Top 100 Rubin Quotes
#1. It was Rick's Rubin idea to have the 'Brooklyn' verse repeat. It already was a story, but having that made it a folk song. Instead of this rambling march of verses, Rick understands that music needs hooks. You need that repeated chorus, that everyone can sing along to.
Scott Avett
#2. It was only then that I realized that poor Ms. Rubin's blouse and skirt were completely covered in my blood.
R.J. Palacio
#4. Rick Rubin is super intriguing to me because he has become this god producer in completely drastically different genres, which very few people have done.
Ryan Lewis
#5. Rick Rubin's undulating face hair is just as famous as his body of work. In homage to the yogis he read about as a boy on Long Island, Rubin hasn't shaved since he was 23. It's long been his registered trademark.
Stephen Rodrick
#6. From the outside, Rick Rubin's house above Zuma Beach is a generic millionaire beach home. There's a rarely used tennis court and a circular drive.
Stephen Rodrick
#7. Some people are more certain of everything than I am of anything. - ROBERT RUBIN,
Susan Cain
#8. If you're working with a producer like Rick Rubin or whatever, you sing each line probably 30 different ways. Each time they're like, "Can you try it this way, can you try it that way?" That's each line in the song, for each song.
Glenn Danzig
#9. Throughout his remarkable business and government career, Robert Rubin, now 65, has both worked exhaustively at reaching well-founded conclusions and rejected the idea that anything - and he means anything - can be a 'provable certainty.'
Carol Loomis
#10. I was working at this club in downtown L.A. from four to eight at night, just Eddie Rubin, the drummer, and I.
Johnny Rivers
#11. I am not saying Rubin Carter was guilty. I am saying he was very likely guilty.
Gene Weingarten
#12. Educators committed to engaging in the long-term, often difficult work of strengthening their relationships with colleagues, students and parents and expanding their opportunities for personal growth will find Nonviolent Communication to be an invaluable tool.
Ron Rubin
#13. One of the findings that really interests me is that, although we think we ACT because of the way we FEEL, we often FEEL because of the way we ACT. So an almost uncanny way to change your feelings is to act the way you WISH you felt.
Gretchen Rubin
#14. Extroversion: response to reward Neuroticism: response to threat Conscientiousness: response to inhibition (self-control, planning) Agreeableness: regard for others Openness to experience: breadth of mental associations
Gretchen Rubin
#17. When a man dies, his death dies with him.
Marty Rubin
#19. Never doubt! Never despair! Many will love you, if you let them.
Marty Rubin
#20. Freedom is the kite's response to the wind.
Marty Rubin
#21. What we say about ourselves is always a form of fiction.
Marty Rubin
#22. Whatever else we may say about sex, it is at least as much a social and psychological phenomenon as it is a biological one.
Lillian B. Rubin
#24. Philosophers tell you what they think. Artists show you.
Marty Rubin
#26. To go to any extreme is to limit oneself.
Marty Rubin
#27. Often, the more reliably you perform a task, the less likely it is for someone to notice that you're doing it and to feel grateful and to feel any impulse to help or to take a turn.
Gretchen Rubin
#28. I agree with what the Chairman Greenspan said whatever it is that he did say.
Robert Rubin
#29. The skies give no warning when they fall.
Marty Rubin
#30. The only truths that last are the truths of the heart.
Marty Rubin
#33. Hell is the place for people who did not live their lives according to the best of what was in them.
Harriet Rubin
#34. If perception were reality, bats could fly through cave walls.
Marty Rubin
#35. Dead ends are where the real thinking begins.
Marty Rubin
#36. Believe only in the thing that actually happens.
Marty Rubin
#37. It's hard to disappoint me. Anything is fine.
Marty Rubin
#38. Even if you're just shouting into a void, self-expression is a healing thing.
Marty Rubin
#39. A heart that can break is better than no heart at all.
Marty Rubin
#40. Self-deception fools all of the people all of the time.
Marty Rubin
#41. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail, but every day is a clean slate and a fresh opportunity
Gretchen Rubin
#42. Happiness is what matters, feeling alive-not art or knowledge or money.
Marty Rubin
#43. American youth is looking for a reason to die.
Jerry Rubin
#44. For those who have lived on the edge of poverty all their lives, the semblance of poverty affected by the affluent is both incomprehensible and insulting.
Lillian B. Rubin
#45. The pieces of a puzzle aren't together or apart.
Marty Rubin
#46. Children crawl before they walk, walk before they run
each generally a precondition for the other. And with each step they take toward more independence, more mastery of the environment, their mothers take a step away
each a small separation, a small distancing.
Lillian B. Rubin
#48. Morality is the clipping of a bird's wings.
Marty Rubin
#49. Things put in the wrong place have found a new place.
Marty Rubin
#51. As Michel de Montaigne observed, "The least strained and most natural ways of the soul are the most beautiful; the best occupations are the least forced."
p 233
Gretchen Rubin
#52. Tears are our first language and our last.
Marty Rubin
#53. Once the habit is in place, we can effortlessly do the things we want to do.
Gretchen Rubin
#54. All clocks break, and what breaks them is Time.
Marty Rubin
#55. Adam named every creature in the garden. And we've been paying for his presumption ever since.
Marty Rubin
#56. Poetry can change hearts but not the politician's heart.
Marty Rubin
#57. Travel doesn't become adventure until you leave yourself behind.
Marty Rubin
#58. At some point, we all have to decide how we are going to fail: by not going far enough, or by going too far. The only alternative for the most successful (maybe even the most fulfilled) people is the latter.
Harriet Rubin
#59. The new is a guest in the house of the old.
Marty Rubin
#61. The imperfect book that gets published is better than the perfect book that never leaves my computer.
Gretchen Rubin
#62. You don't love someone because it's the logical thing to do.
Marty Rubin
#63. Acting silly is one of the primal pleasures.
Marty Rubin
#64. I prefer to drift rather than steer toward some known shore.
Marty Rubin
#66. No one plants rosebushes for the thorns.
Marty Rubin
#67. I've learned to put great store in my own observations of everyday life, because while laboratory experiments are one way to study human nature, they aren't the only way.
Gretchen Rubin
#68. I'd always vaguely expected to outgrown my limitations.
Gretchen Rubin
#69. What perversity of mind made suffering a virtue and pleasure a sin?
Marty Rubin
#70. I've seen a man die and a bird die and there was no difference.
Marty Rubin
#71. The landscape looks different from every blade of grass.
Marty Rubin
#72. You can always count on God to do nothing.
Marty Rubin
#73. The artist's duty is to defend the exceptional: the imagination.
Marty Rubin
#74. The real measure of success is how one feels about being alive.
Marty Rubin
#75. When a head and a wall collide it's never the wall that breaks.
Marty Rubin
#76. It was my interest in happiness that led me to the subject of habits, and of course, the study of habits is really the study of happiness. Habits are the invisible architecture of everyday life, and a significant element of happiness.
Gretchen Rubin
#77. What good is being a math genius if your life doesn't add up?
Marty Rubin
#78. There is a preppy wabi-sabi to soft, faded khakis and cotton shirts, but it's not nice to be surrounded by things that are worn out or stained or used up.
Gretchen Rubin
#79. Working is one of the most dangerous forms of procrastination.
Gretchen Rubin
#80. Never confuse a hunger for knowledge with a thirst for truth.
Marty Rubin
#81. After one has read everything and thought everything, one still have everything to learn.
Marty Rubin
#82. Delight in your body, in your sensuality. Don't be ashamed of it.
Marty Rubin
#83. The log on the fire: is it dreaming of the forest?
Marty Rubin
#84. Luck is everything in love, though we hate to admit it.
Marty Rubin
#86. The power to define the situation is the ultimate power.
Jerry Rubin
#87. Love unconditionally, but rely only on yourself.
Marty Rubin
#88. The artist is always dancing with death.
Marty Rubin
#89. We always need new ideas to free us from the old ones.
Marty Rubin
#90. Politics: private interests masquerading as public concerns.
Marty Rubin
#91. Death kills us once; worry kills us every day.
Marty Rubin
#92. I sat on that crowded bus, I grasped two things: I wasn't as happy as I could be, and my life wasn't going to change unless I made it change. In that single moment, with that realization, I decided to dedicate a year to trying to be happier.
Gretchen Rubin
#93. If you don't love the sea, the sun, all the simple pleasures, what sort of life are you going to have?
Marty Rubin
#94. Happiness isn't something one finds, it's something one creates.
Marty Rubin
#95. Bitterness only consumes the vessel that contains it.
Rubin Carter
#96. The weaker the will, the stronger the faith.
Marty Rubin
#98. The game of love is complicated, but love is not complicated.
Marty Rubin
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