Top 6 Saille Healing Quotes

#1. In leadership there are always problems to be solved and tensions to be managed. When you try to solve a tension, you create a problem.

Andy Stanley

Saille Healing Quotes #375981
#2. Tension is the Mirror of our Past.


Saille Healing Quotes #510326
#3. There's a Chinese proverb that says it all: Painting is an old man's art.

David Hockney

Saille Healing Quotes #592729
#4. You can't touch the rain behind the windows! You can't touch the life behind the cowardice because cowardice is the greatest obstacle between you and the life!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Saille Healing Quotes #703164
#5. I do not think about being beautiful. What I devote most of my time to is being healthy.

Ann Bancroft

Saille Healing Quotes #1068561
#6. When a man's life becomes poetry, becomes a song, becomes a work of art, a creativity, he has become a sannyasin. Whether he knows it or not, it does not matter. The word 'sannyas' does not matter; what matters is the content.


Saille Healing Quotes #1465130

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