Top 12 Reich Ranicki Quotes

#1. When you're dealing with digital goods, you don't have to be tied to one URL.

Jason Kilar

Reich Ranicki Quotes #66487
#2. Deprived of the infinite, man has become what he always was: a supernumerary.
He hardly counts; he forms part of the troupe called Humanity; if he misses a cue, he is hissed; and if he drops through the trapdoor another puppet is in readiness to take his place.

Remy De Gourmont

Reich Ranicki Quotes #128299
#3. I'll never retire as long as I live - that's like retiring from life! I'll never stop writing, teaching, lecturing. If you're in good health, living is exciting on its own.

Bel Kaufman

Reich Ranicki Quotes #194773
#4. There are new rumors about me every day.

Kylie Jenner

Reich Ranicki Quotes #273603
#5. The time given to athletic contests and the injuries incurred on the playing field are part of the price which the English-speaking race has paid for being world conquerors.

Henry Cabot Lodge

Reich Ranicki Quotes #426360
#6. You don't have a boyfriend, or a girlfriend?" Curtis said softly. "Actually, yeah. I have both and a few women that I pimp out for money," Genesis said loudly, making everyone, including Curtis laugh. Curtis rolled his eyes at him. "No

A.E. Via

Reich Ranicki Quotes #937053
#7. Any rap record from 1989 to 1999, besides [ones on] Death Row, we did promotions for it. We had our hand in everything.

Steve Rifkind

Reich Ranicki Quotes #966593
#8. The greatest act of courage is to be and to ownall of who you are - without apology, without excuses, without masks to cover the truth of who you are.

Debbie Ford

Reich Ranicki Quotes #1454987
#9. The truth is that literature, particularly fiction, is not the pure medium we sometimes assume it to be. Response to it is affected by things other than its own intrinsic quality; by a curiosity or lack of it about the people it deals with, their outlook, their way of life.

Vance Palmer

Reich Ranicki Quotes #1510638
#10. This is my time, this is my hour,
This is my pain, this is my name, this is my power.
If it's my reign, then it's my shower,
This pole position ... I made a lane 'cause they blocked ours.

Pusha T

Reich Ranicki Quotes #1627837
#11. I read Hesse's Steppenwolf thrice. The first time I was enchanted, the second time disappointed, the third time appalled.

Marcel Reich-Ranicki

Reich Ranicki Quotes #1688627
#12. Alan Lomax is the person who I think should be given major credit for what has been called the "Folk Song Revival." My father participated with him because my father was a musicologist and urged trained musicians to learn about "the vernacular."

Pete Seeger

Reich Ranicki Quotes #1792518

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