Top 25 Quotes About Maxride

#1. What are you doing here?" [ndr prison]
Selling Girl Scout cookies," I said. "Want some? The Samoas are terrific."
(Max II to Max)

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #1073436
#2. What happened to your tan?"--Fang
"It was dirt." --Max

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #1838491
If you dare to read this story, you become part of the Experiment

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #1837586
#4. My mom had a soft heart after all! Instead of being chained by both wrists, we were only chained by one ankle!
I mean, if I'd been looking for proof that she really did love me, this was it, right?

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #1767404
#5. So the first thing we're gonna do," I told him, "is push you off the roof.

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #1735235
#6. You looove me. (holds out arms) You love me this much.

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #1636765
#7. I didn't know a van could go up on two wheels like that, for so long. -Nudge

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #1482376
#8. Anorexia is, without doubt, a serious eating disorder, but there is a hell of a lot of mainstream disordered eating going on out there.

Emma Woolf

Quotes About Maxride #1469674
#9. Who, last time I'd checked, was still on our official archenemy list. (Yes, we have to keep a list. It's kind of sad.)

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #1409914
#10. Gazzy called over to me "I can't see anything!"
"I can't see anything either," Iggy complained.
"I'm rolling my eyes, Ig." I had to tell him that because he couldn't see me do it, what with his blindness and all.

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #1342912
#11. We will destroy you," the Flyboys droned. "You have no escape." That was the most imaginative, threatening thing the whitecoats had programmed these 'droids to say? "Talk about lame," Fang muttered.

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #1112592
#12. Listen, street punk. You're a guy, and you're a couple inches taller, and maybe forty pounds heavier, and ooh, you're in a gang. But I've survived ten years of Catholic school, and I will cut you off at your knees without a blink. Do you understand?

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #1108857
#13. You could say I'm a laid-back kind of guy.

Gary Clark Jr.

Quotes About Maxride #1088531
#14. I stood my ground. "You evil scientist are all the same
evil. Count me out."
Fang and I brushed past Mr. God and walked quickly but smoothly to the exit. It was barely noon, and I'd already made a huge enemy.
Dang, I'm good.

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #198750
#15. Some kids get called 'bundles of joy' or 'slices of heaven' or 'dreams come true.' We got 'the fifty-fourth generation of DNA experiments.' Doesn't have the same warm and fuzzy feel. But maybe I'm oversensitive.

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #1010381
#16. Well, that's an evil smile...

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #981483
#17. If you have read 6,000 books in your lifetime, or even 600, it's probably because at some level you find 'reality' a bit of a disappointment.

Joe Queenan

Quotes About Maxride #897084
#18. I'm a freaking princess when it comes to other people's feelings. Yo dogbreath, get your paws of the everglades. -Max

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #792874
#19. Fang felt a cold jolt, then dismissed it. Max wasn't dead. He would know, somehow. He would have felt it. The world still felt the same to him; therefore, Max was still in it.

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #755574
#20. As usual, they'd missed the point, almost as if on purpose.

L.E. Modesitt Jr.

Quotes About Maxride #498957
#21. I hate this guy," Ari muttered, keeping his head down
"There's a club," I told him. "The Haters of ter Borcht Club. Have you gotten your badge yet?

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #424133
#22. My writing is translated into every Indian language, it's distributed in pamphlets, in little private video things, it's everywhere. So it's a lovely pastime for the middle class to think of itself as the whole nation.

Arundhati Roy

Quotes About Maxride #403099
#23. We'll be back!" he snarled.
It was really Ari's voice.
Boy, you just can't kill people like you used to," said Fang

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #390809
#24. All you have to do is believe, baby, believe you're the best in the world and you'll get here.

T.J. Dillashaw

Quotes About Maxride #277050
#25. Yes!" said Fang, punching the air. "Freaks rule.

James Patterson

Quotes About Maxride #246537

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