Top 82 Ravikant Quotes

#1. Sometimes, the only way to evolve is to open ourselves fully.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1426733
#2. No matter how smart we may think we are, no matter how committed we are to our truth, we can lose our way.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1554385
#3. The stories Hemingway told, the life he lived, all of it ended with a squeeze of a finger on a trigger. What else could he have done if he had put the shotgun down, gone back to bed? What would he have learned in that moment of choosing to live, what other books would have been written? Meanwhile,

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1531513
#4. Real growth comes through intense, difficult, and challenging situations.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1528474
#5. It is not giving up, it is accepting. And the light will enter. Always does.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1519693
#6. If ever in pain, I think the best thing we can do is to create something.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1493062
#7. I cannot emphasize enough the quality of those you surround yourself with.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1480356
#8. Be present. Be meditative. Form real friendships. Stay away from business networking events or friendships where there is always an underlying business angle.

Naval Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1475348
#9. If you had a thought once, it has no power over you. Repeat it again and again, especially with emotional intensity, feeling it, and over time, you're creating the grooves, the mental river. Then it controls you.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1460726
#10. What we believe, that's what we seek, it's the filter we view our lives through.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1438951
#11. Surrender means cleaning the window so light can enter.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1437932
#12. Figure out what you're good at and start helping other people with it; give it away. Pay it forward. Karma sort of works because people are very consistent. On a long enough timescale, you will attract what you project.

Naval Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1584242
#13. Peace is letting it be. Letting life flow, letting emotions flow through you.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1273772
#14. As you love yourself, life loves you back. I don't think it has a choice either. I can't explain how it works, but I know it to be true.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1262406
#15. When something comes from within, when it is a part of you, you have no choice but to live it, to express it.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1197133
#16. I once asked a monk how he found peace. "I say 'yes,'" he'd said. "To all that happens, I say 'yes.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1122194
#17. Hemingway, whenever he was stuck in his writing, would tell himself to write one true thing. A true sentence. Then, he would write another. And another. It

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1113688
#18. I breathe slowly, naturally. As I inhale, I think, I love myself. Then I exhale and let out whatever the response in my mind and body is, whether there is one or not. That's it. Simple.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1064849
#19. Imagine the feeling of catching yourself loving yourself without trying. It's like catching a sunset out of the corner of your eye. It will stop you.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1043718
#20. Suffering is when we resist the moment.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1035006
#21. Darkness is the absence of light.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1030343
#22. The best founders are extremely thoughtful and have an eye for quality. I don't know if there's any generic advice here that would be helpful. Startup knowledge is a moving target.

Naval Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1757422
#23. The insights we receive when going silent, it's our gift to ourselves. Returning and living them, sharing them, that is our gift to the world.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1858948
#24. But in simplicity lies truth. In simplicity lies power.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1853194
#25. Life is a river," a wise friend told me. "It's flowing. You're never at the same place twice.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1848080
#26. This day, I vow to myself to love myself, to treat myself as someone I love truly and deeply - in my thoughts, my actions, the choices I make, the experiences I have, each moment I am conscious, I make the decision I LOVE MYSELF.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1847134
#27. Thousands of years ago, a Roman poet wrote, "I am a human being, therefore nothing human is foreign to me." I believe it to be true. So if this is possible for one human, it is possible for anyone. The path might be different, but the destination same.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1835102
#28. The simple act of putting your truth on paper, only you and your thoughts, is one of the most powerful exercises you can do.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1829844
#29. Now I know what success is: living your truth, sharing it.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1787066
#30. The Secret to Flight

Don't flap your wings so hard. It only exhausts you.

Close your eyes. Lean into the currents, say yes. Let the wind raise you higher and higher. So easy. That's what Eagles do.

Oh, this is the secret to life as well.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1773221
#31. I can't erase the past, only learn from it.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1763469
#32. Once you cross the threshold, you will never be the same. That is a fact.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1017837
#33. Creating anything that never existed before is not sanity.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1739388
#34. But I can't erase the past, only learn from it. It's ok. Applying what I know makes the present and the future a beautiful place to be.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1700647
#35. After all, it's the things we hold against ourselves that weigh us down more than anything.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1697613
#36. I promise you that the same stuff galaxies are made of, you are. The same energy that swings planets around stars makes electrons dance in your heart. It is in you, outside you, you are it. It is beautiful. Trust in this. And you your life will be grand.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1680099
#37. We are far, far stronger than our pain

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1677230
#38. Pain doesn't last. And when it's gone, we have something to show for it. Growth.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1664995
#39. You dive deeper, you strip away the cleverness and the words become more important than your ego and that's when you know it's real, when it's good.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1656657
#40. Here we are, thinking that one needs to be in love with another to shine, to feel free and shout from the rooftops, but the most important person, the most important relationship we'll ever have is waiting, is craving to be loved truly and deeply.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1654952
#41. What to do next? Keep moving. Leave behind the past, the fears, the guilt, and lose myself in the new. With movement, there's action. And with action, perhaps there are answers. For

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #1607524
#42. As long as it works, it's valid.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #215492
#43. When your sense of self and happiness comes from within and isn't a roller coaster ride dependent on others or circumstances, you approach life differently. You make better choices. You draw to you the people and situations that matter. The others, they fall away.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #476381
#44. There is one rule, though: once you discover your truth, you have to go all in. Fully. Every single chip.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #425000
#45. Truth makes you rise to new heights, no matter where you are.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #406531
#46. Memory is not set in stone. Any neuroscientist will tell you that. The more you remember something, especially if it's emotionally charged, the more you will reinforce the pathways connecting the neurons. Simply put, the more you think about it, the more you feel it, the stronger the memory.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #403856
#47. One thing I've learned: we don't stumble accidentally into an amazing life. It takes decision, a commitment to consistently work on ourselves.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #351097
#48. How do you find peace?" I ask.
"I say 'yes,'" he says.
"To all that happens, I say 'yes.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #303497
#49. Life is a series of choices and all we can do is make them.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #276049
#50. Success and failure come and go, but don't let them define you. It's who you are that matters.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #255995
#51. The only rule is that truth must empower you, make you better in every way possible.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #243249
#52. Decide what your truth is. Then live it.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #222337
#53. The truth is to love yourself with the same intensity you would use to pull yourself up if you were hanging off a cliff with your fingers.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #533934
#54. Our mission is to help founders and anyone or anything that helps founders helps us with our mission.

Naval Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #197459
#55. I think it just helps to be very aware that fundamentally, there are no adults. Everyone is making it up as they go along. You have to find your own path, picking, choosing, taking and discarding as you see fit.

Naval Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #181153
#56. I think perhaps a better thing to want is fulfillment. A deeper state, one that comes from within, from being your best self. From living life the way you really wish to live it. Then, happiness emanates from within as a byproduct. Naturally.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #142112
#57. If there's a definition of freedom, I think it's this: living life on your terms.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #141119
#58. It's easy to wish for health when you're sick. When you're doing well, you need just as much vigilance.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #132769
#59. Beautiful irony. Fall in love with yourself. Let your love express itself and the world will beat a path to your door to fall in love with you.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #72412
#60. The greatest achievement of humanity is the human spirit.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #70548
#61. So I return to the question, "if I loved myself, truly and deeply, what would I do?" The answer comes easy: I'd fly. Fly as high as I possibly can. Then, I'd fly higher.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #56787
#62. Entrepreneurship is really hard and painful - I'm not sure I'd recommend it for anyone who can't handle the extreme stress.

Naval Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #20918
#63. I sit with my back against a wall, put on my headphones, listen to the music, and imagine galaxies and stars and the Universe above, and I imagine all the light from space flowing into my head and down into my body, going wherever it needs to go.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #758805
#64. Reach out, share your truth, tell someone, "This is who I am. This is what I stand for. Hold me to it." Often, we'll do far more for another than we will do for ourselves.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #973476
#65. If you're about to take a risk
one that comes from within, one that expresses your true nature, that brings up fear after fear after fear
you know what to do. One: do the work, create the value. Two: draw the people that encourage you closer. They're the only ones that matter.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #954836
#66. Often, the price for not being present is pain. Now,

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #879954
#67. Threshold is where the madness ends and the magic begins.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #854944
#68. instead of reading loads of self-help books, attending various seminars, listening to different preachers, we should just pick one thing. Something that feels true for us. Then practice it fiercely.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #842493
#69. Ask yourself: what is it, that if I believed it down to my core, would change everything?

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #818383
#70. Whatever human endeavor we choose, as long as we live our truth, it is success.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #773220
#71. You cannot stay at the same level as when you first practiced your truth, life won't let you.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #770618
#72. The act of going within, finding our truth, and then sharing it, it helps us far more than we know.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #762800
#73. If there is one lesson I've learned from failure and success, it's this. I am not the outcome. I am never the result. I am only the effort.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #4906
#74. The things I carry are my thoughts. That's it. They are the only weight. My thoughts determine whether I am free and light or burdened.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #747119
#75. So I ask myself the question, "if I loved myself, truly and deeply, what would I do?" I love this question. There is no threat, no right or wrong answer, only an invitation to my truth in this present moment.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #735410
#76. It's almost always possible to be honest and positive.

Naval Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #687185
#77. Knowledge is never enough. Even action, if it's just following a prescribed way, will never fully express your potential.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #684904
#78. When we go all in, we find the answers. They're in us.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #672890
#79. Forget demolishing the grooves of the past. What you're creating is a new groove so deep, so powerful, that your thoughts will automatically flow down this one.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #657092
#80. If I loved myself truly and deeply, would I let myself experience this?

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #648605
#81. I don't actually read a lot of books. I pick up a lot of books and only get through a few, which form the foundation of my knowledge.

Naval Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #616380
#82. Confidence comes from crossing thresholds.

Kamal Ravikant

Ravikant Quotes #543031

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