Top 11 Romiley Golf Quotes

#1. Self-righteousness is always self-condemnatory. And self-righteousness is the preserve of the moralist.

Timothy Keller

Romiley Golf Quotes #37015
#2. It's Okay," he answered and smiled ironically. "I should be grateful to the knife that's curing me for being so sharp.

Igor Eliseev

Romiley Golf Quotes #87464
#3. The most worthwhile things in life rarely come easy, this is a lesson I've always known. The journey continues.

Michael Sam

Romiley Golf Quotes #182356
#4. As a self-employed person, the idea of a break is completely foreign to me. If I completely switch off for any period of time, I know I'm going to pay for it several times over. For me, it's a lot better and easier to stay in touch and know what's going on seven days a week than to switch off.

Stelios Haji-Ioannou

Romiley Golf Quotes #518250
#5. I was born into an Irish Catholic family in the New York area in this great, wonderful, and safe country, but the Holocaust has always haunted me, and it has long stood as a stumbling block to faith. How could such a thing be? How is that consistent with the concept of a loving God?

James Comey

Romiley Golf Quotes #579100
#6. Even when you're at the top, there's always something higher,

Keigo Higashino

Romiley Golf Quotes #583683
#7. Sports was my entire life as long as I can remember.

Theo Rossi

Romiley Golf Quotes #798185
#8. If I am really a part of your dream, you'll come back one day.

Paulo Coelho

Romiley Golf Quotes #819473
#9. You'll get to the end of your life anyway-- why not reach that place as an extraordinary human being?

Robin S. Sharma

Romiley Golf Quotes #995961
#10. Abraham Lincoln would maintain that he had never been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry.

Doris Kearns Goodwin

Romiley Golf Quotes #1019173
#11. I've never been passionate about just music, I've never seen myself going into music in that sense. My love for music has always been connected to the stories told through music, which is why I was drawn to theater and why I think 'Glee' is so powerful.

Grant Gustin

Romiley Golf Quotes #1047349

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