Top 77 Quotes About Sudan
#1. People in Ethiopia, the Sudan, etc., don't know Audrey Hepburn, but they recognize the name UNICEF. When they see UNICEF, their faces light up, because they know that something is happening. In the Sudan, for example, they call a water pump 'UNICEF.'
Audrey Hepburn
#2. The government of Sudan, employing a back channel direct from its president to the Central Intelligence Agency, offered in the early spring of 1996 to arrest Osama bin Laden and place him in Saudi custody, according to officials and former officials in all three countries.
Barton Gellman
#3. I grew up in Sudan and Kenya, and lived in both the rural and urban centers of both countries throughout my life.
Erik Hersman
#4. My novel Who Fears Death is a post-apocalyptic novel set in a future Sudan.
Nnedi Okorafor
#5. The south really wants Abyei; they have a core constituency who reside in the area who believe that Abyei belongs to the south. There are a number of those sons of Abyei in high positions of government in South Sudan, so it's pretty hard for South Sudan to just walk away.
Rebecca Hamilton
#6. Sudan replaced the U.S. on the U.N. Human Rights Commission joining Syria, and Cuba. So now, the commission members have no interest in upholding the stated mission of the panel. It's just like the Senate Ethics Committee.
Argus Hamilton
#7. The only foreign policy advice I heard from China was when they said to Sudan, 'Don't go back to war.' That's all they said. They didn't push anything else.
Emmanuel Jal
#8. Electing Sudan to the U.N. body mandated to promote and protect human rights worldwide is like putting Jack the Ripper in charge of a women's shelter.
Hillel Neuer
#9. An effective U.S. policy toward Sudan - one capable of changing the situation in the south and affecting the lives of its people - will require top-level attention and a great deal of energy. It should have three elements: aid, diplomacy, and financial disclosure.
Elliott Abrams
#10. The United States already has in place comprehensive trade sanctions against Sudan, imposed because of the regime's support for terrorism. While we maintain diplomatic relations, we do not staff our embassy there.
Elliott Abrams
#11. We want peace and development in all 10 states of South Sudan - we don't want military backing.
Ger Duany
#12. Nothing seemed more important to me than to make the world aware of the senseless death and starvation in South Sudan. I wanted people to see through the eyes of the suffering so my photos might motivate the international community to act.
Lynsey Addario
#13. My last passport, I had North Korea, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Liberia, Guinea ... I had, like, every war-torn country in there.
Shane Smith
#14. I wanted to continue doing my work, but I had to figure out how. And so what I have basically come up with is that I still go to Afghanistan and Iraq and South Sudan and many of these places that are rife with war, but I don't go directly to the front line.
Lynsey Addario
#15. In the Middle East, Iraq , Sudan , the former Yugoslavia and Northern Ireland, and many other places in the world , religion has been so divisive that people have killed one another, believing they were doing the work of God .
John C. Danforth
#16. The U.S. has taken an active role in wars from Libya to the Central African Republic, sent special ops forces into countries from Somalia to South Sudan, conducted airstrikes and abduction missions, even put boots on the ground in countries where it pledged it would not.
Nick Turse
#17. When an international news organization covers a story in Somalia, Yemen, Sudan or wherever, they will fly a crew to go there, spend a few days, interact with some officials and analysts, most of the time English-speaking elite, and file the story and go home.
Wadah Khanfar
#18. It is morally appalling for the so called liberators of South Sudan to keep liberating their own people from a war that has already been won.
Duop Chak Wuol
#19. There are no longer natural famines in the world; there are only political famines. If people in Syria, Sudan or Somalia starve to death, it is because some politician wants them to. In
Yuval Noah Harari
#20. We are also assisting the refugees who have fled across the border to Chad. As many of them have been subject to attacks by militia crossing from Sudan, UNHCR is mounting a major logistical operation to establish camps and transfer refugees away from the border zone.
Jan Egeland
#21. The people of the Sudan expect a lot from the institution of the presidency, and we should live up to their expectations.
Salva Kiir Mayardit
#22. Let us pray for peace in Africa, especially in the Central African Republic and in South Sudan.
Pope Francis
#23. I have realized that for those who live in the West, freedom is so often something they take for granted. It has always been there for them. It is their unnoticed, unrecognized, constant companion and friend. But for those of us who come from countries like Sudan, freedom is wonderful and precious.
Mende Nazer
#24. Muslim delegates concerned about rights in Palestine could have brought their enthusiasm closer to home by addressing the fate of black Christians being slaughtered and enslaved in the Sudan.
Jack Schwartz
#25. I have 179 children that I take care of full-time: close to 40 in Uganda and the rest in Sudan.
Sam Childers
#26. Our main source of economy is agriculture. What we should do is to use the oil money that we have today to re-fuel agriculture. And so agriculture will be the backbone of the economy of South Sudan.
Salva Kiir Mayardit
#27. Building confidence and constructive relations between Sudan and South Sudan is urgent
Jimmy Carter
#28. I don't know anywhere where the people are hungrier for education than South Sudan.
Emmanuel Jal
#29. The mentality of who is your uncle - an ethnocentric way of thinking, is one of the leading causes of South Sudan's internal conflicts.
Duop Chak Wuol
#30. When evangelical leaders can persuade the president to be concerned about what's happening in Sudan, or sex trafficking around the world, or HIV-AIDS, that's a very good thing. I am completely supportive of that.
Jim Wallis
#31. You would think bearing witness to something like this would make a difference, and yet this isn't so. In the newspapers I have read about history repeating itself in Cambodia. Rwanda. Sudan.
Jodi Picoult
#32. If Sudan starts to crumble, the shock waves will spread.
Mo Ibrahim
#33. The issue is complex, but like many matters in Sudan, it is not as complex as Khartoum would want the west to believe.
Dave Eggers
#35. Hypocrisy, is when individuals become abnoxiously contradicting, unrealistically criticizing the government of South Sudan, but yet are part of the puzzle underneath the Salva Kiir's regime.
Audrey Hepburn
#36. My mum and dad were speaking all the time about, 'In Sudan we do this,' and 'In Egypt we do that,' so I was very aware of cultural differences. I was confused growing up; it gave me a feeling of being an outsider watching others. But I think this is good for a writer.
Leila Aboulela
#37. We're going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran
Wesley Clark
#38. Every indication is that the Sudanese government will be defining it as an Arab, Muslim country. But there are also a lot of Christians and a lot of people, like the Nuba, who are not Arab. And that is why it is going to be problematic that Sudan will be defined in this way.
Rebecca Hamilton
#39. The Republic of South Sudan does not belong to a particular tribe - it belongs to all tribes of South Sudan; those who think so should think coherently. The truth is, tribalism kills and destroys.
Duop Chak Wuol
#40. Sudan expelled bin Laden on May 18, 1996, to Afghanistan.
Barton Gellman
#41. In 1995, sanctions led Sudan to cut its ties with terrorists and expel Osama bin Laden.
Tom Allen
#42. Watching the scenes out of New Orleans, if you turn down the sound it could be the Sudan or any Third World country. But it's not. it's the United States of America.
Al Roker
#43. Sudan cannot afford to be on the wrong side of history. The north and south will have to work together, but will they?
Mo Ibrahim
#44. One of the biggest problems that Egypt faces is the lack of border security - the importation of weapons on their way to Gaza, for example, coming out of Sudan.
Hillary Clinton
#45. Despite the increase in world attention toward Sudan in the past months, the genocide in Darfur has continued without any serious attempt by the Sudanese government to do what governments primarily exist to do, protect their citizens.
Tom Allen
#46. Sudan is not really a country at all, but many. A composite layers, like a genetic fingerprint of memories that were once fluid, but have since crystallized out from the crucible of possibility
Jamal Mahjoub
#47. It is not in our interest, I suppose, to let South Sudan fall under the category of the burdened societies. We must be critical about our own actions if we want to move forward as a nation proud of its immense diversity.
Duop Chak Wuol
#48. As a Jew I cannot sit idle while genocidal atrocities continue to unfold in Darfur, Sudan.
Jan Schakowsky
#49. I mean, I can look back with great pleasure on what has happened in Sudan, and our commitment to people who are persecuted in that kind of way.
George Carey
#50. When I was in south Sudan, people used to rap in my village. But the rapping was more in the mother tongue, Nuer.
Emmanuel Jal
#51. Secondly, the Government of Sudan should commit to the disarmament and control of the Janjaweed militia and ensure that the targeting of civilians ceases immediately.
Jan Egeland
#52. I left Sudan when I was 25 or 26 years old. If I had stayed, I would never have ended up being an entrepreneur. You can have the qualities, but if you don't have the environment, you just wither away. It's like a fish: take it out of water, it will not survive.
Mo Ibrahim
#53. The Sudan bombing is a blot on the Clinton presidency, and a blot it ought to remain.
Timothy Noah
#54. The UN Commission on Human Rights, whose membership in recent years has included countries - such as Libya and Sudan - which have deplorable human rights records, and the recent Oil-for-Food scandal, are just a few examples of why reform is so imperative.
John Linder
#55. South Sudan is one of the most hard-put places in the world.
Henry Rollins
#56. Chinese authorities demonstrated during the climate-related civil war that began in Sudan in 2003 that they would support mass murderers when doing so seemed to serve their investments. In
Timothy Snyder
#57. Sudan is not Arab enough for Arabs and not African enough for Africans.
Leila Aboulela
#58. At one point people in al Qaeda were actually drawing monthly paychecks when they were based in Sudan.
Peter L. Bergen
#59. If the president of the United States says that attacks on civilians, starvation, and denial of religious freedom in Sudan are important international issues, they become so.
Elliott Abrams
#60. I was born into Sudan's civil war, and before I could read or write, I was using an AK47 in the conflict between the Muslim north and Animist/Christian south over the land and natural resources.
Ger Duany
#61. I spent about a year traveling overland from Egypt through Sudan and Ethiopia, and eventually into East Africa.
James Luceno
#62. President Numeiri of Sudan is said to have remarked of Gadaffi that he was 'a man with a split personality - both of them evil'.
Margaret Thatcher
#63. Already, China has undermined U.S. foreign policy in efforts to gain access to oil resources in Iran and Sudan. We simply cannot separate the political and economic values of oil.
Jo Ann Emerson
#64. People feel repressed by their own governments; they feel unfairly treated by the outside world; they wake up in the morning, and who do they see - they see people being shot and killed: all Muslims from Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Darfur.
Mohamed ElBaradei
#65. The United Nations has become a largely irrelevant, if not positively destructive institution, and the just-released U.N. report on the atrocities in Darfur, Sudan, proves the point.
Linda Chavez
#66. The first question is something immediate
and immediately, we need humanitarian aid to be allowed into the Sudan before it becomes the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.
George Clooney
#67. There is no ordinary run of mankind, there are only individuals who are totally different. And whether a man is naked and black and stands on one foot in Sudan or is clothed in some kind of costume in a bus in England, they are still individuals of entirely different characters.
Evelyn Waugh
#68. The Sudanese government has been playing games with the world, with the Africa Union, in particular, have been playing for time in order to conclude its mission of ethnic cleansing in the Sudan.
Wole Soyinka
#69. The United States should help strengthen nongovernmental humanitarian agencies working in Sudan so that they can handle an increased flow of aid.
Elliott Abrams
#70. By "West Sudan," for instance, an almost vanished term, people understood the whole gigantic stretch of savannah immediately south of the Sahara, from the Atlantic to Darfur in the country now known as Sudan.
Jurgen Osterhammel
#71. I do commercials, but I also go to Sudan as an ambassador for UNICEF.
James Nesbitt
#72. There are different opinions across the Middle East of Al-Jazeera. They've been kicked out of Egypt and Jordan and then let back in; they've been totally banned from Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Syria.
Jehane Noujaim
#73. This war has made racists of too many of the and too many of us, and it is the leadership in Khartoum that has stoked this fire, that has brought to the surface, and in some cases created from whole cloth, new hatreds that have bred unprecedented acts of brutality.
Dave Eggers
#74. Turn and face the Light, and all you see is Brightness. Turn and face Shadow, and all of Life will appear before you.
Stan Sudan
#75. But without William K, I would have forgotten that I had not been born on this journey. That I had lived before this.
Dave Eggers
#76. I had forgotten that, and so many things. How could I put everything down on paper? It seemed impossible. No matter what, the majority of life would be left out of this story, this sliver of a version of the life I'd known. But I tried anyway.
Dave Eggers
#77. Any critique of realism must begin with a sober assessment of the horrors of peace.
Christopher Hitchens
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