Top 100 Ralph Marston Quotes

#1. Winners win not because they're allowed to, but because they decide to.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #570325
#2. What you do makes you better at what you think. What you think makes you more effective at what you do.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #724043
#3. There are very real obstacles and challenges to any course of action. And there's no need to add to them, by making up obstacles of your own. Unchain yourself from the bondage of your own thinking.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #689108
#4. The most effective strategy for successful living is really no strategy at all. It is, rather, to be real, to be honest, to be authentic, to be you.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #685762
#5. When something feels right, that means it is right for you. Pay attention to your authentic feelings, and follow where they lead.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #668593
#6. Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #666748
#7. You may very well have good reasons for resentment, frustration and anger. But that doesn't mean those negative responses are good for you, or that you must choose them.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #647950
#8. The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #635392
#9. In the midday sun, a bright light will be barely noticed. Yet in the darkest night, even the smallest light can make an enormous difference.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #626846
#10. Look up from what you're doing and look around for a minute. See what a beautiful world you're in.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #623238
#11. Live your days on the positive side of life, in tune with your most treasured values. And in each moment you'll have much to live for.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #614327
#12. Instead of jumping at the chance to be offended, choose to be amused. Rather than filling your thoughts with resentment, fill your heart with forgiveness.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #611468
#13. What has happened has happened and it is now behind you. Take the best of it all as you move positively forward.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #602709
#14. The real person you are is revealed in the moments when you're certain no other person is watching. When no one is watching, you are driven by what you expect of yourself.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #727544
#15. Instead of being intimidated by the limitations, be inspired to find new ways around them.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #569938
#16. Though the universe is delightfully complex, life, at its heart, is not particularly complicated. Live true to who you are and though it won't always be easy, you'll live well.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #561041
#17. Sure, there are many bad things that can happen. Yet you can be aware of them, and realistic about them, without being obsessed and consumed by them.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #555275
#18. Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #552515
#19. Those who are passionate about what they do have an advantage that is nearly impossible to overcome. In passion there is energy, creativity, resilience and persistence. Passion will get it done.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #540847
#20. One of the greatest motivators is desire. If the desire is strong enough you will do whatever it takes to achieve. Just connect your actions with your true desires.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #535304
#21. Gratitude is the smile of love.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #529783
#22. When you've done all you can, do just a little bit more. Any extra effort you make will draw immense leverage from all the ordinary efforts which have preceded it. That can be powerful and effective.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #529244
#23. The fundamental challenge of achieving anything you wish is first to convince yourself to do it. Once you are totally convinced of its value, you'll find a way to get it done.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #528260
#24. Dreams are unrealistic, impractical, demanding - and absolutely essential to living a rich and fulfilling life.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #527185
#25. Accomplishment comes from making positive efforts, even in the face of negative circumstances.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #526616
#26. Even in the most difficult situation there is always, somehow, a way to triumph

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #846155
#27. You can choose instead to live in the enriching, empowering light of your own highest visions. You can always choose to grow, to achieve, and to fulfill by immersing your awareness in life's ever-present goodness.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #977071
#28. Being truly thankful makes you infinitely more resourceful. By sincerely appreciating what you have, you find new and valuable ways to make use of it.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #974655
#29. Care, because it is what you do. Care, and be vibrantly alive.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #938813
#30. Do what is right, and you'll have no lasting regrets. Do what is right, and put yourself on the side of truth, goodness, and the best of life.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #934804
#31. Every moment you spend thinking about the bad stuff pushes that much more of the good stuff away.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #929666
#32. There is most certainly a purpose you are yearning to fulfill. Find it, know it, follow it, and you can change the world.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #929569
#33. If you're ninety-five percent of the way to outstanding success, doesn't it make sense to go the additional five percent of the way? ... A marathon which takes hours to run, can be won or lost by a matter of seconds.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #924905
#34. Even when there seems to be nothing else, there is hope.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #893260
#35. Doubt is merely a thought. When experience proves it wrong, it will quickly go away.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #882164
#36. Every day you make some progress and every day you make a few mistakes. Through it all, your wisdom continues to grow and your experience continues to broaden.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #853990
#37. Let the fear go, and live your life with the power of love.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #848450
#38. Begin each day with the expectation that it will bring something new, something to which you can say yes.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #848324
#39. Choose to live in a place where your eyes are always open to the positive possibilities.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #522861
#40. Problems, weaknesses, setbacks, regrets and mistakes teach you if you're willing to learn, or they punish you if you're not.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #841708
#41. Every moment spent in negativity is paid for with something truly priceless. That something is life.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #832088
#42. Dare to visualize a world in which your most treasured dreams have become true.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #819428
#43. What happens outide of you has an influence. Yet what happens within you has the final say.

Ralph S. Marston Jr.

Ralph Marston Quotes #816805
#44. Achievement does not require extraordinary ability. Achievement comes from ordinary abilities applied with extraordinary persistence.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #803842
#45. Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #803241
#46. There is a thought in your mind right now. The longer you hold on to it, the more you dwell upon it, the more life you give to that thought. Give it enough life, and it will become real. So make sure the thought is indeed a great one.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #798885
#47. Life does not owe you anything, because life has already given you everything.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #759193
#48. One of the biggest threats to success is success itself. When you get a little bit ahead, it's all too easy to become complacent and to quickly lose what you have gained.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #758469
#49. Almost everyone does just enough to get by. Those who achieve spectacular success also do enough to get by; then they add a little bit of extra effort. That little bit of extra effort makes an enormous difference.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #755266
#50. Be someone who genuinely seeks to understand, and you will be wise. Be someone kind, someone considerate, and you will be admired. Be someone who values truth, and you will be respected. Be someone who takes action, and you will move life forward.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #729757
#51. Today is plenty; right now is enough. Tomorrow will come in good time. Until it does, live the depth of now.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #128963
#52. Remember why you started, remember where you're headed, think of how great it will be to get there, and keep going.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #266676
#53. Concern yourself more with accepting responsibility than with assigning blame. Let the possibilities inspire you more than the obstacles discourage you.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #234630
#54. There's nothing that says you have to succeed in the same way as someone else. In fact, there's nothing that says you must define success in the same way as someone else.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #234481
#55. Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it. [at least it will feel like it!]

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #206009
#56. You were born to be real, not to be perfect. You are here to be you, not to live someone else's life.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #194498
#57. Enjoy doing nothing, and you can enjoy doing anything. Enjoy having nothing, and you can enjoy whatever you have.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #186929
#58. What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #182433
#59. Truth is just as essential to nourishing the mind as food is to nourishing the body. The more fully you live each moment in truth, the more powerful and effective those moments will be.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #168742
#60. Just as surely as you can create a thought in your mind, you can create this day in the way you choose.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #165936
#61. If the challenge seems a bit too overwhelming, that's the one you want. Take it on & let it pull you up.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #164125
#62. Look, really look, at how beautiful this day is. Let go of the worries and anxieties and judgments, and see the beauty.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #160844
#63. Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open. You're able to benefit from the unique viewpoints of others, without being crippled by your own judgment.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #141162
#64. What if you gave someone a gift, and they neglected to thank you for it - would you be likely to give them another? Life is the same way. In order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #269183
#65. The sooner you act, the bigger difference you can make.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #123761
#66. Sure, it's easy to be upbeat when everything is going your way. Anyone can do that. It is far more important, however, to take a positive approach in circumstances that most people would view as negative.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #115447
#67. Put your energy into building what is creative, valuable and empowering. And you won't have to constantly fight against what is destructive and draining.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #110368
#68. Choose to fully and graciously live life as it comes. The richest rewards by far are the ones to which you most sincerely give of yourself.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #98310
#69. You are what you are most profoundly thankful for, and what you love.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #97905
#70. Excellence is not a skill, it is an attitude.

Ralph S. Marston Jr.

Ralph Marston Quotes #90317
#71. Don't lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #68143
#72. Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #61155
#73. Your destiny is to fulfill those things upon which you focus most intently. So choose to keep your focus on that which is truly magnificent, beautiful, uplifting and joyful. Your life is always moving toward something.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #29355
#74. Greatness comes from living with purpose and passion.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #20410
#75. Be thankful for it all. And beyond your many blessings, will be many, many more.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #12143
#76. In every kind of endeavor, there are ample opportunities for extra effort. Grab those opportunities, embrace that extra effort and transform ordinary mediocrity into bright and shining excellence.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #363974
#77. If you so choose, each day can be filled with even more joy than the one before. If you so choose, even the most seemingly random events can work in your favor.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #494355
#78. Prepare far enough in advance, and just about anything is possible.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #476349
#79. Every aspect of your life is greatly influenced, day in and day out, by the way you imagine life to be. Imagine the best, choose the goodness, and be a source of love and light for all to see..

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #469531
#80. Live what you love, and love what you live.
Anything less is a painful and frustrating waste of your precious time.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #468511
#81. If you so choose, even the unexpected setbacks can bring new and positive possibilities. If you so choose, you can find value and fulfillment in every circumstance.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #451280
#82. The goals you will attain are the ones you know whitout a doubt that you must reach in order to fulfill your own best possibilities

Ralph S. Marston Jr.

Ralph Marston Quotes #441419
#83. Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #440912
#84. Let each moment be guided by positive purpose. And let your whole life express the beauty of who you truly are.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #433220
#85. A smile can work wonders. Put it to work for you.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #419931
#86. When you can clearly see yourself being there, you can see much more clearly how to get there. You can imagine the path to your dreams, and then start to actually walk it. Play an active role in your own future. Imagine with passion and detail how you'd most like it to be.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #404483
#87. Allow love to fill the places where anxiety now resides.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #374990
#88. Make the decision to love this day, this place, this moment, this special experience of life with the people around you. And there will be so very much to love.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #366894
#89. Take your mind off the problems for a moment, and focus on the positive possibilities. Consider how very much you are able to do.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #312
#90. Welcome those big, sticky, complicated problems. In them are your most powerful opportunities.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #333080
#91. You are here, and there is nothing to fear. Count your blessings and before you're finished counting, youll have even more

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #332628
#92. Humility reminds you that in order to receive value, you must create value in equal measure.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #328516
#93. Move your dreams from someday to this day and you'll begfin to surely and steadily fulfill them.

Ralph S. Marston Jr.

Ralph Marston Quotes #315855
#94. Be appreciative of what's right with your life. In your gratitude is power to make it even better

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #304848
#95. When you think you know it all, there's not much that you'll learn.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #301417
#96. Be someone who lives with joy, with purpose, as your own light brightly shines. Be, in every moment, the special someone you are truly meant to be.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #285135
#97. If you focus on the obstacles, then you give them more power.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #284742
#98. Stop needing and start having. Stop wanting and start being.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #282462
#99. Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #276595
#100. The more closely you get in touch with your dreams, the more able you are to make them real. The more vividly you consider how you want your world to be, the more real and effective tools you will have for making it so.

Ralph Marston

Ralph Marston Quotes #273629

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