Top 6 Rnase H Quotes

#1. RNase H is a specific RNase that will cleave the RNA of a DNA/RNA duplex.

Carol W. Greider

Rnase H Quotes #1744098
#2. When you tell people you're in history, they give you this pained expression because that was the course they hated in high school. But history can be exciting, intellectually rigorous, and fun.

Robert Darnton

Rnase H Quotes #81666
#3. (P58) It is curious how, with his stark Darwinian outlook, his elevation of war to the central place in human history, and his racism, as well as his fixation on "great leaders," Churchill's worldview resembled that of his antagonist, Hitler.

Ralph Raico

Rnase H Quotes #210387
#4. 'Lord of the Rings' was a set of books in which the world had been conceived before the characters were placed within that context.

Mark Z. Danielewski

Rnase H Quotes #349003
#5. It really bothers me how in books it seems like the only two choices are perfection or self-hatred.

E. Lockhart

Rnase H Quotes #581990
#6. My hunch is that pop culture began to stagnate the moment Americans started to love the past more than they did the future.

Graydon Carter

Rnase H Quotes #1431558

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