Top 35 Quotes About Mccray
#1. I'm married, I'm monogamous, but I'm not dead, and Bill isn't either.
Chirlane McCray
#2. Rhyannon Byrd has a gift for beautiful, sensual storytelling.
Cheyenne McCray
#3. suspected it was no coincidence that her initials matched the initials on the logo of the company - International Harvester - whose home appliances she promoted.
Marilyn McCray
#4. I had never had a deep sense of belonging anywhere. I always felt I was an outsider.
Chirlane McCray
#5. You do realize that passive-aggressive behavior is aggressive behavior for cowards, right?
Carolyn McCray
#7. In the 1970s, I identified as a lesbian and wrote about it. In 1991, I met the love of my life, married him.
Chirlane McCray
#8. Jenn: Do you love him?
Ani: Yeah, I do.
Jenn: Then you can forgive him. It's not worth it to let love slip through your hands.
Cheyenne McCray
#11. Sure." Olivia smirked. "Good ol' New York Public Library. I'm sure it's up to date on the latest Demons that escape through well-guarded Demon Gates.
Cheyenne McCray
#12. That's your story? And you're sticking to it?" Brandt asked. "That you're suggesting a mission that is super dangerous, but Lopez could get us out of it on unicycles? Driven into the sea?
Carolyn McCray
#13. Dreams are fragile. Reality is a clumsy postman.
Faye McCray
#14. Finding the right person can be so hard that often, when a person finally finds someone she or he is comfortable with, she or he just makes it work.
Chirlane McCray
#15. Sometimes you know that no one can replace the person you love, and your heart will never be the same.
Cheyenne McCray
#16. Some people are just quiet - they don't need to be talking all the time and aren't extroverted, but they're not necessarily afraid to talk. I'm not really a shy person.
Chirlane McCray
#17. All yours, sweetheart," Smithe added. "And Steele, I'm talking to Donovan. If there was ever anything sweet about you the Polar ice caps might melt.
Cheyenne McCray
#19. You can be chased home or hit or called names or spit on, and it's over. You have the memory of it, but it's very different from the emotional and psychological experience of feeling invisible, of not learning the confidence to stand up in class and speak.
Chirlane McCray
#21. A good friend will bail you out of jail.
A best friend will be sitting next to you
Saying, 'Damn. We fucked up.
Cheyenne McCray
#22. But seriously, what were his parents thinking? Naming their son Richard Updike? Did they want him to get beaten up his entire adolescence?
Carolyn McCray
#23. People like you are the reason People like me need medication.
Cheyenne McCray
#24. The hotel looked as though it had been built back in the fifties, when everything seemed designed to be quickly turned into a bomb shelter.
Carolyn McCray
#25. A Touch of Crimson explodes with passion and heat. A hot, sexy angel to die for and a gutsy heroine make for one exciting read!
Cheyenne McCray
#26. I'd like to be out in the city every day, listening to what people are saying and asking about what they need. I'd like to inspire others by doing as much as I can to help people who are trying to make a better life for themselves and others.
Chirlane McCray
#27. She knew she couldn't escape unscathed, and the trauma would take her a long time to get past. And she might never fully heal mentally.
There was no denying the fact, though, that everything had changed for her. To know what to expect wasn't the same as actually living it.
Cheyenne McCray
#28. I was a lifeguard, camp counselor, the president of the YMCA Leaders Corps. I also took piano lessons. I was a dancer.
Chirlane McCray
#30. Labels put people in boxes, and those boxes are shaped like coffins.
Chirlane McCray
#31. No matter the circumstances, hope can be as powerful a medicine as any injections I might have.
Carolyn McCray
#32. It's when I have to acknowledge the past and all of those nameless, faceless people I'd assassinated, that I unravel inside.
Cheyenne McCray
#33. I like to go to the subway and hear what people are thinking and feeling and what their concerns are. You learn so much that way. You really do.
Chirlane McCray
#34. While some women had wing girls for club hopping, Sal had something far more important - a best friend who could run patient interference better than most linebackers.
Carolyn McCray
#35. Why did people run around in random directions when shooting started instead of literally hitting the deck to stay out of the line of fire? How stupid could you get?
Cheyenne McCray
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