Top 9 Quotes About New Beginnings Rumi

#1. Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand.

Karl Marx

Quotes About New Beginnings Rumi #264735
#2. It was like coming home after you'd been gone a long, long time. It held a million promises of summer and of what just might be.

Jenny Han

Quotes About New Beginnings Rumi #289774
#3. In this life, Satan, but in another? We shall meet in another, surely?"
Then, all tranquilly and soberly, he made the strange answer, "There is no other.

Mark Twain

Quotes About New Beginnings Rumi #467579
#4. In a French accent developed through a lifetime of using English I said, 'Hello sir, I would like to row the English Channel in a bath please.'
What actually arrived in the ear of the French Navy man was, 'Hello sire, I would like to fight a condom across a bath if you please.

Tim FitzHigham

Quotes About New Beginnings Rumi #588766
#5. I wouldn't call myself an atheist. I neither deny nor accept that there is a God. So I do not laugh at people who believe in God. But I do not necessarily believe in God - nor deny that there could be one.

Lee Kuan Yew

Quotes About New Beginnings Rumi #592462
#6. When we are high up, everything looks very small.
Our glories and our sadnesses cease to be important.
We have left whatever we won or lost down below.
From the top of a mountain you can see
how large the world is and how wide the horizon.

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About New Beginnings Rumi #759773
#7. If all you can do is crawl, start crawling.


Quotes About New Beginnings Rumi #1379293
#8. He's a great guy, she said ,and he heard her try to sound enthusiastic,like she was selling herself on her soon-to-be-husband's greatness ... and then,in a whispered rush, just before she cut the connection,he thought he heard her say,Sometimes I wish it had been you

Jennifer Weiner

Quotes About New Beginnings Rumi #1752754
#9. I know I've got to just keep throwing the ball. That's what I do best.

Dan Marino

Quotes About New Beginnings Rumi #1832846

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