Top 7 Satine Kryze Quotes

#1. Possibly the apparent relapse they had suffered was not a fall and a cause for suffering, but a leap forward and a positive act.

Hermann Hesse

Satine Kryze Quotes #156532
#2. Magic realism - somebody used that phrase the other day that is familiar with South American literature. That rang a bell. It resonates with me.

Sam Neill

Satine Kryze Quotes #318094
#3. Don't rely on men but don't shun them either.

Jennifer Aniston

Satine Kryze Quotes #1288307
#4. ... and he wasn't reconciled to dying. Dora told him he was going to a better world. "Mebbe, mebbe," says poor Ben, "but I'm sorter used to the imperfections of this one.

L.M. Montgomery

Satine Kryze Quotes #1288938
#5. Be at war with men's vices, at peace with themselves.

Publilius Syrus

Satine Kryze Quotes #1313575
#6. People don't know when they are happy. They're never so unhappy as they think they are.

Marcel Proust

Satine Kryze Quotes #1498359
#7. People want to imagine I spend every night going to premieres and putting on frocks and getting into limos, and yet I do that maybe twice a year, if that.

Rachel Weisz

Satine Kryze Quotes #1612448

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