Top 100 Quotes About The Alchemist
#1. The alchemist of the West has turned stone into glass
But my alchemy has transmuted glass into flint
Pharaohs of today have stalked me in vain
Muhammad Iqbal
#2. THE BOY RODE ALONG THROUGH THE DESERT FOR SEVERAL hours, listening avidly to what his heart had to say. It was his heart that would tell him where his treasure was hidden. "Where your treasure is, there also will be your heart," the alchemist had told him. But his heart was speaking of other things.
Paulo Coelho
#3. When you want something, all the Universe conspires to helping you achieve it.
The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
Just ask..
Victoria Aldridge Washuk
#4. It's not what enters men's mouth that is evil, said the alchemist. It's what comes out of their mouths that is.
Paulo Coelho
#5. While the alchemist of old sought to turn lead into gold, the modern alchemist has a more noble dream: to turn men from rot to rock
Agona Apell
#6. No matter the opinion, everyone knew their names. The Reaper. Magiano. The Windwalker. The Alchemist.
The Young Elites.
Marie Lu
#7. Maktub - (It is written)
- Paul Coelho, The Alchemist
Klaus Schirmer
#9. Don't give in to your fears," said the alchemist, in a strangely gentle voice. "If you do, you won't be able to talk to your heart." "But I have no idea how to turn myself into the wind." "If a person is living out his Personal Legend, he knows everything he needs to know.
Paulo Coelho
#10. The study of nature with a view to works is engaged in by the mechanic, the mathematician, the physician, the alchemist, and the magician; but by all as things now are with slight endeavour and scanty success.
Francis Bacon
#11. We need to transmute the lead of personality into the gold of the Spirit. This work is only possible in the laboratory of the Alchemist.
Samael Aun Weor
#12. It's not what enters men's mouths that's evil," said the alchemist. "It's what comes out of their mouths that is." The
Paulo Coelho
#14. Once you've got an inspired spark, you've got to strive. You've gotta keep putting wood on it, so they say, to keep it burning. But then there's the alchemist side of it, that's the fire that's burning but it don't burn.
#15. Like the alchemist of old, for ever searching for the philosopher's stone, the analyst to-day never stops looking for stronger moves to prevent the defender from establishing equality.
Savielly Tartakower
#16. You gave them everything I had!" the boy said. "Everything I've saved in my entire life!" "Well, what good would it be to you if you had to die?" the alchemist answered. "Your money saved us for three days. It's not often that money saves a person's life." But
Paulo Coelho
#17. The psychology of the alchemist is that of reveries trying to constitute themselves in experiments on the exterior world. A double vocabulary must be established between reverie and experiment. The exaltation of the names of substances is the preamble to experiments on the "exalted" substances.
Gaston Bachelard
#18. There is only one way to learn," the alchemist answered. "It's through action.
Paulo Coelho
#19. Thanks to his complex convictions, made strong with the forces of animus and anima, the alchemist believes he is seizing the soul of the world, participating in the soul of the world. Thus, from the world to the man, alchemy is a problem of souls.
Gaston Bachelard
#20. This is for you,' he (the Alchemist) said, holding one of the parts (of gold) out to the monk. 'It's for your generosity to the pilgrims.'
'But this payment goes well beyond my generosity,' the monk responded.
'Don't say that again. Life might be listening, and give you less the next time.
Paulo Coelho
#21. Okay, so. You, Belikov, the Alchemist, Sonya Karp, Victor Dashkov, and Robert Doru are all hanging out in West Virginia together."
"No," I said.
"We're, uh, not in West Virginia.
Richelle Mead
#22. Fatima is a woman of the desert," said the alchemist. "She knows that men have to go away in order to return. And she already has her treasure: it's you. Now she expects that you will find what it is you're looking for.
Paulo Coelho
#23. The Magus,the sorcerer, the alchemist, are seized with the fascination of the unknown; and they desire a greatness that is inaccessible to mankind.
W. Somerset Maugham
#24. Love the great narcotic was the revealer in the alchemist's bottle rendering visible the most untraceable substances.
Love the great narcotic was the agent provocateur exposing all the secret selves to daylight.
Anais Nin
#25. The alchemist said, "No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And normally he doesn't know it." The
Paulo Coelho
#26. And so the moral of his fabled travels read like Santiago's, the boy in Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist: Randy had traveled around the world in search of treasure and came home to find it in his own backyard. He
Eric Blehm
#27. But that wasn't why the boy, whose name was Will but who also answered to "Useless" and "Hopeless" and "Snot-Face" and "Sniveler" (at least when the alchemist was the one calling to him), felt sorry for himself.
Lauren Oliver
#28. The charlatan is always the pioneer. From the astrologer came the astronomer, from the alchemist the chemist, from the mesmerist the experimental psychologist. The quack of yesterday is the professor of tomorrow.
Arthur Conan Doyle
#29. I'm thinking about that afternoon you came to the empty restaurant, that day after the Alchemist. You were so alone." He pauses. I was. I'd never felt so alone. "Nobody saw it, but I did. I always see you. And you came in that door and came up to me and everything was new.
Carolyn Crane
#31. The surrealists know that the surreal is in the real, just as the mage knows that the invisible is in the visible and the alchemist knows that the infinite is to be found in the finite - and the Great Work consists of its extraction.
Patrick Lepetit
#32. But he was able to understand one thing: making a decision was only the beginning of things. When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strong current that wil carry him into places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision. - The Alchemist, Paulo Cohelo -
Paulo Coelho
#33. Contentment produces, in some measure, all those effects which the alchemist usually ascribes to what he calls the philosopher's stone; and if it does not bring riches, it does the same thing by banishing the desire for them.
Joseph Addison
#34. The secret is here in the present. If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it. And, if you improve on the present, what comes later will also be better.
The Alchemist
Paulo Coelho
#35. Reading The Alchemist was like getting up at dawn and seeing the sun rise while the rest of the world still slept.
Paulo Coelho
#36. In fact , the life is generous with who lives his personal legend.
Paulo Coelho
#37. Everyone has his or her own way of learning things. His way isn't the same as mine, nor mine as his. But we're both in search of our destinies, and I respect him for that.
Paulo Coelho
#38. The labor of the alchemists, who were called artist in their day, is a befitting comparison for a deliberate change of style.
William Butler Yeats
#39. I was no longer the storm-tossed heroine lost in her lover's arms. I was Sydney Sage, Alchemist and caretaker, and I was back in business.
Richelle Mead
#40. Fear is only the enemy if you let it keep you from moving forward.
Put fear on your side and let it motivate you.
This is the definition of an alchemist. To turn base metal into gold. Fear into Motivation.
Matthew Donnelly
#41. An alchemist cannot develop an elixir of life, but walking in nature can do! Youth and longevity are the two magics hidden in walking! Walking is a real alchemist
Mehmet Murat Ildan
#42. Eggs possess an elemental power. Their outer shell is earth. Their white is water. The membrane that lines the shell is air, and the yolk at the core is fire. The core of the egg preserves life and being, and therefore represents heaven and earth, while the white represents chaos.
Joanne Owen
#43. It's ironic that as scientists that don't believe in god, were the ones that are closest to god.
Hiromu Arakawa
#44. Life will come to an end, a return to dust from which we came ... The spirit becomes memories living in the minds of people.
Hiromu Arakawa
#45. In Shakespeare's day it was women who were being burned at the stake as witches ... not men. The men were thought of as alchemists. But women doing the same thing would be a witch and would be burned.
Helen Mirren
#46. Laia is the wild dance of a Tribal campfire, while Helene is the cold blue of an alchemist's flame.
Sabaa Tahir
#47. I'm a bit of an alchemist sorceress. I've collected probably 1500 oils from around the planet over the last ten years. I'm kind of obsessed with the sensuality of it.
Alanis Morissette
#48. I'm always up for music shows such as Jools Holland, but news more than anything, particularly Newsnight. And cookery: Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Rick Stein - it's down to him that I cook fish so much - and the great food alchemist Heston Blumenthal.
Charles Hazlewood
#49. And, in fine, of false sciences I thought I knew the worth sufficiently to escape being deceived by the professions of an alchemist, the predictions of an astrologer, the impostures of a magician, or by the artifices and boasting of any of those who profess to know things of which they are ignorant.
Rene Descartes
#50. These terrible sociologists, who are the astrologers and alchemists of our twentieth century.
Miguel De Unamuno
#51. She believed in me. Where I had doubt and fear, she had faith.
Joanne Owen
#52. Labor is the true alchemist that beats out in patient transmutation the baser metals into gold.
William Morley Punshon
#53. Love that sets forth the soul like springtime and ripens it like summer. Love as rarely exists in reality, as if a master alchemist has taken it and distilled out all the impurities, every petty disenchantment, every unworthy thought, into a perfect elixir, sweet and deep and all-consuming.
Laini Taylor
#54. The only transformer and alchemist that turns everything into gold is love. The only magic against death, aging, ordinary life, is love.
Anais Nin
#55. He learned the most important part of the language that all the world spoke - the language that everyone on earth was capable of understanding in their heart. It was love.
Paulo Coelho
#56. The true meaning of our philosophy will be unintelligible to the arrogant, the boastful and the mocking. Beware of those who exhibit such traits.
Joanne Owen
#57. You came so that you could learn about your dreams," said the old woman. "And dreams are the language of God. When he speaks in our language, I can interpret what he has said. But if he speaks in the language of the soul, it is only you who can understand.
Paulo Coelho
#58. If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it
Paulo Coelho
#59. What about you, Sage? I know we don't have to worry about you violating the dress code. Did you have fun at your Alchemist spa this weekend?
Richelle Mead
#60. A poet, any real poet, is simply an alchemist who transmutes his cynicism regarding human beings into an optimism regarding the moon, the stars, the heavens, and the flowers, to say nothing of the spring, love, and dogs.
George Jean Nathan
#61. The evening sky was sprinkled with stars ...
Joanne Owen
#62. If someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry.
The Alchemist
#63. Today the artist has inherited the combined functions of hermit, pilgrim, prophet, priest, shaman, sorcerer, soothsayer, alchemist.
Thomas Merton
#64. You want to be an alchemist so badly? Don't wait to react to the immediate problem.
Plan ahead. Look at the big picture and you won't ever have to deal with that problem.
Better to save yourself from a major catastrophe than drag your feet over a bunch of little inconveniences.
Richelle Mead
#65. If I could, I'd write a huge encyclopedia just about the words luck and coincidence
Paulo Coelho
#66. But the observers were even more surprised by her thigh boots, black breeches, and the red leather corset she wore over a white shirt. It was a daring outfit, to say the least... She also wore a sword and rode her horse like a man. It was scandalous...
Page 37 of ARC
Pierre Pevel
#67. I must have no fear of failure. It was my fear of failure that first kept me from attempting the Master Work.
Paulo Coelho
#68. The book is a film that takes place in the mind of the reader. That's why we go to movies and say, Oh, the book is better.
Paulo Coelho
#69. It's a cruel and random world, but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Hiromu Arakawa
#70. The cross stands as the final symbol that no evil exists that God cannot turn into a blessing. He is the living Alchemist who can take the dregs from the slag-heaps of life - disappointment, frustration, sorrow, disease, death, economic loss, heartache - and transform the dregs into gold.
Catherine Marshall
#71. Alchemist is like getting up at dawn and seeing the sun rise when other are asleep
Paulo Coelho
#72. Elias Ashmole, a seventeenth-century book collector and alchemist whose books and papers had come to the Bodleian from the Ashmolean Museum in the nineteenth century, along with the number 782.
Deborah Harkness
#73. The "Wet Tongue Gets Stuck To A Frozen Flagpole" attack!
Hiromu Arakawa
#74. The two brothers who sought to get their only family back, to feel her warmth, one lost his last family member and the other could never feel warmth again.
The one who wanted her baby back lost chance of having one again,
And the one who had a vision to see his country change became blind.
Hiromu Arakawa
#75. If we are to wield great magic, then let us learn from great teachers: the alchemists -- magicians par excellence.
Lawren Leo
#76. Most people see the world as a threatening place, and, because they do, the world turns out, indeed, to be a threatening place.
Paulo Coelho
#77. i knew his heart
was yours
but i wanted
to become
an alchemist
to make gold
of the pieces
i received
all i ever felt
was the dark side
of his leaded heart.
K.Y. Robinson
#78. Shay sometimes talked in a mysterious way, like she was quoting the lyrics of some band no one else listened to.
Scott Westerfeld
#79. What?! I'm not small! It's the world that's too big!!
Hiromu Arakawa
#80. I consider myself an alchemist. An alchemist is basically a mystical chemist, right? And one of the great feats that alchemists used to do is they would take lead - just take a chunk of lead - and they could turn lead into gold.
Will Smith
#81. The boy and his heart had become friends, and neither was capable now of betraying the other.
Paulo Coelho
#82. The closer one gets to realizing his destiny, the more that destiny becomes his true reason for being.
Paulo Coelho
#83. Perfect alchemists I keep who can transmute substances without end, and thus the corner of my garden is an inexhaustible treasure-chest. Here you can dig, not gold, but the value which gold merely represents; and there is no Signor Blitz about it.
Henry David Thoreau
#84. I had to be the next family Alchemist. My sister ... well, she's older, and usually it's the oldest kid who has to do the job. But, she's kind of ... worthless. -Sydney to Rose
Richelle Mead
#85. The world speaks many languages, the boy thought
Paulo Coelho
#86. It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting
Paul Coelho
#87. A scientist must be a traveller, an explorer. Knowledge comes from experience. ... The path to enlightenment is never linear.
Joanne Owen
#88. He wasn't an alchemist, or a hero. He was a librarian, and a dreamer. He was a reader, and the unsung expert on a long-lost city no one cared a thing about.
Laini Taylor
#90. In 1977, I wrote a series of poems about a character, Black Bart, a former cattle rustler-turned-alchemist. A good friend, Claude Purdy, who is a stage director, suggested I turn the poems into a play.
August Wilson
#91. It's unwise to let rage get the better of you. And you shouldn't hinge everything on whether you'll get to see the Emperor. Being obsessed with one thing like that has made him a sad, lonely man.
Joanne Owen
#92. Where your treasure is, there also will be your heart.
Paulo Coelho
#93. We have achieved two of the three alchemists' dreams: We have transmuted the elements and learned to fly. Immortality is next.
Max More
#94. They spent their days together and their nights dreaming of one another.
Joanne Owen
#96. We, their hearts, become fearful just thinking of loved ones who go away forever, or of moments that could have been good but weren't, or of moments that could have been found but were forever hidden in the sands.
Paulo Coelho
#97. The Alchemists' beliefs are my beliefs," I say quickly.
She arched an eyebrow. "Are they? I would hope your beliefs would be your beliefs."
I'd never thought about it that way before, but I suddenly hoped desperately that her words were true.
Richelle Mead
#98. The boy knew that in money there was magic; whoever has money is never really alone.
Paulo Coelho
#99. A man who knows what other men know,know nothing for they all know the same
#100. But history has been adapted here, re-spun to tell Jan's tale: the story of a boy caught up in a world of change and opportunity, trickery and wonder. A story inspired by a city and its legends.
Joanne Owen
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