Top 8 Ruminative Synonyms Quotes

#1. There are happy blues, sad blues, lonesome blues, red-hot blues, mad blues, and loving blues. Blues is a testimony to the fullness of life.

Corey Harris

Ruminative Synonyms Quotes #69339
#2. I'm only 49 years old. I'm still in the middle of this whole thing. I don't feel like it's finished at all. I'm still planning to write better songs.

Paul McCartney

Ruminative Synonyms Quotes #136156
#3. I still believe that standing up for the truth of God is the greatest thing in the world. This is the end (purpose) of life. The end of life is not to be happy. The end of life is not to achieve pleasure and avoid pain. The end of life is to do the will of God, come what may.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Ruminative Synonyms Quotes #342125
#4. See, lady, that's what happens to snow in Texas. It- freaking- melts.

Rick Riordan

Ruminative Synonyms Quotes #724910
#5. The only answer to "Are you Beatles or Stones?" is, "I'm both."

William Monahan

Ruminative Synonyms Quotes #808930
#6. A few moments later Marcus was a member of a fairly exclusive club. He had no idea how many people had been firsthand witnesses to not one but two lion attacks, but he thought that the number would be very, very small. Gangsta, baby, he thought, and wet himself.

Scott Hawkins

Ruminative Synonyms Quotes #820071
#7. Merseyside derbies usually last 90 minutes and I'm sure today's won't be any different.

Trevor Brooking

Ruminative Synonyms Quotes #1154432
#8. At the time of his death, John Kennedy had a national security establishment that was a writhing ball of snakes.

Charlie Pierce

Ruminative Synonyms Quotes #1273771

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