Top 13 Redistributionists Quotes

#1. Liberal redistributionists in favor of heavy taxation place less weight on incentive than do small-government conservatives.

Edmund Phelps

Redistributionists Quotes #469722
#2. At the heart of Christian ethic is humility; at the heart of its parodies, pride. Different roads with different destinations, and the destinations color the character of those who travel by them.

N. T. Wright

Redistributionists Quotes #137616
#3. I hate society's notion that there is something wrong with sex. Something wrong with a woman who loves sex.

Alessandra Torre

Redistributionists Quotes #348617
#4. No electricity, fridge, TV or game console. I guess changing from human was enough fun and games for werewolves.

Jazz Feylynn

Redistributionists Quotes #669641
#5. I know how many days in which I have just answered e-mail, had three phone calls and a two hour lunch. Poof, gone. They are not infrequent.

Joseph Epstein

Redistributionists Quotes #875386
#6. The right of every American to first-class citizenship is the most important issue of our time.

Jackie Robinson

Redistributionists Quotes #921448
#7. I will walk by myself
and cure myself
in the sunshine and the wind.

Charles Reznikoff

Redistributionists Quotes #1153562
#8. My favorite cast member of 'Scandal' is Josh Malina.

Darby Stanchfield

Redistributionists Quotes #1392743
#9. Feeling is chocolate plus the
dry texture of a wolfskin
on which we sparawled by cosy gas
while mother unravelled
ivory knots of Chopin.

Chris Wallace-Crabbe

Redistributionists Quotes #1538728
#10. Eat not to dullness, drink not to elevation.

Benjamin Franklin

Redistributionists Quotes #1567677
#11. Their true characters were shown not in the war they fought but in the peace they made.

Salman Rushdie

Redistributionists Quotes #1716083
#12. You get used to anything, sooner or later it just becomes your life.

Bruce Springsteen

Redistributionists Quotes #1778760
#13. It was like I was being punished for being gay, and back then I didn't even know what it meant to be gay. I never dreamed of dating another guy, or about having sex with one. I was seven. I didn't even know about sex yet.

John Green

Redistributionists Quotes #1841199

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