Top 6 Sawcy Quotes

#1. Sawcy, and ouer-bold, how did you dare
To Trade, and Trafficke with Macbeth,
In Riddles, and Affaires of death;
And I the Mistris of your Charmes,
The close contriuer of all harmes,
Was neuer call'd to beare my part,
Or shew the glory of our Art?

William Shakespeare

Sawcy Quotes #509492
#2. To insist that I am not forgiven is a kind of inverse arrogance.

Lawrence Fagg

Sawcy Quotes #340303
#3. You are a woman: you must never speak what you think; your words must contradict your thoughts, but your actions may contradict your words.

William Congreve

Sawcy Quotes #479029
#4. November, if your heart was mine it would never break.

Andrea Randall

Sawcy Quotes #742613
#5. I am in Rome! Oft as the morning ray Visits these eyes, waking at once I cry, Whence this excess of joy? What has befallen me? And from within a thrilling voice replies, Thou art in Rome! A thousand busy thoughts Rush on my mind, a thousand images; And I spring up as girt to run a race!

Samuel Rogers

Sawcy Quotes #1520748
#6. I was quite excited, but I was sure I wouldn't win the race. I am a realist.

Jean Alesi

Sawcy Quotes #1611948

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