Top 10 Redoubted Quotes

#1. Most redoubted lord and right sovereign cousin, may the Almighty Lord have you in his keeping.

Owen Glendower

Redoubted Quotes #681435
#2. This building fool could only be Bess of Hardwicke, a woman whose name is seldom seen in print without the word "redoubtable" in front of it. I wondered if anyone ever called her redoubtable to her face. I redoubted it.

JoAnn Spears

Redoubted Quotes #814871
#3. And now gentlemen, all for one, one for all - that is our motto, is it not?

Alexandre Dumas

Redoubted Quotes #52475
#4. Search and you will find that at the base and birth of every great business organization was an enthusiast, man consumed with earnestness of purpose, with confidence in his powers, with faith in the worthwhileness of his endeavors.

B.C. Forbes

Redoubted Quotes #253828
#5. The U.S. views Morocco as an important friend, and we applaud your political and economic reforms that culminated with the recent parliamentary elections that were widely reported to have been conducted in a fair and open manner.

Donald Evans

Redoubted Quotes #420332
#6. You can't raise the aspirations of a child and then leave them hanging. Poverty can't be solved by a project. It's solved by a relationship, collaboration.

Ann Cotton

Redoubted Quotes #739301
#7. Writing is always a solitary experience, but living, if you're lucky, is not.

Beth Harbison

Redoubted Quotes #744646
#8. Remember, I am neither a bear nor a bull, I am an agnostic opportunist. I want to make money short- and long-term. I want to find good situations and exploit them.

Jim Cramer

Redoubted Quotes #1203744
#9. Because I'm married and have kids, I feel like I sometimes get pegged as a choirboy or something, but I wouldn't exactly describe myself that way.

Chris O'Donnell

Redoubted Quotes #1427918
#10. I have a theory and it goes something like this: What happens in Vegas can sometimes follow you home." - Lola Avocado

M.D. Martin

Redoubted Quotes #1540797

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