Top 31 Quotes About Unique Family

#1. 'White Collar' is really a unique family where people kind of all get each other, and they're all on the same page. I was really fortunate because when I got there, I kind of just immediately fit right in with everybody.

Gloria Votsis

Quotes About Unique Family #1567089
#2. ...A legendary leader distinguishes himself as someone who gets ahead of his people from an impasse and futile general consensus, and then finds new grounds that constitute the base from which a unique course of his people's destiny is charted...

Janvier Chouteu-Chando

Quotes About Unique Family #907608
#3. Labour has its unique place in a cultured human family.

Mahatma Gandhi

Quotes About Unique Family #1628745
#4. I am committed to strengthening our agricultural economy by protecting the unique interests of small and medium size family farms so that they can continue to operate.

Sue Kelly

Quotes About Unique Family #1349155
#5. As the largest contributor to the United Nations and funder of international family planning, the U.S. is in a unique position to continue to lead the global agenda and place reproductive health at its core.

Mike Quigley

Quotes About Unique Family #1273410
#6. . You're not fussed about unique or being impressed. After everything we've been through, the lives that we've already lived. What we have survived to get to this point brought me to the conclusion that all that matters, is you, me and our family

Lesley Jones

Quotes About Unique Family #1211287
#7. I come from a great family and I was raised by wonderful parents. There is no question that I was given a lot of interesting and unique opportunities growing up ... But I think people often misunderstand that I work as hard and want things just as badly as anybody else.

Abby Huntsman

Quotes About Unique Family #1206063
#8. In life, we all have a cross to bear and a unique story to tell. We just hope that someone will take the time to listen.

Greg McVicker

Quotes About Unique Family #1171013
#9. I am an Egyptian Muslim, educated in Cairo and New York, and now living in Vienna. My wife and I have spent half our lives in the North, half in the South. And we have experienced first hand the unique nature of the human family and the common values we all share.

Mohamed ElBaradei

Quotes About Unique Family #1160552
#10. I love film. After a yummy meal for the whole family and some truly great friends, we often go out to see something beautiful and unique.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Quotes About Unique Family #1130711
#11. I am THAT, I AM! Why should I be perfect.. when I'm already imperfectly perfect. And that's what is unique and perfect about me. I love that I am that I love that I am!

Abhishek Kumar

Quotes About Unique Family #1071743
#12. The Swedish Christmas is definitely unique, even throughout Scandinavia. Like Christmas everywhere, it's a very family-centered holiday.

Marcus Samuelsson

Quotes About Unique Family #1041344
#13. Each woman brings her own separate, unique strengths to the family and the Church. Being a daughter of God means that if you seek it, you can find your true identity.

James E. Faust

Quotes About Unique Family #997253
#14. My dad had a temper. I have a temper. Most people I know have a temper. And I think it comes out mostly with your family. I don't think it's unique to the Buscemis, but it's something I've been able to tap into when I play certain roles.

Steve Buscemi

Quotes About Unique Family #989175
#15. What we don't talk about enough is Ohio's unique and remarkable quality of life. We are a state of cities, small towns and growing suburbs where life is affordable and destinations within reach. There is no better place to raise a family.

Bob Taft

Quotes About Unique Family #955284
#16. An instant family classic that is utterly unique but reminiscent of films like 'E.T.,' 'Sound of Music' and 'Life Is Beautiful.'

Mark Burnett

Quotes About Unique Family #920458
#17. Hopefully, your marriage will bring added dimensions to love. Hopefully, your unique love will bring new meaning to all our lives. That success cannot be hidden. Good improves love. Evil poisons love. Nothing proves this more dramatically than how we treat our loved ones.
pg 63

Michael Ben Zehabe

Quotes About Unique Family #919510
#18. When the object is perceived as particular and unique and not merely the member of a family, when it appears independent of any general notion and detached from the sanity of a cause, isolated and inexplicable in the light of ignorance, then and only then may it be a source of enchantment.

Samuel Beckett

Quotes About Unique Family #892039
#19. I think that is the very definition of a family: a group of individuals, bound by the essence of love, who share a life together and yet maintain their unique individuality.

Kathy Magliato

Quotes About Unique Family #775291
#20. All of us have parents. Generations pass. We are not unique. Now it is our family's turn.

Ralph Webster

Quotes About Unique Family #697020
#21. My advice is: Don't take yourself too seriously, laugh a lot, enjoy your time with family, and appreciate the unique talents of others. Trust in God, love your neighbor, say you're sorry, forgive, and work hard.

Willie Robertson

Quotes About Unique Family #667282
#22. Families, like individuals, are unique.

Norman Vincent Peale

Quotes About Unique Family #651634
#23. I'm interested in human behavior, and what happened in my family life is definitely not a unique story. There are aspects of that I'm sure you can see through the work. But I'm just looking for something that touches me.

Charlize Theron

Quotes About Unique Family #640198
#24. My Eighth District, like others, counts on these family businesses and their teams working hard to support their families and aid their communities. As retailers, these teams often bring different or unique products to the marketplace.

Melissa Bean

Quotes About Unique Family #628138
#25. Why should I be perfect.. when I'm already imperfectly perfect. And that's what is unique and perfect about me.

Abhishek Kumar

Quotes About Unique Family #587485
#26. Avon is a unique place to work; we've got family-friendly policies. We have more senior women in high-level management than any other company; 46 percent of our officers are women.

Andrea Jung

Quotes About Unique Family #545788
#27. The Cobalt Empire is the largest, known for their regal poise, intellectual prowess, and fierce commitment to one another. Each Cobalt is prideful and passionately unique but when push comes to shove.

They'll band together like an army of one.

Becca Ritchie

Quotes About Unique Family #469822
#28. Family is a unique gift that needs to be appreciated and treasured, even when they're driving you crazy. As much as they make you mad, interrupt you, annoy you, curse at you, try to control you, these are the people who know you the best and who love you.

Jenna Morasca

Quotes About Unique Family #399915
#29. From Genesis to Revelation, holy text is all about relationships and the limitless flavors of those relationships. It is the duty of mankind to tap into our women's unique talents
their genius for 'relationships.'
pg vii

Michael Ben Zehabe

Quotes About Unique Family #259148
#30. Frankly, accepting the family's unique qualities has done wonders to help my own sanity.

Carly Philips

Quotes About Unique Family #122163
#31. Growing up around Amish farmland, I enjoyed the opportunity to witness firsthand their love of family, of the domestic arts - sewing, quilting, cooking, baking - as well as seeing them live out their tradition of faith in such a unique way.

Beverly Lewis

Quotes About Unique Family #19522

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