Top 9 Rivlin Material Quotes

#1. We didn't have the day-in, day-out knowledge of each other that most mothers and daughters have. It's not like she was a stranger; we had too much history for that. But at the same time, I couldn't say I knew her well. Or at least well enough to see her thoughts.

Eliot Schrefer

Rivlin Material Quotes #271345
#2. Even the most elitist director or author who claims that he doesn't care if his works are seen or not, then I have to think that he's either a liar or a hypocrite.

Michael Haneke

Rivlin Material Quotes #680055
#3. I suppose home is, for me, more of a state of mind. It's really more of about being where I want to be with people I care about.

Augusten Burroughs

Rivlin Material Quotes #968533
#4. I have learned throughout my life as a composer chiefly through my mistakes and pursuits of false assumptions, not by my exposure to founts of wisdom and knowledge.

Igor Stravinsky

Rivlin Material Quotes #1056950
#5. Look . . ." I dreaded female statements that started with "look." In my limited experience, there was nowhere to hide after they were made.

Craig Johnson

Rivlin Material Quotes #1097130
#6. Most love, I've observed, is narcissism at its finest and most cunning. Love is always about how you feel but not necessarily how the other person feels. The notion that simply because you love someone they should be willing to love you in return.

Kat Savage

Rivlin Material Quotes #1189352
#7. Clive Barker is just genius, and he's incredibly gifted in so many different ways. He can write and direct and paint and do all these different things, and he can do them all extremely well.

Scott Bakula

Rivlin Material Quotes #1257566
#8. Attraction happens when you feel important, valued, appreciated and wanted.

Amy Dickinson

Rivlin Material Quotes #1295455
#9. Nothing can stop us now 'cause we are all made of stars.


Rivlin Material Quotes #1845838

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