Top 74 Quotes About Shirvington
#1. You're incredible. I can feel your power and it's more than anything I ... Violet," he swallowed, watching me in awe. "It's like ... It's like you're as powerful as an angel."
Jessica Shirvington
#3. I love you. Madly, crazy, beyond compare. I feel like I can't breathe without you, never want to lose you, would run with you, kill for you, die for you, love you.
Jessica Shirvington
#4. Remember always, everyone has a place of perfect belonging, and if they leave that place without permission, sometimes they must be returned.
Jessica Shirvington
#5. I think of all that happened since finding her. Barely a blink in my existence, but everything has changed ... We love the ones we hate.
And I hate her with all my heart
Jessica Shirvington
#7. I give it to you now because, child of soldier, child of man, child of angel, it is not necessary to win the battle, if in the end, you win the war.
Jessica Shirvington
#8. Some things are so real you can feel them to your core. It doesn't matter where you go, they go with you. Anywhere.
Jessica Shirvington
#9. Violet: "You're an asshole."
Onyx: "Thank you, it's something that took an eternity to perfect.
Jessica Shirvington
#10. It's like he's training you for battle or something." Her eyes lit up. "Hey, maybe he has some underground fight club and he's grooming you!"
"That's it, Steph. Definitely.
Jessica Shirvington
#11. We would all believe in God if he served our every whim. Belief is not about an easy life or even truth. Belief is something you have regardless.
Jessica Shirvington
#13. You do. You're most beautiful just after you've woken up. It's always my favorite time, when we go for a run I the morning and I get to see you first thing. He kept playing with my hair.
Jessica Shirvington
#16. ... his light to my dark. His truth to my lies. His sacrifices to my selfishness.
Jessica Shirvington
#18. And as soon as he was gone, I saw beyond, to where Lincoln stood, exactly where I'd seen him last, when I'd begged him to trust me.
And my heart shuttered to life.
Because he had.
Jessica Shirvington
#19. Girl, all existence is a test. Some just get challenged in more obvious ways.
Jessica Shirvington
#21. His brow furrowed. "It's beautiful ... and awful, too. What is it?"
"It's me
Jessica Shirvington
#23. Not us, Vi. Everything else may end, but not us. What we have ... We're endless.
Jessica Shirvington
#25. If I spent all my time fearing the things I should, I'd never stop screaming.
Jessica Shirvington
#26. Am I not allowed to want your happiness because it conflicts with my own?
Jessica Shirvington
#27. Right now, the only person I could stand to be around was myself, and that was only because I had no say in the matter.
Jessica Shirvington
#28. There as many nights as days, and the one is just as long as the other in the year's course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word 'happy' would lose it's meaning if it were not balanced by sadness- Carl Jung
Jessica Shirvington
#29. What do you want Phoenix?"
"I'm going away for a while. I wanted to say goodbye." He smiled, but it was empty. There was nothing there.
"Fine, goodbye.
Jessica Shirvington
#30. His lips were soft, warm and felt overwhelmingly right against mine. I fell into it, oblivious to anything other than the safety in his touch. One by one, the senses flowed from me as he pulled them away and set them free. It must have hurt him. The senses hurt the hell out of me..
Jessica Shirvington
#31. If I didn't have Lincoln's butt to stare at the whole time, motivation would be a lot harder to come by.
Jessica Shirvington
#32. His body distorted, eyes appeared all over him, and wings spread from his back - three wings on each side. My breath caught. They were magnificent. Then they burst into flames, raging red and blue fire, and he just stood there in front of me, his arms slightly apart as he burned. Then he was gone.
Jessica Shirvington
#33. I'm tipsy." I corrected, "and it's my birthday and I want to dance. Come one, Linc, it won't kill you.
Jessica Shirvington
#34. It had only taken nine years for the world to change completely ... You'd have thought we'd fight harder and stronger.
Jessica Shirvington
#35. Even the greatest bringers of justice will only find salvation in surrneder
Jessica Shirvington
#36. When I turned back, he was already walking away. It was a brilliantly clear day, not a cloud in sight, and yet the sun didn't seem to reach his body. He was shadowed and I couldn't help it: I felt sad for him.
Jessica Shirvington
#37. Dad, youre so far off the mark I can't even ... Lincoln hasn't pressured me at all!" I grabbed my bag and heaved it onto my back. "WE'RE JUST FRIENDS! He's not even interested in me like that - and thanks to you," I shook my head at him in utter disbelief, "he never will now.
Jessica Shirvington
#38. It was like hacking through a thicket of raw tension whenever we were near each other.
Jessica Shirvington
#40. Would you die for her?'
I almost stopped breathing.
I could feel his eyes on me.
'I do. Every day.
Jessica Shirvington
#42. But people should have the right to become whatever they're going to be before they are judged and sentenced.
Jessica Shirvington
#43. Life's too short. If Ethan taught me anything, that would be it. I want to get on with living mine.
Jessica Shirvington
#44. Violet Eden!" Steph said sternly, sucking me out of my trance. "We have your dad's Amex, a green light and no specified limit." Her mock rebuke morphed into a devious grin. "What more could a girl want as a birthday present?
Jessica Shirvington
#46. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. Matthew 7:14
Jessica Shirvington
#47. Love will kill us all." He said sadly. "First it makes us lie furiously so we can be what me must in order to appear deserving. Then, it tears us apart with raw truth. Whether we are man, exile or angel - It doesn't matter. For us all, the nature of truth is unforgiving.
Jessica Shirvington
#48. We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell. Oscar Wilde
Jessica Shirvington
#50. Destiny has two ways of crushing us - by refusing our wishes and by fulfilling them.
Henri Frederic Amiel
#51. Dead yet?" Gus answered.
I smirked. "Not yet, but the night's still young."
"Here's hoping.
Jessica Shirvington
#52. I'd see this through to the end ... This promise above all others, I will gladly keep.
Jessica Shirvington
#53. Ever heard the phrase, 'candy is dandy but liquor is quicker?'"
Great she wanted to get me drunk.
"Ah ... ever heard of underage!"
"Where there's a will there's a way," she said, matter-of-factly.
"That's your great plan?
Jessica Shirvington
#54. We all have the capacity to find the will to do what must be done - even when that which we must do terrifies us most. Remember this.
Jessica Shirvington
#55. Remember, all passions start from love or hate. But beware - you never know whether they will end with delight or sorrow.
Jessica Shirvington
#56. Linc?"
"About the other thing my dad said to you," I cringed.
"What else is he supposed to think?" he asked, a smile in his tone. "You're over here all the time. If not training, we're hanging out. I'm surprised he hasn't warned me off sooner. It's good to see he's paying attention.
Jessica Shirvington
#57. Thanks for giving me a place to sleep last night,
and for the extra blanket.
-Violet's note to Lincoln
Jessica Shirvington
#58. Violet!' Lincoln said, then sighed. 'You don't love him. This isn't real. You know what's real and it's hard and it hurts and we can't ... Damn it, Vi
we're real!
Jessica Shirvington
#60. Stories are one thing that will be constant in life. Whether told, written, reenacted they are a fundamental part of human nature.
Jessica Shirvington
#61. Kissing you is.. I tried so had for so long to deny myself. I tried to do tho right thing. But ever since we kissed on your birthday I knew once i started I'd never be able.. even through we can't..
Jessica Shirvington
#63. Everybody, sooner or later, sits down to a banquet of consequences. Robert Louis Stevenson
Jessica Shirvington
#64. This will be for life. For eternity, human and beyond. More than any commitment, than any marriage. Violet, are you ready to marry me?
Jessica Shirvington
#68. And then I swallowed hard, knowing that out of everyone, I was best at lying to myself.
Jessica Shirvington
#70. I hoisted myself onto my elbows. "Yeah, well, if I ever come back as a Grigori, then I'll kick your ass."
"You'll come back, and you'll be a Grigori." He spoke with such certainty it made me smile. "I doubt very greatly, however, that you'll kick my ass. But me and my ass will enjoy your efforts.
Jessica Shirvington
#72. If comprehension lay at your feet, there would be no need to walk in search of it
Jessica Shirvington
#73. Would you think me such a fool that you could be here, in this city, this building, this room and me not know about it?
Jessica Shirvington
#74. Running a bit late meet at my place around 7?'
Smiling at the phone, my fingers fumbling over the keypad quickly,
'Yup-see you there!'
I deleted the exclamation mark and counted to thirty before I allowed myself to press send.
Jessica Shirvington
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