Top 23 Rich And Humble Quotes

#1. Few men are both rich and generous; fewer are both rich and humble.

Henry Edward Manning

Rich And Humble Quotes #969912
#2. I'm busy gettin rich. I don't want trouble. I made enough for 2 niggas, boy, stunt double.


Rich And Humble Quotes #462444
#3. I love Pittsburgh because it's a humble city. It's really grounded in its rich history and culture.

Kyle Abraham

Rich And Humble Quotes #1678026
#4. But you could miss me with all that, diss me then crawl back. I really wish yall would fall back, but gettin rich suppose to solve that.


Rich And Humble Quotes #1626891
#5. I don't want to be rich and famous but I want to die knowing I stood infront of a broken man and gave him one reason to smile again.

Nikki Rowe

Rich And Humble Quotes #1582985
#6. It's not what you have on the outside that glitters in light, it's what you have on the inside that shines in the dark.

Anthony Liccione

Rich And Humble Quotes #1322453
#7. Many rich and powerful men would pay dearly to see the Lord or His Most Pure Mother, but God does not appear in riches, but in the humble heart ... Every one of the poorest men can be humbles and come to know God. It need neither money nor reputation to come to know God, but only humility.

Silouan The Athonite

Rich And Humble Quotes #943700
#8. The person who is truly effective has the humility and reverence to recognize his own perceptual limitations and to appreciate the rich resources available through interaction with the hearts and minds of other human beings.

Stephen Covey

Rich And Humble Quotes #928418
#9. This was a far cry from the meritocratic Ottoman period, when only by dint of an education could a man of humble background hope to rise through the ranks, get rich, and become a pasha.

Orhan Pamuk

Rich And Humble Quotes #907436
#10. Suddenly she was all too aware how different she was. A woman among all these man. A natural from a humble background among rich young men chosen from powerful families. A beginner among the well trained.

Trudi Canavan

Rich And Humble Quotes #825108
#11. The Rosary is a prayer both so humble and simple and a theologically rich in Biblical content. I beg you to pray it.

Pope John Paul II

Rich And Humble Quotes #750513
#12. The rich brother needs to let the gospel humble him while the poor brother needs to let the gospel affirm him.

Timothy Keller

Rich And Humble Quotes #740294
#13. The laws are like spiders' webs: just as spiders' webs catch the weaker creatures but let the stronger ones through, so the humble and poor are restricted by the laws, but the rich and powerful are not bound by them (Valerius Maximus Memorable Deeds and Sayings 7.2 ext. 14).

J.C. McKeown

Rich And Humble Quotes #622598
#14. If you've ever wondered why some writers who, in your humble opinion, don't write as well as you do yet are rich and famous while you struggle onward, this is the reason. They are great directors.

Larry Brooks

Rich And Humble Quotes #451342
#15. So I've decided to be a very rich and famous person who doesn't really care about money, and who is very humble but who still makes a lot of money and is very famous, but is very humble and rich and famous ...

Linus Torvalds

Rich And Humble Quotes #426249
#16. Feeble is the character, that bows to inflated ego, arrogance, and whines of affluent, whilst raising itself mercilessly on the humble and underprivileged.

Aniruddha Sastikar

Rich And Humble Quotes #402892
#17. To begin a reform, go not into the places of the great and rich; go rather to those whose cups of happiness are empty
to the poor and humble.

Lew Wallace

Rich And Humble Quotes #395998
#18. I saw only the reality of his destiny, which he had known
how to follow with unfaltering footsteps, that life begun in humble
surroundings, rich in generous enthusiasms, in friendship, love, war
all the exalted elements of romance.

Joseph Conrad

Rich And Humble Quotes #386799
#19. If you are smart be simple. If you are powerful be generous. If you are rich be humble. If you want to be smart be simple. If you want to be powerful be generous. If you want to be rich be humble.

Enock Maregesi

Rich And Humble Quotes #377314
#20. The stories I respect most aren't those with the rich, dense prose, but those which achieve a rich, deep effect with simple little nothing-sentences, lines I won't possibly remember, because they simply functioned, didn't draw attention to themselves, were properly humble.

Stephen Graham Jones

Rich And Humble Quotes #361657
#21. For humble individuals like myself, there is one poor comfort, which is this, viz. that gout, unlike any other disease, kills more rich men than poor, more wise men than simple.

Thomas Sydenham

Rich And Humble Quotes #316454
#22. There are no borders in bonsai. The dove of peace flies to palace as to humble house, to young as to old, to rich and poor. So does the spirit of bonsai.

John Yoshio Naka

Rich And Humble Quotes #145821
#23. The real work of planet-saving will be small, humble, and humbling, and (insofar as it involves love) pleasing and rewarding. Its jobs will be too many to count, too many to report, too many to be publicly noticed or rewarded, too small to make anyone rich or famous.

Wendell Berry

Rich And Humble Quotes #32209

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