierrez

Sayings About Love And Home #58206
#29. Home is where the love is and where the heart wants to dwell with ease.

Debasish Mridha

Sayings About Love And Home #64995
#30. Love isn't just wanting another person the way you want to own an object you see in a store. That's just desire. You want to have it around, take it home and set it up somewhere in the apartment like a lamp.

Philip K. Dick

Sayings About Love And Home #68839
#31. On stage I make love to twenty five thousand people; and then I go home alone.

Janis Joplin

Sayings About Love And Home #70188
#32. If a child is given love, he becomes loving ... If he's helped when he needs help, he becomes helpful. And if he has been truly valued at home ... he grows up secure enough to look beyond himself to the welfare of others.

Joyce Brothers

Sayings About Love And Home #70350
#33. I'm talking about the language of flowers. It's from the Victorian era, like your name. If a man gave a young lady a bouquet of flowers, she would race home and try to decode it like a secret message. Red roses mean love; yellow roses infidelity. So a man would have to choose his flowers carefully.

Vanessa Diffenbaugh

Sayings About Love And Home #72873
#34. I write about presidents. That means I write about guys - so far. I'm interested in the people closest to them, the people they love and the people they've lost ... I don't want to limit it to what they did in the office, but what happens at home and in their interactions with other people.

Doris Kearns Goodwin

Sayings About Love And Home #73744
#35. I can drink tea until the cows come home and I love the atmosphere in tea-shops.

Zola Budd

Sayings About Love And Home #80023
#36. I love being at home and creating in the kitchen.

Christine Teigen

Sayings About Love And Home #80614
#37. I love working back home, but it is a small country, and we do get tired of watching each other.

Mads Mikkelsen

Sayings About Love And Home #84311
#38. Kiss an angel good morning and love her like the devil when you get back home.

Ashley Purdy

Sayings About Love And Home #84958
#39. I wasn't the demonstrative type. I didn't say I love you all the time, and I wasn't girlish or giggly. I hated shopping in pairs and preferred staying home with a good romance novel than a girls' night out. But I figured sometimes you have to meet someone halfway.

C.D. Reiss

Sayings About Love And Home #86151
#40. One of my most precious possessions is my memory of a home in which love was supreme, in which I cannot recall ever a cross word having passed between father and mother. We all owe such a blessing to our children.

David O. McKay

Sayings About Love And Home #89649
#41. I think people who come into my home feel comfortable and welcome and loved. And the biggest thing in my living room (the fireplace) is in and of itself an expression of love.

Julia Roberts

Sayings About Love And Home #91910
#42. Home cooking is the true embodiment of love. It makes us show patience, kindness, humility, hope, and perseverance.

Agus Ekanurdi

Sayings About Love And Home #93802
#43. When love takes you by the hand and leaves you better, that is home. That's the place to stake your claim and build your life.

Philip Gulley

Sayings About Love And Home #94661
#44. To picture him, sitting at his desk at home, scribbling away with a pen and paper, endears him to me so completely. It gives me shivers. Currents of electricity from my scalp down to my toes.

Jenny Han

Sayings About Love And Home #96138
#45. That's great," Katie said. "Actually, it's revolutionary. If you can work and be in love at the same time, you're the first woman I ever knew that could. Maybe you're the missing link, Amanda."
Maybe you ought to get a job for the 'Ladies Home Journal.' They like simplistic shit like that.

Ellen Gilchrist

Sayings About Love And Home #98953
#46. I love so much what I do that I spend so much time thinking about it, and then I go home, and then I'm thinking about it, so it's nice sometimes when a movie is over, and then the niggling feelings about whether you've did it right or not start to ebb away.

Joel Edgerton

Sayings About Love And Home #100012
#47. Nashville is my home, and the reason why I get to do what I love.

Taylor Swift

Sayings About Love And Home #103769
#48. One of the things I love most about being at home is that I'm comfortable there. And since we are the home of Christ, we need to make sure He's comfortable in us.

Joyce Meyer

Sayings About Love And Home #105156
#49. And I'll know that this is what you live for - to hear someone say. "Let's go home," to hear someone you love call your name.

Leah Stewart

Sayings About Love And Home #106634
#50. I hate myself that I wasn't there for him. I hate that I could not feel it in him. How could I not know what had happened? How could I not hear it in his voice, his comments, or in his demeanor? He needed my help, and I couldn't feel it.

Melissa Seligman

Sayings About Love And Home #110157
#51. Part of why I love New York so deeply is exactly this elusiveness. This refusal to be caught is what allows it to carry such fantasy, mystery and myth, yet also be home. It is simultaneously no one's city and everyone's city.

Becky Cooper

Sayings About Love And Home #111204
#52. Canberra was my home for many years, and there's a lot to love about it. It has a small population with a strong sense of community and is top-heavy with interesting, highly educated, socially progressive people - the opposite of the stereotypical image of dull public servants.

Judy Horacek

Sayings About Love And Home #114004
#53. My mother was a stay-at-home mom until I was about 11, when she got a job - and it was like a light came on inside her. It's not wrong to be passionate about your career. When you love what you do, you bring that stimulation back to your family.

Allison Pearson

Sayings About Love And Home #114469
#54. It's lovely to be going home and know it's home. I love green gables already, and I've never loved any place before. Oh, Marilla, I'm so happy.

L.M. Montgomery

Sayings About Love And Home #114712
#55. I knew you were the one when I realized your smile was my heaven, your laugh my favorite song, and your arms my home.

Steve Maraboli

Sayings About Love And Home #114900
#56. Acting, films, scripts, is literally the only thing I'm 100 percent confident in. I know what I'm doing. I just understand it, and I love it. When I'm on set, that's when I feel the most at home and in control.

Jennifer Lawrence

Sayings About Love And Home #115865
#57. That's life for you," said MacDunn. "Someone always waiting for someone who never comes home. Always someone loving some thing more than that thing loves them. And after a while you want to destroy whatever that thing is, so it can't hurt you no more.

Ray Bradbury

Sayings About Love And Home #116638
#58. I am indebted to my wife Coretta, without whose love, sacrifices, and loyalty neither life nor work would bring fulfillment. She has given me words of consolation when I needed them and a well-ordered home where #Christian love is a reality.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Sayings About Love And Home #123413
#59. Ah! dearest love, sweet home of all my fears,
and hopes, and joys, and panting miseries,
Tonight if I may guess, thy beauty wears a smile of such delight,
As brilliant and as bright
As when with ravished, aching, nassal eyes,
Lost in a soft amaze
I gaze, I gaze

John Keats

Sayings About Love And Home #127040
#60. I am not a fairy godmother or anything of that sort, but I hope to give you a happy home and a good education, and to send you out into the world true, brave, generous men, prepared to serve God truly all the days of your life."
~Aunt Persis

Constance Savery

Sayings About Love And Home #127440
#61. I love my home, spend as much time in London as I can, and try wherever possible to avoid travelling for work. Sometimes I think I'm really badly equipped to be an actress.

Romola Garai

Sayings About Love And Home #133933
#62. I opened my mouth and kissed you then, the first time all night, attacked you and surrendered completely, and let's get out of here. I'm ready, I'm finished, let's not break up, no, no. Take me home, my boyfriend, my love.

Daniel Handler

Sayings About Love And Home #134170
#63. I'm lively when I perform and I always put everything into a show, but when I get home I love lying down in front of the TV and relaxing.

John Barrowman

Sayings About Love And Home #136898
#64. Despite all of the social advances in women's rights and the push for gender equality in the workplace, it seems like modern men still want a woman that they can take care of at home.

Shannon Mullen

Sayings About Love And Home #139739
#65. You go home happy, you go to work happy, you make a better project because everybody loves it and loves each other.

Aldis Hodge

Sayings About Love And Home #141002
#66. I love the smell of skunks. Driving down a back road and you smell a skunk that's sprayed or been hit. I love that. It reminds me of home.

Dustin Lynch

Sayings About Love And Home #142223
#67. I got to tell you, that if it weren't for that harmonica music, i might of just packed up and gone home, but it made me feel so good, I can hardly describe it. Sort of like my whole body is the harmonica and the music give me goosebumps when I play it.

Winston Groom

Sayings About Love And Home #143749
#68. We can finish a house, but never a home. Once you fall in love with a house, you find continual pleasures in fixing it up and making innovations that satisfy your creature's comforts.

Alexandra Stoddard

Sayings About Love And Home #146831
#69. I believe in the fireside. I believe in the democracy of home. I believe in the republicanism of the family. I believe in liberty, equality and love.

Robert G. Ingersoll

Sayings About Love And Home #146963
#70. The field of quantum possibility, in which love has opened doors otherwise unimaginable, is our soul's true habitat. The world of fear and limitation is not our home, and who among us is not profoundly weary of hanging out where we do not belong.

Marianne Williamson

Sayings About Love And Home #148815
#71. I believe our concept of romantic love is irrational, impossible to fulfill and the cause of many broken homes. No human being can maintain that rarefied atmosphere of 'true love'.

Rita Mae Brown

Sayings About Love And Home #151329
#72. A loving mother makes sacrifices for peace and laughter to reign in her home and family.

Jaachynma N.E. Agu

Sayings About Love And Home #153725
#73. I explained to the lady my love for John and his work, and she made it possible for me to purchase one of the 24 proofs, the one for 'I'm So Tired,' which I have on my piano at home.

Arthur Godfrey

Sayings About Love And Home #154868
#74. Yes, red-to give warmth to that milk-white skin and those shining gray-green eyes of yours. Golden hair wouldn't suit you at all Queen Anne-My Queen Anne-queen of my heart and life and home.

L.M. Montgomery

Sayings About Love And Home #158745
#75. Some of you are sitting at home saying, 'I don't need a church to love God,' and I am here telling you that you are so wrong.

Francis Chan

Sayings About Love And Home #160334
#76. Honestly, I'd love to say I live this amazing Hollywood lifestyle, but actually, I'm at home with my same friends and cooking. I crochet, I do watercolor. I think what surprised me the most is that that isn't the lifestyle everyone necessarily lives.

Yael Grobglas

Sayings About Love And Home #161321
#77. We love our planet Earth. We should - it is our home, and there's no place like home. There can't ever be a better place than Earth.

Dimitar Sasselov

Sayings About Love And Home #163283
#78. 'E.T.' was a healing movie; it was a heart movie. It was all about getting about getting home and love.

Dee Wallace

Sayings About Love And Home #163428
#79. Snowboarding's tough, because you've got to go to the mountains. For me, I love the skateboard season because I get to hangout at home and still be skating. I don't have to travel to Norway or Japan or these crazy places to be snowboarding.

Shaun White

Sayings About Love And Home #164374
#80. Because of my parents' love of democracy, we came to America after being driven twice from our home in Czechoslovakia - first by Hitler and then by Stalin.

Madeleine Albright

Sayings About Love And Home #167100
#81. I was perfectly content before I was born, and I think of death as the same state. What I am grateful for is the gift of intelligence, and for life, love, wonder, and laughter. You can't say it wasn't interesting. My lifetime's memories are what I have brought home from the trip.

Roger Ebert

Sayings About Love And Home #167838
#82. I have time only for cricket, and when I am not playing, I love to be at home, chat with my family, do puja with them, call for some yummy paani puri, etc. Also I love to cook. I can make dal, sabji and chicken! But, at home everybody's a vegetarian, so I can't cook non-veg at home!

Suresh Raina

Sayings About Love And Home #169599
#83. Today, the need to avoid confusing marriage with other types of unions based on weak love is especially urgent. It is only the rock of total, irrevocable love between a man and a woman that can serve as the foundation on which to build a society that will become a home for all mankind.

Pope Benedict XVI

Sayings About Love And Home #171637
#84. I know this is going to sound corny, but I love my life. I love my baby, so I love getting to wake up with him. And I have the most amazing job, with writing that any actor would love and costars who I can't wait to see on Monday mornings. And I love coming home to my husband.

Julianna Margulies

Sayings About Love And Home #172531
#85. Money isn't the only measure of making a house a home.

M. Judeth Nelson

Sayings About Love And Home #173282
#86. I thought I'd love to be a gardener because I grew up with a vegetable garden and I love being close to the Earth and growing things. At my home in L.A., I have a great garden and I grow all kinds of things. I even have a worm farm! The worms help create organic compost out of kitchen scraps.

Curtis Stone

Sayings About Love And Home #179085
#87. A baby is a small member of the home that makes love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, the bank roll smaller, the home happier, the clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for. - Laurens van der Post and Jane Taylor

David Jeremiah

Sayings About Love And Home #182659
#88. I love that after a day when nothing is sure, and when I say 'nothing' I mean nothing, you can come home and absolutely know that if you add egg yolks to chocolate and sugar and milk, it will get thick. It's such a comfort.

Julie Powell

Sayings About Love And Home #183640
#89. I am British. I love Britain for all its faults and all its virtues. My husband is American and I am largely based in Los Angeles, but whenever someone asks me where home is, I automatically say 'London.'

Helen Mirren

Sayings About Love And Home #183894
#90. Was that pity? I think it was. No wonder, I even pity myself. Will the pity make her love me? Make her take me home with her and look after me like the plant? Fucking bastard smug plant.

Rhona Cameron

Sayings About Love And Home #184185
#91. When I come home, I need to feel instantly disconnected. In the rest of my life, I feel overstimulated. Here, I want things to be serene and unfussy, full of objects I love - but not too many of them.

Nina Garcia

Sayings About Love And Home #193090
#92. Sure, theater is tough because you're not home at night a lot and you work on weekends - every job has its downside. But to do something that you love doing for two hours a night, that's a pretty sweet gig.

Robert Sean Leonard

Sayings About Love And Home #193857
#93. I am almost always, when I'm at home in the evening after work, in a silk bathrobe I got from India. Like, I never take off this bathrobe. I have a series of Indian silk bathrobes that I love, and that's what I rock all the time.

Ivanka Trump

Sayings About Love And Home #194564
#94. There have been a few little films I'd done like that that the studio just decided not to do much with, films like Anywhere but Here [1999] or Jeff, Who Lives at Home [2012]. Thank God people find them later and love them. I'm always really drawn to people who have seen these strange little films.

Susan Sarandon

Sayings About Love And Home #195431
#95. I like to see a home like this, a home connected with people's thoughts and work, things they love.

Dewitt Bodeen

Sayings About Love And Home #196391
#96. It is music that welds spiritual and sensual, that can convey ecstasy free of guilt, faith without dogma, love as homage, and a person at home with nature and the infinite.

Yehudi Menuhin

Sayings About Love And Home #198721
#97. In the first decade of my life, I came to know and love God, as I was raised in a Christian home and community.

Chely Wright

Sayings About Love And Home #198860
#98. He hugs me and I'm home.
He kisses me and I'm never alone.

David Estes

Sayings About Love And Home #201064
#99. When Mother Teresa received the Nobel Prize, she was asked, "What can we do to promote world peace?" She answered "Go home and love your family.

Mother Teresa

Sayings About Love And Home #204044
#100. There is a deep truth in being at home enough with someone to kiss them while your lips are dry. And happiness may not be the greatest of things to hear, but it should be.

Mikl Paul

Sayings About Love And Home #209387

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