Top 14 Sapphic Quotes

#1. I think even if you're on a screen or you're in a play, it's always a group effort. It's not just the actors, it's the editor.

Stockard Channing

Sapphic Quotes #186450
#2. whoever finds me finds life, And obtains favor from the Lord; But those who miss me injure themselves; All who hate me love death.

Bart D. Ehrman

Sapphic Quotes #378320
#3. Even unpleasant bastards like us deserve company.' He smirked. 'That's a quote from my wife, by the way.

Becky Chambers

Sapphic Quotes #615373
#4. I used to play in the subway. If everyone tossed in a quarter, at the end of the day it would add up. It shows you aren't invisible. And it's better than being ignored, or kicked in the head, or worse.

Nellie McKay

Sapphic Quotes #629214
#5. Love is like a ghost, where many people heard of it and just few of them see it.

Zybejta "Beta" Metani' Marashi

Sapphic Quotes #713097
#6. Only when we have a respect for time will we have learned something of the art of living.

Jacqueline Winspear

Sapphic Quotes #859030
#7. Music for me is this thing that's sort of saved my life over the course of my whole life, whether it be writing songs or listening to other people's stuff.

Matt Nathanson

Sapphic Quotes #1062803
#8. I suppose that one is always tempted to challenge those who think that they and they alone possess the truth or the way or the key to the mystery.

Gore Vidal

Sapphic Quotes #1148813
#9. You know, Mimosa," Nadia says, the name beautiful in her mouth as it's never been in anyone else's, "I think we'll manage," and then she kisses her like she means it; like solid proof; like, finally, coming home.

Kady Morrison

Sapphic Quotes #1160443
#10. There are many elements to a campaign. Leadership is number one. Everything else is number two.

Bertolt Brecht

Sapphic Quotes #1164260
#11. A single twist of white-blonde hair blew across her face and stuck to her half-frozen lips. When she noticed me, the edges of her eyes crinkled as though she were smiling, as if she had been waiting.

Julia Ember

Sapphic Quotes #1242541
#12. The most common phrase bandied about these days is 'Oh my God'. People say it automatically all the time - not realising that that's a form of prayer.


Sapphic Quotes #1495765
#13. To avoid the pain of loss, give up attachment.

Debasish Mridha

Sapphic Quotes #1496347
#14. You will know the person who was meant to be in your life by how they make you feel spiritually. If they live in such a way that inspires you to become better then you have found someone you can evolve with vs. raise.

Shannon L. Alder

Sapphic Quotes #1846141

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