Top 100 Quotes About Something Change

#1. If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. - Maya Angelou

Aleatha Romig

Quotes About Something Change #247714
#2. I think that's the greatest gift one can have: point of view. You know? I've come to believe that if you have a bad memory of something, change it.

Liza Minnelli

Quotes About Something Change #590753
#3. But here was a chance to do something. Change something.

Maybe even change everything.

Vic James

Quotes About Something Change #690573
#4. A person like Carole King could make up something, change it, and actually improve it.

Jules Shear

Quotes About Something Change #860271
#5. Summary "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it." Mary Engelbreit

Fred Juliusson

Quotes About Something Change #1039440
#6. I did things I did not understand for reasons I could not begin to explain just to be in motion, to be trying to do something, change something in a world I wanted desperately to make over but could not imagine for myself.

Dorothy Allison

Quotes About Something Change #1294241
#7. The ultimate way to change something is to change what is behind that something. Change what is behind something and something will change!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Quotes About Something Change #1360578
#8. If you want to change something, change it. Don't just sit around sighing all day like a balloon losing air.


Quotes About Something Change #1500953
#9. I wonder how many times in my life I would have been able to prevent something, change something, do something different, if only I'd listened to someone.

Alex Flinn

Quotes About Something Change #1560157
#10. If you are unhappy about something change it.
Choose what you want in life, create your plan to get it, put your plan into action and follow through with persistence.

Latorria Freeman

Quotes About Something Change #1644991
#11. We see something change in our climate and we blame ourselves ... I don't think we understand what happens. We can watch it happen on the (climate) models, we know it happens, but we don't know for sure how it happens.

Roy Spencer

Quotes About Something Change #1765544
#12. If you aren't happy with your life, change things until you are ... if you can't change something, change your attitude about it.

Ingrid Weir

Quotes About Something Change #1864631
#13. You can talk yourself into a good emotional state. I stop for a second, take a deep breath, and think about something that's beautiful. A beautiful thought for me is cutting the umbilical cord for my child. I can guarantee you that your emotional state will change.

Montel Williams

Quotes About Something Change #1375
#14. The 'fear of change' excuse is something you see trotted out by organizations or management that believe customers are old, stupid, ignorant, and stubborn.

Ian Lamont

Quotes About Something Change #1869
#15. As much as people would like to disrupt the world by going their own way entirely, you cannot change an existing system without also becoming a little part of it in order to change it from the inside. Everybody can change something, but nobody can change everything.

Rick Falkvinge

Quotes About Something Change #3442
#16. You can change your emotion immediately .. by thinking of something joyful, or singing a song, or remembering a happy experience.

Rhonda Byrne

Quotes About Something Change #3619
#17. The left has total control over the public education system, all the way up to the university level. It's something they own, and it's going to have to change.

Rush Limbaugh

Quotes About Something Change #4379
#18. There really was nothing firm, nothing certain. Even here, even at this place where he thought he'd found something permanent - everything could change in a day. Everything could be lost so quickly.

S.J. Kincaid

Quotes About Something Change #5192
#19. God, it's like reality's completely shifted on me. I used to think I was standing on such solid ground. If I wanted something badly enough, I just worked like hell for it. Now I can't decide what to do, which move to make. All the things I counted on aren't there for me anymore.

Tess Gerritsen

Quotes About Something Change #6784
#20. Art inspires, produces an unwillingness to settle for what we have and a desire for something better. It is the product and producer of creative activity, change; it is essential for continuous development.

Russell L. Ackoff

Quotes About Something Change #7013
#21. Love required sacrifice and making hard choices and doing things that were bigger than just you. It wasn't something you asked for, or could control or change. It was something you accepted. Love was a force of nature.

Kimberly Derting

Quotes About Something Change #10894
#22. I have gotten where I am today by refusing to stay where I was. Change is something I have done over and over again.

Danielle Bernock

Quotes About Something Change #11822
#23. I realized that this was the big secret of democracy
that change can occur by starting off with just a few people doing something.

Michael Moore

Quotes About Something Change #12036
#24. No, what is important is neither linearity or non-linearity, but the change, the degree of change from something that doesn't move to other events with different tempos in particular.

Karlheinz Stockhausen

Quotes About Something Change #13401
#25. If you stick to something doggedly, you are off to a bad start.

Karl Lagerfeld

Quotes About Something Change #14814
#26. Believe something and the Universe is on its way to being changed. Because you've changed, by believing. Once you've changed, other things start to follow. Isn't that the way it works?

Diane Duane

Quotes About Something Change #15427
#27. What will your children remember? We can change the world inside our own houses. Take the gift of this moment and make something beautiful of it. Few worthwhile experiences just happen; memories are made on purpose.

Gloria Gaither

Quotes About Something Change #19001
#28. It is not wrong to change in order to achieve certain goals in life. If you want a happy relationship, for example, you can't expect luck to bring it. You can't have something that implies you without being yourself there.

Robin Sacredfire

Quotes About Something Change #21816
#29. Each one of us must carry within the proof of immortality, it cannot be given from outside of us. To be sure, everything in natureis change but behind the change there is something eternal.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Quotes About Something Change #22080
#30. When men want to kiss you they act like they are just on the brink of doing something that's going to change the whole wide world.

Barbara Kingsolver

Quotes About Something Change #22319
#31. Somebody is going to find a way digitally that is just as innovative. In the end, the tools can change, but there is always someone who can think of something cool to do.

Patton Oswalt

Quotes About Something Change #23021
#32. But doing something means that people must change, make an effort, use their minds, which is what most people do not like to do.

Harry Harrison

Quotes About Something Change #25149
#33. The first element of change is awareness. You can't change something unless you know it exists.

T. Harv Eker

Quotes About Something Change #29641
#34. My ideas about time all developed from the realization that if nothing were to change we could not say that time passes. Change is primary, time, if it exists at all, is something we deduce from it.

Julian Barbour

Quotes About Something Change #32632
#35. A good plan allows for plenty of spontaneity and room for change - but without a plan at all, it's difficult to work toward something significant over time.

Chris Guillebeau

Quotes About Something Change #34081
#36. Set a new standard. Change reality. Break ground to something new and different. That achievement will live forever just because you WERE somebody special!

Gerry Lindgren

Quotes About Something Change #40671
#37. Stress is a signal that something needs to change. Suffering, is when we don't make the change!

Bill Crawford

Quotes About Something Change #41146
#38. 99% of the people in the world would say there's something that they'd like to change about their lives, because nothing's perfect, and nobody's perfect. I suppose I could look at the glass half-empty instead of as half-full.

Morris Chestnut

Quotes About Something Change #42068
#39. but there will be other things, new things. That's how it is with change. You leave one thing behind, and there's something else to take it's place.

Deborah Ellis

Quotes About Something Change #42474
#40. There had to be something else out there that would help me change. I wanted to live.

John Sweeney

Quotes About Something Change #44757
#41. What I think we fear is rapid, pronounced, and uncontrollable changes to ourselves, and because of this we have a form of personality inertia - something that resists rapid change.

Simon Travaglia

Quotes About Something Change #44902
#42. There's always something exciting about small change.

Jim Rash

Quotes About Something Change #45782
#43. I've never been a passive person. I've always felt that, if you think something should be changed, it's your responsibility to actively pursue that change.

Bob Filner

Quotes About Something Change #48173
#44. Yet hopefully things are different now, and I'm moving on to something better rather than attempting to suck more out of the same stale situation.

Doug Cooper

Quotes About Something Change #51340
#45. I try to make a film that's very entertaining, very funny, but also gives you something to think about. And the strongest thing I have to offer is my point of view, to get across how I see the world in hopes that it can change the way other people see the world, hopefully for the better.

Terry Zwigoff

Quotes About Something Change #53385
#46. I really do see the good in people, and I don't want to change that. That's really how I view things, so sometimes I'll look past a lot of huge red flags because I see something else in someone. Then, of course, it always comes back to haunt me in the long run.

Jennifer Morrison

Quotes About Something Change #55440
#47. If you are standing in one place waiting for something to change, you may be there for a while. You've got to move. Step up and take a swing. Make something happen

Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Quotes About Something Change #56259
#48. Once individuals have the motivation to do something different, the whole world can begin to change. The

Esther Cameron

Quotes About Something Change #56409
#49. But you cannot change your nature. If you are a lonely creature, this cannot be undone. Something will always crop up to remind you.

Adrienne Celt

Quotes About Something Change #59942
#50. I think sometimes people are scared to change. Sometimes people are scared to do something different, especially if they've been successful at something.

Jane Clayson

Quotes About Something Change #60586
#51. We love to receive praise, but usually we're not certain what message, precisely, we should take from it. On the other hand, when someone points out our flaws, we realize immediately that something needs to change.

Charles Duhigg

Quotes About Something Change #60685
#52. Never opt for change simply to leave something you don't like. Change works best when you go toward something, even if it is the unknown.

Simon Sinek

Quotes About Something Change #62915
#53. You don't need to change one hair. One freckle. One little toe. And if its me thats made you feel you should do this..then there's something wrong with me. -Luke Brandon

Sophie Kinsella

Quotes About Something Change #64961
#54. Just remember, what the French say. No, probably not the French, they've got a president or something. The Brits, maybe, or the Swedes. You know what I mean?"
"No, Matthew. What do they say?"
"The king is dead, that's what they say. The king is dead. Long live the king.

Neil Gaiman

Quotes About Something Change #67552
#55. If something is not to your liking, change your liking.

Patricia Ryan Madson

Quotes About Something Change #70470
#56. And it turns out that tribes, not money, not factories, that can change our world, that can change politics, that can align large numbers of people. Not because you force them to do something against their will. But because they wanted to connect.

Seth Godin

Quotes About Something Change #70972
#57. But history is that rare woman who doesn't like to look at herself in the mirror. History, when she finds herself in front of one, wipes and wipes its surface at though in this way she might change her face to something better

Yevgeny Yevtushenko

Quotes About Something Change #72186
#58. If it's concerning immigration, do something on immigration, put your concerns on the President's actions and I'll vote on them. I'm not going to play politics and start playing around with the Homeland Security, there's no pressure that's going to change where I am.

Joe Manchin

Quotes About Something Change #72494
#59. Civilisation consists in giving something a name that doesn't belong to it and then dreaming over the result. And the false name joined to the true dream does create a new reality. The object does change into something else, because we make it change. We manufacture realities.

Fernando Pessoa

Quotes About Something Change #72597
#60. His look darkens and he heaves me against his chest forcing me to look at him. What I do know is that you are disrespectful and disobedient. And that is something that we have to change, don't we?

Aileen Rose

Quotes About Something Change #77007
#61. We have the power to change voluntarily, and there is something wonderful and awe-inspiring about that power.

Lawren Leo

Quotes About Something Change #77383
#62. The biggest waste of brainpower is to want to change something that's not changeable.

Albert Brooks

Quotes About Something Change #81517
#63. A mental choice, absent a real heart change, is no choice at all. We couldn't force ourselves to be something we were not. That just couldn't happen. And it didn't.

Ira Wagler

Quotes About Something Change #87510
#64. Scenes change all the time. Scenes will change while you're shooting them, and you just have to roll with it 'cause that's what makes it funny. It's not being stuck in your character and how you're gonna do something, but to react to other people and to really have a real-life conversation.

Yara Shahidi

Quotes About Something Change #90205
#65. I don't want to go to Washington to be a co-sponsor of some bland little bill nobody cares about. I don't want to go to Washington to get my name on something that makes small change at the margin.

Elizabeth Warren

Quotes About Something Change #93294
#66. When men cough or talk into their own hands, they are praying to their own bones, hoping to change their minds about something.

Ben Marcus

Quotes About Something Change #94277
#67. Reading a book is like going on a great journey. You don't know what'll happen, but something is bound to change. And for me, that change has always been good.

Shannon Hale

Quotes About Something Change #94723
#68. One difference with the political writings, whether about feminism or class, is that the intent is to change how people think of a certain political reality; whereas with cultural criticism, the goal is to illuminate something that is already there.

Bell Hooks

Quotes About Something Change #95046
#69. Most Modern Orthodox are religious Zionists. Despite all differences and nuances among us, we consider the founding of the State a historic change. We accept it as something that came from Providence.

Norman Lamm

Quotes About Something Change #96303
#70. The scientists do not get enough help, enough encouragement, to change their field from time to time because the pressure is too high or is to perform something. And once you start in a new field, you are a nobody to start with, you see.

Heinrich Rohrer

Quotes About Something Change #97919
#71. There's something better than an 'excuse' for your mistake, which is 'now you know how to stop it from happening again'.

Mohith Agadi

Quotes About Something Change #102666
#72. When you choose to live a generous life, you start to change and so does the world around you. Something incredible happens when giving becomes your own idea, not something you do out of duty or obligation.

Brad Formsma

Quotes About Something Change #103499
#73. There is a coherence in things, a stability; something ... is immune from change and shines out ... in the face of the flowing, the fleeting, the spectral, like a ruby.

Virginia Woolf

Quotes About Something Change #104354
#74. Unlike Washington, which is stuck in ideological gridlock, Americans feel the impact of climate change in their own hometowns and they know something must be done.

John F. Kerry

Quotes About Something Change #108513
#75. This girl who's slept a hundred years has something after all. It's called Centuryitis, and it has turned me into a man. Oh, what will mamma think when she sees me?!
-Karen Quan and Jarod Kintz

Karen Quan

Quotes About Something Change #110138
#76. Your job is always the same if it's a juggernaut or if it's just one of these little jewels of a film that's gonna wind up at the Laemmle or something, so your job doesn't change whatsoever ... give it your best shot.

Morgan Freeman

Quotes About Something Change #111642
#77. The thing about real life is that important events don't announce themselves ... Usually something that is going to change your whole life is a memory before you can stop and be impressed about it.

Edith Schaeffer

Quotes About Something Change #112439
#78. Something like a divorce does change you, but children change you more, and now I've had three.

Keeley Hawes

Quotes About Something Change #117039
#79. If you're worried about life-work balance, something is probably wrong with your life or your work. Instead of agonizing over balance, get excited and create change.

Chris Guillebeau

Quotes About Something Change #117460
#80. And I think we created something incredible as a Democratic group, as a platform, as an effort to make a change in the country, and I think we did change this country. And I think we will continue to, and I know that my father is not going to stop fighting.

Vanessa Kerry

Quotes About Something Change #118421
#81. Her grandmother used to say something about how the air around you will turn white when things are about to change.

Sarah Addison Allen

Quotes About Something Change #122127
#82. In simple terms, I realised that food is the most fundamental need for a person. In difficult economic times, people's priorities change, and they might be willing to do something that secures for them the lowest possible weekly food bill.

Stelios Haji-Ioannou

Quotes About Something Change #122247
#83. It struck Harold afresh how life could change in an instant. You could be doing something so everyday - walking your partner's dog, putting on your shoes - and not knowing that everything you wanted you were about to lose.

Rachel Joyce

Quotes About Something Change #122871
#84. Something of the previous state, however, survives every change. This is called in the language of cybernetics (which took it form the language of machines) feedback, the advantages of learning from experience and of having developed reflexes.

Guy Davenport

Quotes About Something Change #125771
#85. Every 20 minutes you've got to have a bump, you've got to have a change in course, you've got to unsettle the audience. It can't be too predictable so something has to happen. I think that was something that Hitchcock did very well too. You couldn't let an audience feel too settled in.

Barbara Broccoli

Quotes About Something Change #125930
#86. After you've won something, you're no longer 100 percent, but 90 percent. It's like a bottle of carbonated water where the cap is removed for a short while. Afterwards there's a little less gas inside.

Johan Cruijff

Quotes About Something Change #126489
#87. It's better to end something and start another than to imprison yourself in hoping for the impossible. Life can never promise to always be happy but life gets better after you accept things you just can't change. For you Jelle, from me.. with luv. He-he!

Marione Ashley

Quotes About Something Change #128985
#88. Somebody like me - I am a member of the Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change, we've been at this for several years now. To have somebody like the Prince of Wales talk about something [like climate changes] elevates that conversation to a much higher level.

Chris Barrie

Quotes About Something Change #128991
#89. What's the point of re-releasing an album? The original sounded good, why change something about it?

Ritchie Blackmore

Quotes About Something Change #129217
#90. You don't need to live in a mansion to be happy. All you need is to create the right space, something that says this is who you are, and you can always change who you are, just as you change your environment.

Anthea Syrokou

Quotes About Something Change #130067
#91. When you're in a slump, you do something different, just to try it. I remember one time I was in a slump, and I borrowed one of Henry Aaron's bats and hit two homers. I used my own bats the next night. I just needed a change.

Joe Torre

Quotes About Something Change #133458
#92. I want to do things that will change someone's life, not something they'll forget about tomorrow.

Daveigh Chase

Quotes About Something Change #135336
#93. Making excuses and not trying because I was scared were my go-to reactions. Nothing was going to change in my life unless I did something about it.

Erin Willett

Quotes About Something Change #135683
#94. It was obvious that computers were going to become more a part of our lives, and they will continue to unless something dramatic happens to change that.

Kate Bush

Quotes About Something Change #138649
#95. When you are surrounded by something so big that requires you to change everything about the way you think and see the world, then denial is the natural response. But the longer we wait, the bigger the response required.

Paul Gilding

Quotes About Something Change #138902
#96. I never dwell on what happened. You can't change it. Move forward. Don't waste your energy on being angry at something that somebody did six months ago or a year ago. It's over. Done. Move forward.

Joan Rivers

Quotes About Something Change #139979
#97. When something seems to change in the world, the rishis said, it is really you that is changing.

Deepak Chopra

Quotes About Something Change #140256
#98. I think we all want something to knock us on the head and change our lives.

Neil Burger

Quotes About Something Change #140317
#99. I don't believe being gay is something you can change, no more than you can change the color of your hair or your eyes. Well, I dye my hair, so maybe that's not the best example. But your eyes!

Patricia Polacco

Quotes About Something Change #145348
#100. But Grace quite likes the fact that you can think something is one way all your life, and it turns out you're wrong, it can be something else entirely. It makes her feel free. Nothing is rigid. Things change. You can change your mind. You can change your thinking.

Liane Moriarty

Quotes About Something Change #145459

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