Top 17 Quotes About Opioid Addiction

#1. In the debate over opioid addiction, there's one group we aren't hearing from: chronic pain patients, many of whom need to use the drugs on a long-term basis.

S. E. Smith

Quotes About Opioid Addiction #947537
#2. Several medical professional organizations acknowledge the utility of opioid therapy and many case series and large surveys report satisfactory reductions in pain, improvement in function and minimal risk of addiction.

Andrew Rosenblum

Quotes About Opioid Addiction #1085047
#3. No one can give you magickal powers. You have to earn them.
There is only one way to do this. Practice, practice, practice!

Donald Michael Kraig

Quotes About Opioid Addiction #1683727
#4. I actually don't mind rats at all. I kind of think they're quite cute, but that's just me.

Jamie Bell

Quotes About Opioid Addiction #1458215
#5. Life doesn't retreat.

Dan Simmons

Quotes About Opioid Addiction #1443270
#6. There are a lot of victims when it comes to addiction. I know there's an overdose epidemic. We see those faces. But then I see these other faces - the ones who commit suicide because they can't handle the pain. Those faces mean just as much to me.

Donna Marsh

Quotes About Opioid Addiction #1398432
#7. Golf is like love. One day you think you are too old and the next day you want to do it again.

Roberto De Vicenzo

Quotes About Opioid Addiction #1351207
#8. You did not bring down two of the royal guard in an unceremonious heap because the woman in the middle tripped.

Laurell K. Hamilton

Quotes About Opioid Addiction #1342783
#9. It's hard not to think of Jack Ford when you're making a Western. Hard not to think of him when you're making any picture.

Howard Hawks

Quotes About Opioid Addiction #1257054
#10. Chronic pain patients like me are not the cause of the opioid crisis; only 22% of those who misuse opioids are prescribed them by a doctor, and only 13% of ER visits for opiate overdoses were chronic pain patients. Most chronic pain patients are rule-followers who just want to function.

Sonya Huber

Quotes About Opioid Addiction #1248403
#11. I will be living with chronic pain for the rest of my life. I don't have the mobility, energy or life options I used to have. I work hard to manage the pain, and I want the medical system to be a respectful and effective partner, not a jailer. The opioid crisis is not my doing.

Sonya Huber

Quotes About Opioid Addiction #1071907
#12. Before you make a decision," he said, "I want you to know that I love you.

Megan Whalen Turner

Quotes About Opioid Addiction #1002937
#13. I take opioids to treat chronic pain. Stigmatizing them will harm me.

Sonya Huber

Quotes About Opioid Addiction #618813
#14. To live is to hurt others, and through others, to hurt oneself. Cruel earth! How can we manage not to touch anything? To find what ultimate exile?

Albert Camus

Quotes About Opioid Addiction #478891
#15. I'm playing an Amazon warrior princess in a new radio comedy series called 'Elvenquest,' and I'm playing a Russian genius in the comeback of 'Red Dwarf.'

Sophie Winkleman

Quotes About Opioid Addiction #363726
#16. I respect the British a lot - their history, their past, their culture. I think it's beautiful, what they have with the monarchy.

Jean-Marc Vallee

Quotes About Opioid Addiction #356802
#17. It might seem paradoxical given my profession, but I'm not someone who likes to be in the limelight.

Audrey Tautou

Quotes About Opioid Addiction #221070

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