Top 18 Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein

#1. [Akiro] Kurosawa, no doubt, was a big influence. Movies sometimes more than directors have influenced me: The Grapes of Wrath, by John Ford, was an extraordinary discovery. Sergei Eisenstein, of course. Later on, [Ingmar] Bergman.


Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein #1450372
#2. Mexican cinematographers Gabriel Figueroa and Emilio Fernandez were students of both Sergei Eisenstein and Toland. Their exteriors and lighting were gorgeous. And the films Ingmar Bergman did with Sven Nykvist were exceptional.

Vilmos Zsigmond

Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein #725514
#3. Language is much closer to film than painting is.

Sergei Eisenstein

Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein #1811968
#4. I speak a little bit of Italian, yeah. I understand more than I speak. I speak more of a dialect; my mum's from Naples and my dad's from Sicily, so it comes out little a bit of a cocktail of the Italian language.

Luke Pasqualino

Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein #1523429
#5. Ranganathan's 5 Laws: Books are for use. Books are for all. Every book its reader, or every reader his book. Save the time of the reader. A library is a growing organism.

S.R. Ranganathan

Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein #1461045
#6. Even in a less exaggerated description, any verbal account of a person is bound to find itself employing an assortment of waterfalls, lightning rods, landscapes, birds, etc.

Sergei Eisenstein

Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein #1247061
#7. Don't ever think that just because you do things differently, you're wrong.

Gail Tsukiyama

Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein #1174875
#8. Down the steps,
... over the corpses,
... careers the pram with the child.

Sergei Eisenstein

Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein #1147310
#9. The profession of film director can and should be such a high and precious one; that no man aspiring to it can disregard any knowledge that will make him a better film director or human being.

Sergei Eisenstein

Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein #1105535
#10. For example, in painting the form arises from abstract elements of line and color, while in cinema the material concreteness of the image within the frame presents - as an element - the greatest difficulty in manipulation.

Sergei Eisenstein

Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein #791894
#11. I thought a bit of poetry might be interesting - I even write a few lines myself. I composed a short poem for my mum's 70th birthday recently. When I recited it I saw the glint of a tear in her eye ... although I guess it wasn't the quality of the poetry was that making her cry!

Iain Dowie

Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein #723947
#12. American capitalism finds its sharpest and most expressive reflection in the American cinema.

Sergei Eisenstein

Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein #633146
#13. Sometimes we have to break down to break through.

Gina Greenlee

Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein #627486
#14. Now why should the cinema follow the forms of theater and painting rather than the methodology of language, which allows wholly new concepts of ideas to arise from the combination of two concrete denotations of two concrete objects?

Sergei Eisenstein

Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein #584116
#15. Can you imagine the feeling of being an oppressed colonial being addressed respectfully by a colonizer in the mother country?

Ambeth R. Ocampo

Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein #310688
#16. It was that which gave promise that in due time the weights should be lifted from the shoulders of all men, and that all should have an equal chance. This is the sentiment embodied in that Declaration of Independence.

Abraham Lincoln

Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein #296227
#17. Maturity is the capacity to endure uncertainty.

John Huston Finley

Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein #208131
#18. It is art's task to make manifest the contradictions of Being

Sergei Eisenstein

Quotes About Sergei Eisenstein #118834

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