Top 100 Robyn Schneider Quotes

#1. I had a massive bed at home, and I loved her dearly. She was my queen, and I was her loyal subject.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #662939
#2. We're like a positively charged molecule, the rate we're attracting tragedy.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #849402
#3. That's all you can do in this world, no matter how strong the current beats against you, or how heavy your burden, or how tragic your love story. You keep going.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #844179
#4. And I realized that there's a big difference between deciding to leave and knowing where to go.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #821548
#5. I thought about the metal in my knee, replacing this piece of me that was missing, that no longer worked. And it wasn't my heart, I kept telling myself. It wasn't my heart.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #771714
#6. By the time I packed up, I wondered if I'd really been looking for Cassidy after all, or if I'd been hoping to find myself.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #764848
#7. One thing I've realized about new places is that they're like jeans. Sure, they might fit in, but they're not comfortable. They need time to be broken in

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #758925
#8. Oscar Wilde once said that to live is the rarest thing in the world, because most people just exist, and that's all. I don't know if he's right, but I do know that I spend a long time existing, and now, I intend to live.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #740154
#9. So," I said as Cassidy and I headed toward Mr. Moreno's room, "I didn't see any secret messages last night."
"I didn't want to be predictable," Cassidy retorted. "But at least now I know you're paying attention.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #738778
#10. Omigod, I'm so bored I could shoot myself in the head with a knife.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #723513
#11. I don't see the point in caffeine without coffee. Or coffee without caffeine, for that matter, I informed him.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #723072
#12. I'm not permitted to explain the rules of the game. Nor to acknowledge whether or not we're playing one.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #705747
#13. You have this maddening little smile sometimes, like you've just thought of something incredibly witty but are afraid to say it in case no one gets the joke.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #698330
#14. But second chances aren't forever Even miracles have an expiration date.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #857268
#15. This was one of the last weekends before we'd be the seniors, and I was thinking about what that meant. About how these rituals of prom, the luau, and graduation that we'd watched for years were suddenly personal.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #661755
#16. Being temporary doesn't make something matter any less, because the point isn't for how long, the point is that it happened.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #656333
#17. I read once that we're all just dead stars looking back up to the sky, because everything we're made of, even the hemoglobin in our blood, comes from the moment before a star dies.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #638413
#18. History is filled with fictional people.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #617998
#19. Because the way I figure it, everyone gets a tragedy.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #591700
#20. But I didn't care, because the magnificent possibility of kissing Cassidy Thorpe had turned into an indisputable fact of my daily existence ...

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #575627
#21. Sorry,' I apologized, realizing she was the sort of girl who got upset when someone used an unfamiliar word, rather than learning what it meant.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #574635
#22. You can always tell when it's Friday. There's an excitement specific to Fridays, coupled with relief that another week has passed

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #568161
#23. How could I have known, back then, that the white house across the park would belong to Cassidy Thorpe? That out of a row of nearly identical McMansions, there'd be one window in particular I searched out every night before bed, looking for secret messages?

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #563084
#24. The dead never listen when you want to tell them anything.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #551130
#25. So anyway, I'm sorry I was a dick.'
'It's fine,' I said.
'No, shut up, I'm atoning.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #543961
#26. I can't say I forgive her for refusing to indulge the perhapsness of what we might have been, but I understand why she chose to do it, and she never asked for my forgiveness.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #1027317
#27. Delete," he said. "I keep telling you." But I couldn't. Even though I wasn't sure what the point was anymore. No one kept in touch, they just kept up. And then, when they couldn't keep up anymore, they forgot. I

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #1202920
#28. There was no half-assing a descent into hell.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #1176400
#29. As far as I know, scientists have yet to discover the proper reaction to I'm sorry.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #1153935
#30. Art is pain. And so is life.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #1119993
#31. Cassidy sat down next to me, her dress teasing me as it fluttered in the breeze.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #1098226
#32. But we had plenty of time for youthful indecision, both apart and together, for limping into the future past the unforgettable ash heaps of our histories.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #1095969
#33. You forgot how to be awesome because you were too busy being cool

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #1089802
#34. I read somewhere that the hair and fingernails on dead bodies don't actually grow, it just looks like they do because the skin contracts as the body dries out. So it's possible to lie even in death, to deceive people from beyond the

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #1074487
#35. If you like nerds, raise your hand. If you don't, raise your standards.

Violet Haberdasher

Robyn Schneider Quotes #1071937
#36. The world tends toward chaos, you know, Cassidy said. You could too. Just write down a made up name, or even a fictional character. And the next person who finds this geocache, it's as though things really hapened that way. You have to at least allow for the possibility of it.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #1061207
#37. I almost wished he'd debated Cassidy in her ridiculous Harry Potter costume, so she could've wiped the smirk off his muggle face.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #1056584
#38. We're two sides of the same tragic coin. It's like we were tied together before we even met.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #1030661
#39. A snowman in a town where it didn't snow, made by a boy who couldn't wait to leave, and given to a girl who had never belonged.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #529439
#40. Ain can't be taken away. It has to leave on its own. And I wasn't sure mine was the type of pain that wanted to go away.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #1015489
#41. And the thing about trying to cheat death is that, in the end, you still lose.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #998708
#42. The death of a relationship. At least I was dressed for the wake.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #994612
#43. You could roll the same side over and over again, the laws of the universe intact and unchanging with each turn. It's only when you consider the past that the odds change. That things become less and less likely." -Lane-

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #960059
#44. This is so humiliating," I muttered as Cassidy wiggled out of her bra. "Well, it brings new meaning to the phrase 'booby trap,'" she teased, and we both laughed, a situation made infinitely more interesting due to the fact that she was topless.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #946577
#45. Maybe I'd already guessed that the physics of us didn't defy any laws of gravity, and with her, there was always an equal and opposite reaction.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #943939
#46. Austin believes that winning or losing in binary is meaningless when there's a high score to beat.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #927062
#47. I'm going to be okay," Sadie promised as I left.
"I know you are," I said, except they were just empty hospital words, the kind that you wish were true becuase the alternative is too painful to bear.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #915369
#48. I wondered what things became when you no longer needed them, and I wondered what the future would hold once we'd gotten past our personal tragedies and proven them ultimately survivable. When

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #887501
#49. You can sound your barbaric yawp over the rooftops ... or suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune ... or seize the day ... or sail away from the safe harbor ... or seek a newer world ... or rage against the dying of the light,

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #877634
#50. Usually spending any amount of time with someone was a forcible reminder of how much I'd rather be alone.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #864217
#51. Ezra, you're being ridiculous. I'm over it. That's what girls do; they get angry, and then they get over it. Haven't you ever been friends with a girl before?

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #170170
#52. She was achingly effortless, and she would never, in a million years, choose me.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #294262
#53. Just once I want someone to be afraid of losing me," Phoebe said. "But the only thing Luke's afraid of losing is power.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #284442
#54. For a moment, I wondered if I should just tell her that she was a selfish, reckless girl who thought the world owed her something simply because she was pretty, and that I didn't want to be around when she discovered it didn't.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #268009
#55. You're better off without me.
And I don't want to be around when you realize it.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #265930
#56. Come on, Cooper, we're going. Cassidy doesn't want to talk to us right now because she's mad I figured out why we broke up.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #259765
#57. I just hadn't wanted to admit it, because admitting it meant acknowledging the possibility that the odds might be in my favor. And that possibility was terrifying.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #250356
#58. Austin was engrossed in some mobile gaming device. "No, no, bad portal," he scolded, totally oblivious to the world. "Stop - evil - eurgh! Suck my flagellated balls, douchenozzle!

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #223818
#59. And so she ghosted on, in relentless pursuit of escape, not from society, but from herself.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #211235
#60. Still here, Faulkner?" Luke sneered.
"Still doing that terrible impression of Draco Malfoy?" I asked.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #211184
#61. Why do they even call it that, "saving yourself"? Like we need to be rescued from sex? It's not like virgins spend their whole lives engaged in the sacred ceremony of "being saved" from intercourse.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #199115
#62. I shook my head. "No, I mean Animal Farm. You know: 'Some animals are more equal than other animals.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #173845
#63. I knew what is was like to have people stare at you with pity. For everyone's gaze to follow you through the hallways as though you were marked by tragedy and no longer belonged. And I could understand why she hadn't wanted that.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #172905
#64. We're taking the road beyond the road less traveled, and being on time will make all difference.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #301289
#65. Where do you learn this stuff?" "Don't you ever get bored?" Cassidy asked. "Yeah, but I don't Google 'German insults.'" "Why not? It's fascinating.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #152510
#66. No one went looking for adventure; they chased it away.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #152006
#67. We'd been so good together once, and then we'd rotted, like some corpse with a delayed burial.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #150118
#68. I shrugged and waited for the doors to close before sliding my arm around her waist.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #148836
#69. It wasn't the life I'd wanted, but it was the life I had, and I was finally starting to accept that.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #129737
#70. Words could betray you if you chose the wrong ones, or mean less if you used too many. Jokes could be grandly miscalculated, or stories deemed boring, and I'd learned early on that my sense of humor and ideas about what sorts of things were fascinating didn't exactly overlap with my friends'.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #112386
#71. I mean, don't you want to be like everyone else?"
"Not particularly.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #105988
#72. It had hurt to accept what was wrong with me, but it hurt even more to have hope.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #81429
#73. Everything of who I was and who I wanted to be had been evicted to make room for this disease.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #78001
#74. But the thing was:although I might not have been dying,I wasn't really living,either

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #76157
#75. One thing I've noticed is that the only places people insist you relax are the least relaxing places on the planet.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #39352
#76. You'll never escape the panopticon thinking like that.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #436722
#77. I'm the one erased. Or I guess I'm not even that, because the thing about being erased is that first you have to leave a mark.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #524511
#78. I wondered what things what things became when you no longer needed them, and I wondered what the future would hold once we'd gotten past our personal tragedies and proven them ultimately survivable.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #511040
#79. The pause in conversation when you're about to introduce someone but you've forgotten their name. There's a word for it. In Scotland, it's called a tartle.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #510954
#80. The perfect soundtrack for my personal hell.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #507613
#81. I learned three things that night: 1) sharing a bed is't nearly as intimate as making out in a too-small back seat, 2) inexplicably, some bras unhook in the front, 3) Cassidy hadn't known I was Jewish.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #504442
#82. If everything really does get better, the way everyone claims, then happiness should be graphable. But that's crap, because better isn't quantifiable.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #503607
#83. You're the one who has to live with your choice. Everyone else will get over it, move on, no matter what you decide. But you never will.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #493311
#84. See, that's a coffee drinker's problem,' Marina said. 'Meanwhile, I'm perfectly fine with tea bags.'
'I love that there's such a rivalry,' said Charlie. 'It's like, leaf watt versus bean water, you know?

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #476691
#85. So where are we going?"
"Where we have no business being, other than the business of mischief and deception.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #476618
#86. The funny thing about gold is how quickly it can tarnish.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #455824
#87. But no, I had a test in Calculus. I flunked the test, badly. It was as though my brain didn't want to solve for the rate of acceleration ...

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #453687
#88. No matter how screwed up your life is today, today is just a collection of moments that stop and start whenever you want them to. And nothing upsetting matters when you know that tomorrow is gonna be better than yesterday

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #443583
#89. Ever wanted to make out in an elevator?" I asked, grinning.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #14343
#90. We mourn the future because it's easier than admitting that we're miserable in the present.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #434918
#91. We're living tragedies, just passing time 'til our funerals.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #431052
#92. I didn't want to kiss you good-bye - that was the trouble - I wanted to kiss you good night - and there's a lot of difference. - ERNEST HEMINGWAY Draw your chair up close to the edge of the precipice and I'll tell you a story. - F. SCOTT FITZGERALD

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #397365
#93. Fine! You guys can all be beautiful snowflakes! I'm gonna go over here and be an awkward snowflake!

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #363152
#94. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest in the nurse's office? I know it'd be a tight fit, but it would be sort of perfect.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #347674
#95. I suppose she didn't think anyone was looking and had let her guard down, the way you did in an empty room. The way I did when I closed the blinds and stared up at the ceiling fan above my bed, equally fascinated and horrified by the thoughts racing through my brain.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #340264
#96. Actually, I was trying to figure out if we were on a date, albeit one that had started at eight thirty in the morning.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #334156
#97. Dude," Austin said as we exited the freeway, "in fifty years, all of the old folks' homes are going to be filled with seniors listening to Justin Bieber on the oldies station and talking about how movies used to be in two-D.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #327685
#98. You really know how to pick 'em, don't you?" Toby joked. "I think I'm cursed.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #325125
#99. That's not to say we were totally innocent of any public displays of affection; there was some hand-holding and the occasional hurried good-bye kiss on even days, when we had different sixth periods.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #317187
#100. But that morning, standing at the window of my dorm roomas I buttoned my shirt, I felt like an entirely different person. It was as though someone had taken an eraser to my life and, instead of getting rid of the mess, had rubbed away all the parts that I'd wanted to keep.

Robyn Schneider

Robyn Schneider Quotes #303707

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