Top 100 Quotes About Robert Plant
#1. There are 23 bootlegs now. Robert Plant came home with a bootleg video and said 'Tori, you've made it. You're nothing until you've been bootlegged.'
Tori Amos
#2. One time Robert Plant was set to check into the same room after I checked out, so I removed every light bulb and ordered up a bunch of stinky cheese and put it under the mattress.
Richard Marx
#3. If it was up to me, I'd get more oil tanker drivers drunk. I don't value music much. I like the Beatles, but I hate Paul McCartney. I like Led Zeppelin, but I hate Robert Plant. I like the Who, but I hate Roger Daltrey.
Kurt Cobain
#4. When we were at the CMT Awards this year, Robert Plant was there. What an icon, I love him ... But I can't go up and speak to him, because I don't want to seem like a goob.
Jennifer Nettles
#5. I'm a piano player. I never thought of myself as a singer, at all. I was always trying to sound like somebody else. I don't like my own voice, I like Ray Charles, Robert Plant, I like Joe Cocker, Rod Stewart, people that have an edge in their voice.
Billy Joel
#6. I'm not a big fan of Robert Plant's lyrics or his singing.
Chris Robinson
#7. I never listen to Led Zeppelin. But, I mean, I don't think Robert Plant or Jimmy Page listen to Led Zeppelin, either. We all probably obsessed over the same old blues records growing up.
Dan Auerbach
#8. If you had a successful TV show, people wanted to see you live. Promoters had had practice with pop groups, and 'Python' achieved a similar status. We also had lots of rock star fans - George Harrison, Pink Floyd, Robert Plant. Promoters saw that and liked it.
Michael Palin
#9. I remember Robert Plant coming backstage after the first show saying, 'Hey, boys, I should be opening for you.' That felt pretty good.
Robin Zander
#10. Robert Plant asked me to marry him, but I said 'no.' I mean, you just don't want to marry someone you've wanted to do it with since you were thirteen, because, well, if he farts, I would, like, die!
Tori Amos
#11. Robert Plant is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, never mind rock star. He's so down to earth.
Brian Setzer
#12. Robert Plant was always my favorite singer-and hes said nice things about me, you know.
Freddie Mercury
#13. I think Robert Plant is the quintessential frontman - just the way he moves. His voice is superhuman.
Taylor Momsen
#14. Nothing that Robert Plant does will ever equal Led Zeppelin, but that doesn't mean he's going to stop being creative. Jimmy Page has so many incredibly cool projects, but it's not Led Zeppelin; there will only ever be one Led Zeppelin.
Nikki Sixx
#15. Growing up I used to love bands like Free and ELO and the Rolling Stones. When Robert Plant got in touch it made perfect sense to me.
Alison Krauss
#16. A lot of my male vocal influences are British - people like David Bowie, Freddie Mercury and Robert Plant.
Adam Lambert
#17. My grandmother really liked virgins. There's nothing wrong with virgins, there's a time and a place for that. I had other things on my mind ... like Robert Plant.
Tori Amos
#18. Led Zeppelin is the greatest. Robert Plant is one of the most original vocalists of our time. As a rock band they deserve the kind of success they're getting.
Freddie Mercury
#19. There are so many different people that I've emulated vocally. In the rock world - Sebastian Bach, Vince Neil, Freddie Mercury, Robert Plant. They all had amazing vocal talent.
#20. And I put on "All My Love" and watched the sun rise yet again and thought thank you Robert Plant for all your love but do you have anymore?
Miriam Toews
#21. I'm not saving lives. I'm singing and I should go placidly and joyously through the whole thing and work hard and not take it for granted. It's great to have this gift.
Robert Plant
#22. There have been people I've warmed to over the years but, as the situation I'm in is so fleeting and transient, I've always known it's going to be over kind of real quick.
Robert Plant
#23. Dolly Parton's done 'Stairway to Heaven.' Anything's possible.
Robert Plant
#24. Really don't choose every day from the harvest you experience but from the seeds you plant
Robert Louis Stevenson
#25. I have no story. My story goes from day to day.
Robert Plant
#26. No matter what we say, entertainers are usually quite insecure, wobbly characters underneath, and maybe that bit of glory or that bit of expression or whatever it is compensates in some area.
Robert Plant
#28. It's part of me to get off on those moments where ... well, what people would call attention. Obviously, that isn't the be-all and end-all of life, but at the states of creativity that I've reached, well, it helps the lyrics along a little bit.
Robert Plant
#30. I think The Song Remains The Same is such a load of old bollocks.
Robert Plant
#31. Todd and Tim [Tobias] write the music, and I come up with the melodies and lyrics. I call it the Ohio Rock Factory. Tim and Todd run the northern plant in Cleveland, and I've got the southern plant down here in Dayton. No tours permitted.
Robert Pollard
#32. Yeah, I think the point has well and truly sunk in by now, and I can just carry on. I don't even know what I'm looking for except a bit of hilarity and mild insanity musically, and I can get none of that by just delving into the history.
Robert Plant
#33. My mother was a gypsy, and she had a lot of dark blood in her, and her hair was very, very thick - she couldn't even get a brush through it. So I have been very fortunate. And every time I go to cut it off, hairdressers refuse to do it.
Robert Plant
#34. Parents can plant magic in a child's mind through certain words spoken with some thrilling quality of voice, some uplift of the heart and spirit.
Robert MacNeil
#35. There are always generic terms like 'Americana', but there are no boundaries as to where it can go.
Robert Plant
#36. The essence of Bonham is what he didn't play rather than what he did play - what he left out.
Robert Plant
#37. I wanted my voice to be a tenor sax, really.
Robert Plant
#38. It's a two-dimensional gig being a singer, and you can get lost in your own tedium and repetition.
Robert Plant
#39. Lately, I'm spending more and more time working with non-rock musicians and leaving the mainstream - almost dissolving into another world, musically.
Robert Plant
#40. I'm not trying to be cosmic, it's just that everything's on a roll and that's how it is. The songs within the album discuss that very condition.
Robert Plant
#41. The 50s were great because I collected stamps.
Robert Plant
#42. And ne'er shall the sons of Columbia be slaves, while the earth bears a plant, or the sea rolls its waves.
Robert Treat Paine
#43. I don't know how much more expressive you can get than being a rock and roll singer.
Robert Plant
#45. I've stopped apologizing to myself for having this great period of success and financial acceptance.
Robert Plant
#46. If your IQ was one point lower, you'd be a plant,' was Steve's only comment.
Robert Ludlum
#47. All over the world, the idea of creating an melange of international musics, it's a very healthy thing.
Robert Plant
#48. Music is for every single person that walks the planet.
Robert Plant
#49. I've had many years to consider what I would like to see about a particular place. I don't waste any time and I enjoy it.
Robert Plant
#50. I met some people who help in an archeological project in the South Pacific, between sailing to the Marquesas, which is an island group not too far from Tahiti, and I think, Wouldn't that be great? I have such a fascination with history and especially history in my own country.
Robert Plant
#51. So after that I had a new rule. If I'm hired by the plant engineer, I only go over his head if I'm in project failure mode. If the project is going to fail, then I'll go over his head. But as long as the project is going to come out, I never go over his head. Now, that's a rule I still follow today.
Robert Greene
#52. I realized what Led Zeppelin was about around the end of our first U.S. tour. We started off not even on the bill in Denver, and by the time we got to New York we were second to Iron Butterfly, and they didn't want to go on!
Robert Plant
#53. I'm not interested in being known as the singer from Led Zeppelin.
Robert Plant
#55. It's funny, you know, time does travel pretty quickly and I do have good friends, and the further away I go from them in location, it matters that I keep on the same line and the same groove that I had and preserve that groove with people who I see seldom.
Robert Plant
#56. You begin paying more attention to what you're seeing when you know the names ... If you don't know the names of plant and animal species that share your neighbourhood, you don't care about them and can't protect biodiversity.
Robert Bateman
#57. I'm like one of those firecrackers that goes off in your pocket occasionally. I'm not really struggling with it as much as the people around me. But at least I'm not doing too much damage to anybody or to myself. It's just the condition I'm aware of.
Robert Plant
#58. I'd like to write a big rock anthem again.
I just need to listen to Korn, and then
I might get the idea of how to do it.
Robert Plant
#60. There's no point stepping up to the golden platform if you're going to repeat yourself.
Robert Plant
Robert Green Ingersoll
#63. There are two roads you can go by, they meet up in the long run, but there is still time to change the road your on.
Robert Plant
#64. How can you consider flower power outdated? The essence of my lyrics is the desire for peace and harmony. That's all anyone has ever wanted. How could it become outdated?
Robert Plant
#66. I listen to the crowds [laughs] ... I like Blind Melon very much.
Robert Plant
#67. Being good isn't just about being dextrous and being flash. Being good is about being an all-round contributor in the great world of music.
Robert Plant
#68. I can't moan about any of it. I had a great time in the goldfish bowl.
Robert Plant
#69. You know sometimes words have two meanings.
Robert Plant
#70. I've lived a life which has been pretty much full up with ambition, ideas, stimulus, creativity, some negativity which I try and avoid.
Robert Plant
#71. Kashmir is my last resort. I think, if I truly deserve it one day, I should go there and stay there for quite a while. Or if I really need it at any point, it should be my haven, my Shangri-la.
Robert Plant
#72. There's nothing new under the sun - you just get a can of paint out.
Robert Plant
#73. I'm able to actually choose places to go which have intrigued me for the last god knows how many years, and Tasmania's always been one of those places.
Robert Plant
#75. I can't regret until the end. And I won't regret then, either.
Robert Plant
#76. You have nothing. One should never allow themselves to think that they have, one can just touch - to have is to lack appreciation, to touch is to want to touch again.
Robert Plant
#77. Finding another way to do what I know I can do pretty well. A way that stimulates me. I'm always on some sort of learning curve. If I can continually be surprised then I'm alert.
Robert Plant
#78. I absolutely adore and idolise women. All women. I think they are all amazing. The female musicians I've met have been far more inspiring than the male ones. Women tend to be much more creative and ambitious. I think I may have been a woman in a past life.
Robert Plant
#79. There's not a lot of towns that I can go to and take family - too many incongruous knocks on doors - "Hello, honey. Have you missed me?"
Robert Plant
#80. Somone Told me there is a girl out there, with love in her eyes, and flowers in her hair.
Robert Plant
#81. I think Led Zeppelin must have worn some of the most peculiar clothing that men had ever been seen to wear without cracking a smile.
Robert Plant
#82. [Elvis] Presley was definitely a great inspiration to every guy who ever had a hard-on in the whole of the Western world, I should think. He shook everybody well and true, and we just kept on shakin'. But he started it.
Robert Plant
#83. We are trying to communicate a fulfilled ideal. Does anybody remember laughter?
Robert Plant
#85. It's OK to quote from your past. But I'm more interested in quoting from my present and pointing towards the future.
Robert Plant
#86. Each album comes from definitely a different period in the evolution of each of us individually as creators and the role that we take in life. The external stimuli changed ... so the songs are full of lots of different meanings.
Robert Plant
#87. When you're 20 years old and you're making points with volume and dynamism, it's a fantastic thing to do.
Robert Plant
#88. There's a similarity between European and North African folk musics.
Robert Plant
#89. My sort of stability as a character - it's never been one of my strongest attributes. I'm a bit of a clusterf - k. I get so many great ideas that I kind of mesmerize people with another plan before the previous plan is hatched out.
Robert Plant
#90. Why try to explain miracles to your kids when you can just have them plant a garden.
Robert Breault
#91. If you've never experienced the joy of accomplishing more than you can imagine, plant a garden.
Robert Breault
#92. Now I'm a blithering oaf hanging on to the coatsleeves of commerciality.
Robert Plant
#93. I like to comprehend more or less everything around me - apart from the creation of my music. It's an obsessive character trait that's getting worse. I don't switch the light on and off 15 times before I leave the room yet, but something's going wrong.
Robert Plant
#94. People say that I'm a millionaire, but that's not true - I only spend millions.
Robert Plant
#95. The music beckons to those who are listening.
Robert Plant
#96. I like the idea of being alone. I like the idea of often being alone in all aspects of my life. I like to feel lonely. I like to need things.
Robert Plant
#97. I love the feeling of letting fly, of pushing as far as I could go with my voice. The only way you can really graduate how you do it is by doing it regularly to people who don't have to be super impressed. You can do it in the studio all day long but you don't get the flashback that you get onstage.
Robert Plant
#98. It's not some great work of beauty and love to be a rock-and-roll singer.
Robert Plant
#99. Some audiences can shake and bang their heads on the stage to riffs all night long, but subtlety is an art that must be mastered if you're going to be remembered.
Robert Plant
#100. So for a long time I closed my eyes to the possibility of America having a white voice.
Robert Plant
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