Top 100 Quotes About Osamu

#1. The prize was really for the molecule. In 1962, Osamu Shimomura discovered a protein in a jellyfish that caused it to glow bright green. With colleagues, 30 years later, I was able to insert this G.F.P. gene into bacteria and make them turn green.

Martin Chalfie

Quotes About Osamu #1263979
#2. Is it painful to be the person who waits? Or is it more painful to be the person who makes others wait? Either way, there's no need to wait anymore. That's what is most painful. - Osamu Dazai

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1848788
#3. I was an avid anime watcher until I was about 10, when I moved to manga. I think I am influenced by Osamu Tezuka's and Walt Disney's works which I watched during that time, such as Tetsuwan Atom and 101 Dalmatians.

Akira Toriyama

Quotes About Osamu #1850944
#4. Never could think of prostitutes as human beings or even as women. They seemed more like imbeciles or lunatics. But in their arms I felt absolute security. I could sleep soundly.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #12958
#5. The wound has gradually become dearer to me than my own flesh and blood, and I have thought its pain to be the emotion of the wound as it lived or even its murmur of affection

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #13012
#6. I smiled in my weakness.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #50910
#7. The more I feared people the more I was liked, and the more I was liked the more I feared them - a process which eventually compelled me to run away from everybody.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #70047
#8. Virtue and vice are concepts invented by human beings, words for a morality which human beings arbitrarily devised.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #94988
#9. I am sure that the reason why I wept and stormed as if I had gone off my head was that the combination of physical exhaustion and my unhappiness had made me hate and resent everything.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #97004
#10. Love all creatures! Love everything that has life!

Osamu Tezuka

Quotes About Osamu #98322
#11. If he wears a tag, doesn't that make him harmless? It sounds rather sweet, like a kitten with a bell around its neck. A dissolute character without a tag is what frightens me.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #113803
#12. Addiction is perhaps a sickness of the spirit.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #125232
#13. Everything passes.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #129056
#14. I was frightened even by God. I could not believe in His love, only in His punishment. Faith. That, I felt, was the act of facing the tribunal of justice with one's head bowed to receive the scourge of God. I could believe in hell, but it was impossible for me to believe in the existence of heaven.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #130447
#15. Then what's a synonym for woman?" "Entrails." "You're not very poetic, are you? Well, then, what's the antonym for entrails?" "Milk.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #132092
#16. I have frantically played the clown in order to distangle myself from these painful relationships, only to wear myself out as a result.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #197716
#17. After being hurt by the world so much, they began to see the demons within humans. So without hiding it through trickery, they worked to express it.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #206594
#18. Is it not true that no two human beings understand anything whatsoever about each other, that those who consider themselves bosom friends may be utterly mistaken about their fellow and, failing to realize this sad truth throughout a lifetime, weep when they read in the newspapers about his death?

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #219217
#19. Now I have neither happiness nor unhappiness.
Everything passes.
That is the one and only thing that I have thought resembled a truth in the society of human beings where I have dwelled up to now as in a burning hell.
Everything passes.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #260340
#20. I also have the impression that many women have been able, instinctively, to sniff out this loneliness of mine, which I confided to no one, and this in later years was to become one of the causes of my being taken advantage of.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #273527
#21. Logic, inevitably, is the love of logic. It is not the love for living human beings.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #276921
#22. The weak fear happiness itself. They can harm themselves on cotton wool. Sometimes they are wounded even by happiness

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #316773
#23. Whenever I was asked what I wanted my first impulse was to answer "Nothing." The thought went through my mind that it didn't make any difference, that nothing was going to make me happy.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #354390
#24. A true artist is an ugly man.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #367693
#25. Coincidence doesn't happen a third time.

Osamu Tezuka

Quotes About Osamu #384982
#26. All I feel are the assaults of apprehension and terror at the thought that I am the only one who is entirely unlike the rest. It is almost impossible for me to converse with other people. What should I talk about, how should I say it? - I don't know.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #385958
#27. I soon came to understand that drink, tobacco and prostitutes were all great means if dissipating (even for a few moments) my dread for human beings. I came even to feel that if I had to sell every last possession to obtain these means of escape, it would be well worth it.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #425379
#28. At this moment, as I stood on the verge of tears, the words "realism" and "romanticism" welled up within me. I have no sense of realism. And that this very fact might be what permits me to go on living sends cold chills through my whole body.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #442962
#29. I have tried insofar as possible to avoid getting involved in the sordid complications of human beings. I have been afraid of being sucked down into their bottomless whirlpool.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #453378
#30. I shall be nothing, the wind, the sky.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #455429
#31. Most people would take me for over forty.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #460922
#32. But happiness is being able to hope, however faintly, for happiness. So, at least, we must believe if we are to live in the world of today.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #468340
#33. To be a friend of the weak-that is the artist's point of departure as well as his ultimate goal.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #491348
#34. Even now it comes as a shock if by chance I notice in the street a face resembling someone I know however slightly, and I am at once seized by a shivering violent enough to make me dizzy.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #499550
#35. I'm going to paint too. I'm going to paint pictures of ghosts and devils and horses out of hell.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #500402
#36. A life must be saved as long as it can be no matter whose it is.

Osamu Tezuka

Quotes About Osamu #519701
#37. Victims. Victims of a transitional period of morality. That is what we both certainly are.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #535853
#38. To break free from this vexatious and awful never-ending cycle, this flood of outrageous thoughts, and to long for nothing more than simply to sleep
how clean, how pure, the mere thought of it is exhilarating.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #536139
#39. A science which is postulated on the assumption that human beings are avaricious through all eternity is utterly devoid of point (whether in problems of distribution or any other aspect) to a person who is not avaricious.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #543117
#40. This I want to believe implicitly: Man was born for love and revolution.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #559455
#41. My heart had melted into something akin to a sensation of happiness, peace of mind one might even say, at the realization that I had now reached the very bottom of agony.

Dazai Osamu

Quotes About Osamu #559631
#42. And I was incapable of living all by myself in those lodgings where I didn't know a soul. It terrified me to sit by myself quietly in my room. I felt frightened, as if I might be set upon or struck by someone at any moment.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #561698
#43. Are "people in the world", I wonder, creatures that spend their whole lives greeting each other in stiff, formal patterns, being cautious about each other, then growing tired of each other? I hate meeting people.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #592128
#44. What is society but an individual? [ ... ] The ocean is not society; it is individuals. This was how I managed to gain a modicum of freedom from my terror at the illusion of the ocean called the world.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #594504
#45. Do not pity yourself. If you wallow in self-pity, life will be an endless nightmare.

Kafka Asagiri

Quotes About Osamu #597071
#46. Disqualified as a human being.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #606391
#47. No. You won't do. You've treated me nicely, yes, but only because you find me curious and amusing. It made me feel so lonely, somehow ... I'm really just a foolish and useless person.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #611708
#48. When I liked something I tasted it hesitantly, furtively, as though it were extremely bitter.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #614694
#49. Most women have only to lay eyes on you to want to be doing something for you so badly they can't stand it ... You're always so timid and yet you're funny ... Sometimes you get terribly lonesome and depressed, but that only makes a woman's heart itch all the more for you.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #618863
#50. As for love ... no, having once written that word I can write nothing more.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #630014
#51. At times everything grows misty and dark before my eyes, and I feel that the strength of my whole body is oozing away through my finger tips.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #634414
#52. The ones who die are always the gentle, sweet, and beautiful people.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #648835
#53. Scoundrels [ ... ] simply don't die. The ones who die are always the gentle, sweet, and beautiful people. [ ... ] Scoundrels live a long time. The beautiful die young.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #653267
#54. The incomprehensibility of society is the incomprehensibility of the individual. The ocean is not society; it is the individual.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #653270
#55. Mornings are grey. Always the same. Absolutely empty.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #653889
#56. I have one request to make of you, which embarrasses me very much. You remember the hemp kimono of Mother's which you altered so that I could wear it next summer? Please put it in my coffin. I wanted to wear it.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #661227
#57. Not long ago I learned from a certain person in considerable detail about the worthlessness of your character. All the same, it is you who have given me strength, you who have put the rainbow of revolution in my breast. It is you who have given an object to my life.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #690902
#58. In spite of my suffering, at the thought that I was sure to end up by killing myself, I cried aloud and burst into tears.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #690993
#59. I would far prefer to be told simply to go and die. It's straightforward. But people almost never say, "Die!" Paltry, prudent hypocrites!

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #706941
#60. A mere smile can determine a woman's fate. It is frightening. Fascinatingly so. I have to be careful.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #713877
#61. hope and passion slip through your fingers like sand and in front of you lies a vast stretch of darkness

Dazai Osamu

Quotes About Osamu #715940
#62. I have often felt that I would find it more complicated, troublesome and unpleasant to ascertain the feelings by which a woman lives than to plumb the innermost thoughts of an earthworm.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #729054
#63. I yearned for everything long gone.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #730923
#64. I'm still living in my post-war.

Osamu Tezuka

Quotes About Osamu #741107
#65. Women found in me a man who could keep a love secret.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #747311
#66. Anyway, you can be sure of one thing, a man's got to fake just to stay alive.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #752966
#67. I am afraid because I can so clearly foresee my own life rotting away of itself, like a leaf that rots without falling, while I pursue my round of existence from day to day.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #762673
#68. It isn't that I dislike artists, but I can't stand anyone who puts on those ponderous airs of a man of character.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #762829
#69. Love flies out the window when poverty comes in the door, they say, and it's true.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #856698
#70. I know that I am liked by other people, but I seem to be deficient in the faculty to love others. (I should add that I have very strong doubts as to whether even human beings really possess this faculty.)

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #914128
#71. Living itself is the source of sin.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #935958
#72. I have sometimes thought that I have been burdened with a pack of ten misfortunes, any one of which if borne by my neighbor would be enough to make a murderer out of him.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #938782
#73. Show me what you've written, I said, although I wanted desperately to avoid looking at it.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #945615
#74. What uneasiness lies in being loved.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #949033
#75. Human beings never submit to human beings.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #970170
#76. The courageous testimony of Dr. Faust that a maiden's smile is more precious than history, philosophy, education, religion, law, politics,economics, and all the other branches of learning. Learning is another name for vanity. It is the effort of human beings not to be human beings.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1013400
#77. What is society but an individual?

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1035397
#78. There's something about you that smells a little of a Christian priest. I find it offensive.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1040401
#79. It would seem that the more irresponsible and crafty one is, the more likely one is to have a talent for storytelling.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1042597
#80. I have always found the female of the human species many times more difficult to understand than the male.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1045743
#81. I want to spend my time with people who don't look to be respected. But such good people won't want to spend their time with me.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1053999
#82. Whenever anyone criticized me I felt certain that I had been living under the most dreadful misapprehension. I always accepted the attack in silence, though inwardly so terrified as almost to be out of my mind.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1067136
#83. I have never derived the least joy out of amusements. Perhaps that is a sign of the impotence of pleasure. I ran riot and threw myself into wild diversions out of the simple desire to escape from my own shadow.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1095025
#84. In the present world, the most beautiful thing is a victim.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1104782
#85. He could only consider me as the living corpse of a would-be suicide, a person dead to shame, an idiot ghost.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1123786
#86. A good book is always good, no matter how many times you've already read it.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1125902
#87. I can cheat fear today - but won't it return tomorrow? Rather, I must embrace this fear ... and find peace in its bosom.

Osamu Tezuka

Quotes About Osamu #1167555
#88. I despised him as one fit only for amusement, a man with whom I associated for that sole purpose.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1171139
#89. The color of this sky, what would you call it? Rose? Flame? Iridescent? The color of angel's wings? Or a huge temple? No, it is none of these things. It is much more sublime.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1171979
#90. When you've got the devil's own luck, you're immune from the usual run of disasters. Such people must be utilized.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1184708
#91. By nature, it's impossible to describe enlightenment! How do you plan on sharing your enlightenment? Hahaha, that's impossible. Wake up! That'll be the end of the world if you ever succeed!

Osamu Tezuka

Quotes About Osamu #1186984
#92. In my case such an expression as 'to be fallen for' or even 'to be loved' is not in the least appropriate; perhaps it describes the situation more accurately to say that I was 'looked after.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1235019
#93. Genuine beauty is always meaningless, without virtue.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1251462
#94. I have never been able to
meet anyone without an accompaniment of painful
smiles, the buffoonery of defeat.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1261994
#95. I wonder if there is anyone who is not depraved. A wearisome thought.
I want money. Unless I have it ...
In my sleep, a natural death!

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1292775
#96. Heaven forbid if beauty were to have substance.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1310725
#97. Mine has been a life of much shame. I can't even guess myself what it must be to live the life of a human being.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1315380
#98. The real things are apt to be deviant.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1334467
#99. There was no way I could be confident! But it was obvious that the patient will die if I don't do something!
-Dr. Honma

Osamu Tezuka

Quotes About Osamu #1352609
#100. The world, after all, was still a place of bottomless horror. It was by no means a place of childlike simplicity where everything could be settled by a simple then-and-there decision.

Osamu Dazai

Quotes About Osamu #1367864

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