Top 12 Replika Ai Quotes

#1. Opposites though they are, both solitude and solidarity are essential if the artist is to produce works that are not only significant to his or her age, but that will also speak to future generations.

Rollo May

Replika Ai Quotes #16575
#2. Let him who is struggling against the power of appetite look to the Saviour in the wilderness of temptation. See Him in His agony upon the cross, as He exclaimed, "I thirst." He has endured all that it is possible for us to bear. His victory is ours.

Ellen G. White

Replika Ai Quotes #354729
#3. It's funny to be pigeonholed so late in life but there we are.

Maggie Smith

Replika Ai Quotes #538977
#4. A lot of times, you feel like you're walking on eggshells in a creative environment, because everyone's having to watch out for egos so much of the time.

Tony Hale

Replika Ai Quotes #640878
#5. You mean if a good hunter did this it was on purpose?

Louise Penny

Replika Ai Quotes #660698
#6. Jews ate the English nation to its bones.

John Speed

Replika Ai Quotes #792431
#7. Hope had gone so white, it was a wonder someone didn't accuse her of being a Strigoi.

Richelle Mead

Replika Ai Quotes #995187
#8. I don't often think of Donald Trump, but his daughter is very smart. She's a woman working in real estate, which is predominantly men, and she's both savvy and articulate about her business and her business acumen.

Gayle Tzemach Lemmon

Replika Ai Quotes #1273215
#9. A man is known by the company his mind keeps.

Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Replika Ai Quotes #1515216
#10. In the worship of security we fling ourselves beneath the wheels of routine-and before we know it our lives are gone.

Sterling Hayden

Replika Ai Quotes #1534011
#11. I go the way that Providence dictates with the assurance of a sleepwalker.

Adolf Hitler

Replika Ai Quotes #1546993
#12. Many worlds, but one God
His power is the sun in every land,
His forgiveness the moon watching over every night,
His love the star in every corner of the heavens.

Laura Whitcomb

Replika Ai Quotes #1577966

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