Top 35 Robert K Massie Quotes

#1. When I was eleven, my mother gave me Robert K. Massie's 'Nicholas and Alexandra.' It was the first 'grownup' book I read, and I loved it.

Kathryn Harrison

Robert K Massie Quotes #67199
#2. This marriage had resulted from impulse: he had seen her on a high-flying swing at Tsarkoe Selo and her skirt, flared by the breeze, had exposed her ankles; he had proposed the following day.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #1336860
#3. The boundaries became constrictive in what I was doing, and if my faith grew, it was because I pressed some of the boundaries in ways I hadn't felt comfortable or responsible doing that before.

Barbara Brown Taylor

Robert K Massie Quotes #984079
#4. Straying off course is not recognized as a capital crime by civilized nations.

Jeane Kirkpatrick

Robert K Massie Quotes #1000180
#5. One frequent visitor, an opera singer, often rang up Rasputin simply to sing to him his favorite songs over the telephone. Taking the telephone, Rasputin danced around the room, holding the earpiece to his ear. At the table, Rasputin stroked the arms and hair of the women sitting next to him.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #1019744
#6. That's precisely what my novel is about. It's called Demons, and it's a description of how these demons entered the herd of swine.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Robert K Massie Quotes #1020096
#7. It [retirement] was absolutely boring. You can't go and say, 'I'm retired now. That's it!' It won't take long and you're really gone for good and someone throws the last shovel of dirt on a coffin with your name on it. That's the moment you're really retiring - when you die.

Ozzy Osbourne

Robert K Massie Quotes #1058850
#8. One of the things that really bothers me is that Americans don't have any sense of history. The majority of Americans don't have any idea of where we've come from, so they naturally succumb to the kind of cliche version that Ronald Reagan represented.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #1118892
#9. We human beings often see only what is before our eyes. But God in His infinite justice searches the heart and our secret motives and manifests accordingly to us His mercy.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #1323662
#10. William tapped Nicholas on the shoulder and said, My advice to you is more speeches and more parades.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #811721
#11. There are all these things I want to do when I don't have to finish a book. But I have to keep writing because I keep having children.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #1350102
#12. Praise they that will times past, I joy to see My selfe now live: this age best pleaseth mee.

Robert Herrick

Robert K Massie Quotes #1386180
#13. There would be no Lenin without Rasputin.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #1439401
#14. My signature fragrance would be herbal - basil mixed with rosemary and coriander. Some big stars have got perfume lines that smell really bad. They've got it all wrong.

Valerie June

Robert K Massie Quotes #1572138
#15. With tears in her eyes, Alexandra assured him that the husband and father was infinitely more precious to her than the tsar whose throne she had shared. Nicholas finally broke. Laying his head on his wife's breast, he sobbed like a child.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #1588544
#16. Gregory Rasputin, his bloodstream filled with poison, his body punctured by bullets, had died by drowning.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #1619804
#17. Old witch passed on a few good things but they'll never counter all the evil she did.

Karen Marie Moning

Robert K Massie Quotes #1667649
#18. The cat does not negotiate with the mouse.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #1847420
#19. There was a long pause. "Um, I'm afraid I don't know the word in English."
"The word for what?"
"I just said I don't *know* it!

Scott Westerfeld

Robert K Massie Quotes #375253
#20. It was five, but it could have been six, seven or eight goals, in my opinion.

Robin Van Persie

Robert K Massie Quotes #23390
#21. In Russia everything is a secret, but there is no secrecy.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #45401
#22. The German leaders, said Winston Churchill, turned upon Russia the most grisly of all weapons. They transported Lenin in a sealed truck like a plague bacillus from Switzerland into Russia.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #107814
#23. Whenever I see that kind of story, where everybody agrees, I know there's something wrong.

Nat Hentoff

Robert K Massie Quotes #128782
#24. She (historian Barbara Tuchman) draws on skepticism, not cynicism, leaving the reader not so much outraged by human ability as amused and saddened by human folly.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #306941
#25. A healthy relationship is one in which love enriches you; not imprisons you.

Steve Maraboli

Robert K Massie Quotes #351466
#26. Alone knows what times we are living in when undisguised selfishness stifles all feelings of conscience, duty, or even ordinary decency.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #355948
#27. A child can do nothing in his weakness. A man can do much.'

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #361785
#28. For to tempt and to be tempted are things very nearly allied.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #821613
#29. She had dealt with her pregnancy by wrapping herself in dreams.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #494877
#30. She sent me a bottle with a liquid composed of lemon juice, egg white and French brandy. In a few days my sunburn disappeared and since then I have always used this mixture. One

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #565634
#31. The love of power and the power to attract love were not easy to reconcile.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #573524
#32. Later, concealment of pride in humility came to be recognized as a deliberate and useful tactic which Sophia - renamed Catherine - used when confronting crisis and danger. Threatened, she drew around herself a cloak of meekness, deference, and temporary submission.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #658783
#33. How you perceive yourself is how others will see you.

Paul Arden

Robert K Massie Quotes #660522
#34. Four of my children are daughters, and I've watched them devote themselves to reading books about how little girls learn to become women - how they learn to deal with boys and men, and the different hurdles females have to go over.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #731571
#35. I used to say to myself that happiness and misery depend on ourselves. If you feel unhappy, rise above it and act so that your happiness may be independent of all outside events.

Robert K. Massie

Robert K Massie Quotes #808129

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