Top 100 Randy Alcorn Quotes

#1. Don't forget that the most effective form of child abuse is giving a child everything they want.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #498688
#2. My purpose as a writer is to communicate in such a way as to challenge the thinking of readers and touch their hearts.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #590858
#3. Never believe a man who says God no longer does miracles, Ben. But never believe a man who says God must do a miracle the way a man wants him to. God is God.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #586206
#4. Why ask for your daily bread when you own the bakery?

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #577680
#5. God is the greatest giver in the universe, He won't let you outgive Him.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #563265
#6. Good-hearted laughter is a tribute to the happy God, who created laughter and delights to enter into it with us.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #550686
#7. How Can We Know for Sure That We'll Go to Heaven?

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #550155
#8. As you go through life, don't let your feelings-real as they are-invalidate your need to let the truth of God's words guide your thinking. Remember that the path to your heart travels through your mind. Truth matters.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #542438
#9. Many [Western Christians] habitually think and act as if there is no eternity ... We major in the momentary and minor in the momentous.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #539100
#10. When you once had faith and no longer do, I suppose it's like a woman carrying a dead baby. The sight of live babies becomes painful.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #532855
#11. If you're a child of God, you do not just "go around once" on Earth. You don't get just one earthly life. You get another-one far better and without end. You'll inhabit the New Earth! You'll live with the God you cherish and the people you love as an undying person on an undying Earth.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #532552
#12. Yes," Marcus said. "The King is not gone, you know. He walks the planet, disguised as the needy.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #525975
#13. If we can keep ourselves from interfering with the natural laws of life, mistakes can be our child's finest teachers.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #508287
#14. If all the Bibles in America were simultaneously dusted, the sun would be obscured for a week. It's not a magic talisman that works without being read. A Bible does us no harm as long as it remains closed.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #606795
#15. There ought to be things we should like to do and cannot because our charitable expenditure excludes them. - C. S. Lewis

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #497852
#16. Each day every man comes closer to the day of his death. Those who lay up their treasures in Thuros spend each day moving away from them. Those who lay up their treasures in Charis spend each day moving toward them.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #484289
#17. Giving is the safety valve that releases the excess pressure of wealth.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #470666
#18. This is one of the great paradoxes of suffering. Those who don't suffer much think suffering should keep people from God, while many who suffer a great deal turn to God, not from him.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #466352
#19. Perhaps parents' greatest heritage to pass on to their children is the ability to perceive the multitude of God's daily blessings and to respond with continual gratitude. We should be "abounding in thanksgiving" (Colossians 2:7).

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #465373
#20. When you leave this world, will you be known as one who accumulated treasures on earth that you couldn't keep? Or will you be recognized as one who invested treasures in heaven that you couldn't lose?

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #464487
#21. Being happy in God and living righteously tastes far better for far longer than sin does. When my hunger and thirst for joy is satisfied by Christ, sin becomes unattractive. I say no to immorality not because I hate pleasure but because I want the enduring pleasure found in Christ.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #438231
#22. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28, ESV).

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #436240
#23. Never forget Yesu is King. Never forget your home is in another world. Never forget your father will be waiting to see you again.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #425194
#24. No pretense or wearing masks. No cliques. No hidden agendas, backroom deals, betrayals, secret ambitions, plots, or schemes.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #418846
#25. When God provides more money we often think, This is a blessing. Yes, but it would be just as scriptural to say, "This is a test." Abundance isn't God's provision for me to live in luxury. It's his provision for me to help others live.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #412099
#26. The currency of this world will be worthless at our death or at Christ's return, both of which are imminent.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #681863
#27. A disciple does not ask, "How much can I keep?" but, "How much more can I give?" Whenever we start to get comfortable with our level of giving, it's time to raise it again.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #792691
#28. Lord Foulgrin: "You must not let him see Charis as a place of learning, exploration, duties, travel, companionship, banquets, celebrations, and productive work. A low view of heaven is our ace in the hole." (conspiring to bring Fletcher down after salvation)

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #784163
#29. Not only will we see His face and live, but we will likely wonder if we ever lived before we saw His face!

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #775067
#30. Many Christians dread the thought of leaving this world. Why? Because so many have stored up their treasures on earth, not in heaven. Each day brings us closer to death. If your treasures are on earth, that means each day brings you closer to losing your treasures.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #773045
#31. C. S. Lewis wrote, "To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." Jesus said if your brother "sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, 'I repent,' you must forgive him" (Luke 17:4).

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #767592
#32. Father to teenage son: My relationship with you is more important than anything I've got to say to you.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #765587
#33. The best of life on Earth is a glimpse of Heaven; the worst of life is a glimpse of Hell. For Christians, this present life is the closest they will come to Hell. For unbelievers, it is the closest they will come to Heaven.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #762174
#34. Too often we assume that God has increased our income to increase our standard of living, when his stated purpose is to increase our standard of giving. (Look again at 2 Corinthians 8:14 and 9:11).

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #758614
#35. He's spilled the beans. He's poured out His intentions, allowing us full access. The humans put the Forbidden Book on display tables and shelves. But we actually read it; indeed we must no matter how loathsome.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #711723
#36. The everyday choices I make regarding money will influence the very coarse of eternity.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #707186
#37. The repentant man rightfully loses trust in himself. He recognizes his self-dependence as the source of his problems, not the solution.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #696530
#38. We are all theologians, either good ones or bad ones. I'd rather be a good one. Wouldn't you?

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #692008
#39. There's a throne in each life big enough for only one. Christ may be on that throne, or money may be. But both cannot occupy it.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #411659
#40. The devil specializes in rearranging price tags, making the cheap look valuable and the miserable appear happy. (For example, if, before the purchase, people saw photos of themselves after five years of using methamphetamines, would they still buy them?)

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #679368
#41. But isn't it wrong to be motivated by reward? No, it isn't. If it were wrong, Christ wouldn't offer it to us a motivation.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #666731
#42. Seeking happiness apart from a right relationship God is like trying to turn on a light that's unplugged.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #663279
#43. What we love about this life are the things that resonate with the life we were made for. The things we love are not merely the best this life has to offer - they are previews of the greater life to come.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #662679
#44. There is a powerful relationship between our true spiritual condition and our attitude and actions concerning money and possessions.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #634718
#45. Grace never ignores the awful truth of our depravity; in fact it emphasizes it. The worse we realize we are the greater we realize God's grace.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #633552
#46. Giving jump starts our relationship with God. It opens our fists so we can receive what God has for us.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #630900
#47. A Christ-centered church is not a showcase for saints but a hospital for sinners.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #628031
#48. Suppose churches taught that God is happy and that he is the source of all happiness. Suppose Christians believed that God calls them to view work, play, music, food, and drink as gracious gifts from God's hand to be responsibly enjoyed within the parameters of his commands.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #617123
#49. When our sin reached its full horror, God's love was displayed in all its glory. If you doubt God's love for you, look at the cross.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #613219
#50. Yanked out of the present, Adam discovered the richness of the past in people's stories.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #610246
#51. For the Christian, death is not the end of adventure but a doorway from a wold where dreams and adventures shrink, to a world where dreams and adventures forever expand.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #124641
#52. Real gold fears no fire.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #226495
#53. In the United States there are sixteen-and-a-half square feet of mall space for every man, woman, and child.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #219714
#54. Unless we learn how to humbly tell each other our giving stories, our churches will not learn to give.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #211095
#55. But earth is not heaven." "And those who expect it to be," Dani said, "can never know Joy.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #208575
#56. If I try to make only enough money for my family' immediate needs, it may violate Scripture ... Even though earning just enough to meet the needs of my family may seem nonmaterialistic, it's actually selfish when I could earn enough to care for others as well.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #192787
#57. For every American who believes he's going to Hell, there are 120 who believe they're going to Heaven.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #188185
#58. In the mid-1600s, Puritan John Gibbon said, "God alone is enough, but without him, nothing [is enough] for thy happiness."[218] Whether or not we're conscious of it, since God is the fountainhead of happiness, the search for happiness is always the search for God.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #170325
#59. We cannot expect God to bless and honor our efforts to help the needy if part of our "help" includes distributing chemicals and devices that may kill children who belong not to us, but to them, and above all to God.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #154905
#60. The average American shops six hours a week while spending forty minutes playing with his children.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #151165
#61. How we spend our time verifies what we value most: TV, the Internet, or God's Word?

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #127646
#62. What we do with a little time, a little talent, and a little money tells God a lot.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #126533
#63. When men know they cannot hope in a country, in a political belief, or in themselves, they become free to hope in God.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #125589
#64. Giving sacrificially also means giving the best. If we have two blankets and someone needs one of them, sacrificial giving hands over the better of the two. Sadly, much of our "giving" is merely discarding. Donating secondhand goods to church rummage sales

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #235617
#65. The cost of redemption cannot be overstated. The wonders of grace cannot be overemphasized. Christ took the hell He didn't deserve so we could have the heaven we don't deserve.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #124513
#66. He who lays up treasures in heaven looks forward to eternity

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #119883
#67. Heaven isn't an extrapolation of earthly thinking; Earth is an extension of Heaven, made by the Creator King.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #119825
#68. If we realize we're undeserving, suddenly the world comes alive. Instead of whining about everything that goes wrong, we're surprised at God's many kindnesses, and our hearts overflow with thanks.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #112631
#69. We see that the world seeks happiness instead of holiness. Therefore, we assume we should do the opposite. But we're wrong.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #105884
#70. Foulgrin's Rule Twenty-Three: tactics without strategy are useless.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #86828
#71. Messin with me, is like wearing cheese underwear down rat alley.
Ollie Chandler in Deception

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #84291
#72. To the baby who dies it makes no difference whether those who refused to protect her were proabortion or merely prochoice.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #67465
#73. Grace and truth are spiritual DNA, the building blocks of Christ-centered living.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #51847
#74. The Spirit's work is not to make us holy, in order that we may be pardoned; but to show us the cross, where the pardon is to be found by the unholy; so that having found the pardon there, we may begin the life of holiness to which we are called. - Horatius Bonar

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #38212
#75. God could have created us without loving us, but He would not have gone to the Cross without loving us.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #31148
#76. The sovereignty of God is the one impregnable rock to which the suffering human heart must cling. The circumstances surrounding our lives are no accident: they may be the work of evil, but that evil is held firmly within the mighty hand of our sovereign God. - Margaret Clarkson

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #326445
#77. God doesn't make us rich so we can indulge ourselves and spoil our children, or so we can insulate ourselves form needing God's provision. God gives us abundant material blessing so that we can give it away, and give it generously.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #391182
#78. When we fail to acknowledge God as the Source of all good things, we fail to give Him the recognition and glory He deserves. We separate God from joy, which is like trying to separate heat from fire or wetness from rain.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #386410
#79. Charles Spurgeon's answer was to recognize that whatever God's Word teaches is true, whether or not it all makes sense to us. He said, I

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #385120
#80. Now think, my brother, you will be in Heaven very soon. Since last year a great number have gone home: before next year many more will have ascended to glory. Sitting up in those celestial seats, how shall we wish that we had lived below?" - Charles Spurgeon

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #383156
#81. Whenever I see an unmarried woman carrying a child, my first response is one of respect. I know she could have taken the quick fix without anyone knowing, but she chose instead to let an innocent child live.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #375841
#82. If Miss Watson had told Huck what the Bible says about living in a resurrected body and being with people we love on a resurrected Earth with gardens and rivers and mountains and untold adventures
now that would have gotten his attention.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #366118
#83. Since in Heaven we'll finally experience life at its best, it would be more accurate to call our present existence the beforelife rather than to call what follows the afterlife.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #365408
#84. She was home (in Heaven). She was with the Person she was made for, in the place that was made for her.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #360395
#85. Ithing isn't something I do to clear my conscience so I can do whatever I want with the 90 percent
it also belongs to God! I must seek his direction and permission for whatever I do with the full amount. I may discover that God has different ideas than I do.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #357622
#86. It's possible for someone to act sacrificially and selflessly in the best interests of others while enjoying the fruit: feeling good about having done well and receiving God's approval and reward.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #351025
#87. Jesus tells you exactly how to get it. Put your money in missions-and in your church and the poor-and your heart will follow.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #342088
#88. In the midst of prosperity, the challenge for believers is to handle wealth in such a way that it acts as a blessing, not a curse.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #332616
#89. If we get it wrong about Jesus, it doesn't matter what else we get right.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #24710
#90. What is good about Good Friday? Why isn't it called Bad Friday? Because out of the appallingly bad came what was inexpressibly good. And the good trumps the bad, because though the bad was temporary, the good is eternal.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #322025
#91. Even if abortion were made easy or painless for everyone, it wouldn't change the bottom-line problem that abortion kills children.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #321561
#92. When my thirst for joy is satisfied by Christ, sin becomes unattractive.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #318248
#93. God cannot give us happiness apart from Himself, because there is no such thing. - C. S. Lewis

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #293790
#94. This gift cannot be worked for, earned, or achieved. It's not dependent on our merit or effort but solely on Christ's generous sacrifice on our behalf.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #293079
#95. Anyone who waits for happiness will never be happy.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #277626
#96. Worry is momentary atheism crying out for correction by trust in a good, sovereign God. Suffering breaks self-reliance.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #271923
#97. The beginning of the way to heaven, is to feel that we are on the way to hell. - J. C. Ryle

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #270341
#98. If the Bible is right about what happens to us after death, it means that more than 250 000 people every day go either to Heaven or to Hell.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #241844
#99. Christians are God's delivery people, through whom he does his giving to a needy world. We are conduits of God's grace to others. Our eternal investment portfolio should be full of the most strategic kingdom-building projects to which we can disburse God's funds.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #240071
#100. You and I are characters in God's Story, handmade by Him. Every character serves a purpose.

Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn Quotes #239197

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