Top 31 Quotes About Rydall
#1. Everyone is called, but most let it go to voicemail. What's worse, when the Universe tries to leave a message, it gets 'mailbox full.'
Derek Rydall
Derek Rydall
#2. Natural born geniuses, like Mozart or Shakespeare, don't have anything more than you - they have something less. What they lack are the self-imposed blocks to the outflow of this infinite creative intelligence.
Derek Rydall
#3. Just as the acorn contains the mighty oak tree, the Self has everything it needs to fulfill its destiny. When the inner conditions are right, it naturally emerges.
Derek Rydall
#4. A lie believed acts as truth until it is neutralized. The false beliefs you hold about your life become the personal laws of your life, holding you prisoner until you break your agreement with them.
Derek Rydall
#5. This not only makes you more complete, but develops in you the strength to be a healing, unifying influence to all those around you.
Derek Rydall
#6. You cannot make a demand on your life that exceeds your belief about it. Your belief is creating a personal law. It's not the truth, but a lie believed will act like a law until it's neutralized.
Derek Rydall
#7. Be in the world but not of it; become less attached to outcome and more attuned to outgo, which is the natural radiance of your being.
Derek Rydall
#8. We didn't come to earth to get anything. We came to awaken our full potential and infuse this dimension with divine light.
Derek Rydall
#9. A vision is not something we make up, it's something we are MADE OF.
Derek Rydall
#10. We'll meet you here. Hopefully everyone will be in human form." A wry smile. "Though I'll warn you, he's not a whole lot more pleasant that way. At least as a wolf, he can't talk.
Kelley Armstrong
#11. Instead of doing 'Af-for-mations' where you are praying FOR something, do 'Af-FROM-mations' where you are praying FROM the realization that you already are whole and complete and already have everything within you.
Derek Rydall
#12. A vision without a plan is fantasy. A plan without a vision is mediocrity. Believing 'God will do it for you' is magical thinking. Believing you can do it yourself is the ultimate arrogance. Plan your life as if you're doing the work
but live your life as if God is.
Derek Rydall
#13. Problems aren't out there, whatever is missing is what you are not giving, and whatever crisis you are hitting is a call for more of you to come out, for more of you to emerge.
Derek Rydall
#14. An enlightened entertainer, via story, casts her line into the souls of others, hooks their heart, and pulls their greater potential to the surface.
Derek Rydall
#15. We are what we eat - not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.
Derek Rydall
#16. What you want is already here, in the unified field of pure potential. Everything you need to fulfill your greatest desire is already part of your being. But it can't come out until you align with it, let go of the obstructions to it, and raise your vibration to the level at which it already exists.
Derek Rydall
#17. Your darkness is not the enemy. It is the rich soil you must dig into and sometimes be planted in before something new can break through the surface; and those parts of you that seem wounded or lacking don't need to be healed or improved, per say, but rather loved and accepted.
Derek Rydall
#18. If you want more time, spend more time in the Timeless.
Derek Rydall
#19. Failures give us wisdom. Your failures are just as valuable and rich with blessings. But you must be willing to contemplate them, ask what lesson they have for you, and apply it the next time around.
Derek Rydall
#20. Your actions are living affirmations of what you say you believe and feel. 'Affirmative action' is when your actions are in congruence with your beliefs & feelings. You're doing it to make YOU welcome.
Derek Rydall
#21. On the journey of spiritual transformation, you want to lose your baggage. In fact, you want to make sure all of it is lost, so that when you reach the end of this road, you have nothing left to cover your Self up with.
Derek Rydall
#22. We can't heal what we don't feel. We can't have a future until we fully inhabit our present. It's like the proverbial Groundhog Day. Most people don't live 70-90 years; they live the same year 70-90 times because they keep regurgitating an incomplete present.
Derek Rydall
#23. Whatever is missing is what you're not giving.
Derek Rydall
#24. 42. The word "desire" means "of the sire" or "of the father." In other words, that strong impulse to achieve something is actually the "something" already in you, seeking to come out!
Derek Rydall
#25. The universe isn't neutral, it has a plan, it has a pattern, a big idea that is seeking willing places for its ever expanding expression; and the good news is that it is always conspiring for your freedom. No matter how it may appear.
Derek Rydall
#26. Activating our light and our full potential requires that we embrace our shadow. Realizing our wholeness requires us to become big enough to hold our brokenness.
Derek Rydall
#27. Enter every moment as if it's already a success. It's already done. Your affirmation isn't trying to get anything; rather it's an opening that lets something OUT. That's the real power of the law of emergence.
Derek Rydall
#28. Little kids learn to walk by falling. They fall forward and eventually they start catching themselves. All walking is, is controlled falling. It's the same with success. You learn by failing. Success is just controlled failing.
Derek Rydall
#29. The most effective intention is a desire for a conscious contact with your soul, a deeper connection to your Self. This is the most powerful purpose to intend every time you meditate, pray, or do any spiritual practice.
Derek Rydall
#30. It's never too late to tell a good story, to create a new myth that rouses us from our intoxicated slumber, that lifts us above the din of confusion and arms us against the weapons of mass distraction.
Derek Rydall
#31. We can have all the food and water we need, but without the sustenance of
real story, real art - without the wisdom, insight, and "life instruction" it brings - we will stagnate as a culture and become a swamp where quality life can no longer be sustained. So share your gifts! Share your art!
Derek Rydall
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