Top 9 Rome Note Quotes

#1. She'd shown her that living a life of silence and regret wasn't really living at all,

Lana Hart

Rome Note Quotes #127225
#2. One escapes; but one always has to come back. I found too I disliked not being in command of myself.

Dorothy Dunnett

Rome Note Quotes #448851
#3. Everyone thinks they know better. Everyone.

Patrick Ness

Rome Note Quotes #458884
#4. Everything the working class has been told to do, the rich do not do. That is my message.

Robert Kiyosaki

Rome Note Quotes #468662
#5. Don't just follow your dreams; chase them down, grab hold and don't let go.

Kellie Elmore

Rome Note Quotes #729634
#6. Not to say that you shouldn't strive for success, but don't forget why you're doing it. It's not just for adoration.

Adrian Grenier

Rome Note Quotes #777966
#7. The past is what the past is.

Richard Sherman

Rome Note Quotes #862724
#8. Because the only way anyone will ever be okay with me is if they love me. Really love me enough to not care that I'm damaged.

Katie McGarry

Rome Note Quotes #1394242
#9. It is a fact worthy of note that the shortest lived nations of which we have record have been monogamic. Rome ... was a monogamic nation and the numerous evils attending that system early laid the foundation for that ruin which eventually overtook her.

George Q. Cannon

Rome Note Quotes #1686296

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