Top 7 Righteous Suffer Quotes

#1. The end result of positively reinforcing bad behavior is that you get more of it. The culmination of a failure to punish predators is a debased, dissolute, slum-dog society in which, by legal decree, the righteous suffer and the wicked prosper.

Ilana Mercer

Righteous Suffer Quotes #1233197
#2. Evil men flourish. The righteous suffer. The Lord never promises we won't - only that He'll sustain us when the tribulation comes.

Roseanna M. White

Righteous Suffer Quotes #1581585
#3. With every righteous action, we prepare the way for the New Earth on which righteousness will dwell. And bringing justice to those who suffer violence means to bring the light of God's future to them.

Jurgen Moltmann

Righteous Suffer Quotes #445798
#4. If you don't have a righteous objective,eventually you will suffer. When you do the right thing for the right reason,the right result awaits.

Chin-Ning Chu

Righteous Suffer Quotes #1006619
#5. There is no man in creation who is not your brother No woman not your sister, no child not your own For all suffer the Plague, righteous and sinful alike And all must band together to withstand the night.

Peter V. Brett

Righteous Suffer Quotes #1103848
#6. [D]on't cling to your self-righteous suffering, let it go ... Nothing is too good to be true, let yourself be forgiven. To the degree you insist that you must suffer, you insist on the suffering of others as well. (90)

Stephen Levine

Righteous Suffer Quotes #1733335
#7. THE RETRIBUTION PRINCIPLE (RP) is the conviction that the righteous will prosper and the wicked will suffer, both in proportion to their respective righteousness and wickedness. In Israelite theology the principle was integral to the belief in God's justice.

John H. Walton

Righteous Suffer Quotes #1850341

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