Top 100 Quotes About Love Longing

#1. Any guy, even imaginary, would just feel like second best. Second best to what? I don't even have an image of the perfect boyfriend. I just know he must exist. Because I have all these feelings-love, longing, wanting to be touched, dreaming of being kissed-yet no one to focus them on.

Tabitha Suzuma

Quotes About Love Longing #110175
#2. Well, the musicals give emphasis to love, longing, melancholy, sadness. All of that is always there.

Ismail Merchant

Quotes About Love Longing #187713
#3. Some feelings are stronger than fear: love, longing, desire.

Luanne Rice

Quotes About Love Longing #308604
#4. In love longing I listen to the monk's bell. I will never forget you even for an interval short as those between the bell notes.

Izumi Shikibu

Quotes About Love Longing #693755
#5. Just love, just feel the love, longing for love, nothing else matters.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Love Longing #860156
#6. There are places in this world where fable, myth, preconception, love, longing or prejudice step in and so distort a cool, clear appraisal that a kind of high colored magical confusion takes permanent hold ... Surely Texas is such a place ...

John Steinbeck

Quotes About Love Longing #1413440
#7. You are really in search of yourself, without knowing it. You are love-longing for the love-worthy, the perfect lovable. Due to ignorance you are looking for it in the world of opposites and contradictions. When you find it within, your search will be over.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Quotes About Love Longing #1460879
#8. In the midst of fear Lyra knelt by Lanre's body and breathed his name. Her voice was a beckoning. Her voice was love and longing. Her voice called him to live again. But Lanre lay cold and dead.

Patrick Rothfuss

Quotes About Love Longing #8062
#9. Sex was the main component of her thoughts now. But love - and her desperate longing for it - had vanished from her heart like a migraine after a painkiller.

Augustine Sam

Quotes About Love Longing #13706
#10. When we lay together, she showed me her soul, and I showed her mine, and they were the same. As you can imagine, mine was battered and bruised, tarnished like ancient metal. She scrubbed it clean. I cannot deny my own soul any more than I can deny she held it in her hands for a time.

Carol Oates

Quotes About Love Longing #16188
#11. When the universe was young, it took a breath, then sighed with a longing so deep, so ancient, that it stole God's attention for a moment. The sigh brushed God's cheek and He recognized it as the breath of love. In that moment God wished for another. The yearning had begun.

Kate Belle

Quotes About Love Longing #21926
#12. Twilight-kind, oppressing the heart as with a condensed atmosphere of dreamy undefined love and longing.

George MacDonald

Quotes About Love Longing #22884
#13. Till then I wasn't alive, I longed for you like the love sick moon pulls the tide

Corinne Bailey Rae

Quotes About Love Longing #28512
#14. Lust is a strong tower of mischief, and hath in it many defenders, as neediness, anger, paleness, discord, love, and longing.


Quotes About Love Longing #31863
#15. When I am looking for you, then in silence, your every atom is longing for me.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Love Longing #32972
#16. What, and end up like you? Wistfully recalling a lover from long ago? Please.

Elizabeth Carlton

Quotes About Love Longing #37638
#17. Helena had been standing by her window looking out to sea, breathing in the fresh air and admiring the picturesque scene of a small ship sailing into the harbor.
She had not been able to think of anything other than Mikolas for days.
From LONGING the 3rd chapter of TRUE LOVE

Destin Bays

Quotes About Love Longing #41054
#18. Our faith in others betrays that we would rather have faith in ourselves. Our longing for a friend is our betrayer. And often with our love we want merely to overcome envy. And often we attack and make ourselves enemies, to conceal that we are vulnerable.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Quotes About Love Longing #42187
#19. I slept in the grip of that love, comforted, thinking I should forget my longing within it, knowing that all was somehow well...In the morning when I stirred, I knew...I knew I lay here in my own flesh, but not alone.

Tosca Lee

Quotes About Love Longing #45548
#20. Benvolio: What sadness lengthens Romeo's hours?
Romeo: Not having that, which, having, makes them short.

William Shakespeare

Quotes About Love Longing #53417
#21. Love Jo all your days, if you choose, but don't let it spoil you, for it's wicked to throw away so many good gifts because you can't have the one you want.

Louisa May Alcott

Quotes About Love Longing #59359
#22. Her deep romantic nature prevented her from demanding, from asking for that quenching. She wanted it to come freely, like flowers that are sent and not requested.

Sean Ferrer

Quotes About Love Longing #66820
#23. I want morning and noon and nightfall with you. I want your tears, your smiles, your kisses ... the smell of your hair, the taste of your skin, the touch of your breath on my face. I want to see you in the final hour of my life ... to lie in your arms as I take my last breath.

Lisa Kleypas

Quotes About Love Longing #67538
#24. The world yearns. This is its sure gravity: the attraction of bodies. Earth for molten star. Moon for earth. A hand for the orb of a breast. This is its movement too: the motion of desire, of a longing toward.

Alison MacLeod

Quotes About Love Longing #79207
#25. Every rose is longing for joy and love; every rose know the language of the heart.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Love Longing #79679
#26. At the core of who we are, we crave the acceptance that comes from being loved. To satisfy this longing we will either be graspers of God's love or grabbers for people's love.

Lysa TerKeurst

Quotes About Love Longing #90358
#27. If you were mine, I'd never leave you, Prudence. I couldn't.

Anne Gracie

Quotes About Love Longing #98582
#28. She bit her lower lip hard and blinked her eyes. There was such wistfulness and longing in his voice. Oh, she was going to give him back his eyes, or the next best thing, if it took her the rest of her life to do it.

Mary Balogh

Quotes About Love Longing #109497
#29. But they had already tried, again and again and again, and always, when the first crashing wave of mutual longing subsided, the ugly wreck of the past lay revealed again, its shadow lying darkly over everything they tried to rebuild.

Robert Galbraith

Quotes About Love Longing #115527
#30. The ancient Greeks, poets, authors and philosophers all puzzled over the question but nobody really knows what love is - including me. Longing for another person is an exciting mental experience.

Nicole Kidman

Quotes About Love Longing #119305
#31. Nd when he let her go, it was as if she had been filled and didn't realize it until he pulled away and the absence rushed back in.

Laini Taylor

Quotes About Love Longing #126228
#32. We all have a relentless yearning to attach and connect, to love and be loved. This relationship hunger is the fiercest longing of the human soul.

Dave Earley

Quotes About Love Longing #127078
#33. You are here to remind me of someone I long for, and what is it you long for yourself? We must have been together in an earlier life, you and I.

Murasaki Shikibu

Quotes About Love Longing #132197
#34. Orito banishes all thoughts of Jacob de Zoet, and recalls Jacob de Zoet.

David Mitchell

Quotes About Love Longing #134227
#35. I would learn the varying temperature of erratic desire, the caloric output of longing, and the previously undefined and eventually unbearable weight of first love.

Jim Provenzano

Quotes About Love Longing #136372
#36. It took every ounce of self-control I could muster to keep my eyes focused on my work and not on you the entire time. All I could see was the way your nose would shrivel slightly when you laughed... The longing in your eyes for a love like that of the bride and groom.

Janna Sproul

Quotes About Love Longing #147672
#37. Desiring another person is perhaps the most risky endeavor of all. As soon as you want somebody - really want him - it is as though you have taken a surgical needle and sutured your happiness to the skin of that person, so that any separation will now cause a lacerating injury.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Quotes About Love Longing #155472
#38. That kiss was amazing; it had all the passion and longing we had been holding onto for so long. That is when the dam finally broke for me and I started crying. I knew right then that Hunter was the only one I wanted. He was my happily ever after.

Megan Smith

Quotes About Love Longing #161121
#39. ... There is the heat of Love, the pulsing rush of Longing, the lover's whisper, irresistible - magic to make the sanest man go mad.


Quotes About Love Longing #166229
#40. And when he dies, cut him out in little stars, and the face of heaven will be so fine that all the world will be in love with night and pay no heed to the garish sun.

William Shakespeare

Quotes About Love Longing #171556
#41. I couldn't take my eyes off him. Like a desert wanderer afraid of mirages, I gazed at my oasis, but he was real.

Laura Whitcomb

Quotes About Love Longing #173661
#42. And you'll miss me more as the narrowing weeks wing by. Someday duly, oneday truly, twosday newly, till whensday.

James Joyce

Quotes About Love Longing #180819
#43. I wanted so terribly to be good to him.

Dodie Smith

Quotes About Love Longing #186862
#44. With one gaze into her eyes, all words fell away. And it didn't matter at all. In this place of hearticulation, there was no need for words. This love spoke a language all its own, a grammarless lexicon of longing and union. Who needs syllables when you can hear each other's souls?

Jeff Brown

Quotes About Love Longing #220005
#45. If I wanted to be free of this unrequited longing, I would have to make peace with the past and finally let go. There was no way around it. But did I want to be free of it - and him?

Kat Von D.

Quotes About Love Longing #230683
#46. I ache to hear her tell me she loves me, but forcing her to put words to how she feels pushes her further into the silence she seems comfortable calling home now. I tell myself to be patient and understanding, but inside there's a longing only those words will fill, and it hurts to ignore it.

C.J. Redwine

Quotes About Love Longing #233401
#47. Just because I'm not forever by your side doesn't mean that's not precisely where I want to be.

Stephanie Laurens

Quotes About Love Longing #238334
#48. We are in the world where the longing mountains are the most grounded.

Sorin Cerin

Quotes About Love Longing #238607
#49. If you think of the moon as already used, it's not as difficult to take in,
because then it's just like you,
Traveled the world like you,
Seen the globe like you,
But, it's still bright.

Adrianna Stepiano

Quotes About Love Longing #244746
#50. I've written a number of songs over the years and it's a big part of my life, this sort of tension between a longing for home and the call for the open road. It's sort of like a tug between two families. I even love to miss my home.

James Taylor

Quotes About Love Longing #255527
#51. How should a man caught in this net of routine not forget that he is a man, a unique individual, one who is given only this one chance of living, with hopes and disappointments, with sorrow and fear, with the longing for love and the dread of the nothing and of separateness?

Erich Fromm

Quotes About Love Longing #259074
#52. What time can be more beautiful than the one in which the finest virtues, innocent cheerfulness and indefinable longing for love constitute the sole motives of your life?

Leo Tolstoy

Quotes About Love Longing #271398
#53. As the presence of those we love is as a double life, so absence, in its anxious longing and sense of vacancy, is as a foretaste of death.

Anna Brownell Jameson

Quotes About Love Longing #272643
#54. If i think about us logically, there is no chance for us. But logic doesn't produce magic.

Cristian Peter Marinescu-Ivan

Quotes About Love Longing #277244
#55. For the true angler, fishing produces a deep,unspoken joy, born of longing for that which is quiet and peaceful, and fostered by an inbred love of communing with nature

Thaddeus Norris

Quotes About Love Longing #279720
#56. She was the wish of his life. He didn't know how else to say it. He didn't even know that he could really explain, just that every time he saw her he felt his bones might break under the weight of his wanting. His longing for her.

C.J. Carlyon

Quotes About Love Longing #283970
#57. His touch warmed my whole body. I was longing to throw my arms around him and hold him close, but the magic of this moment was like a single, lovely strand of cobweb, fragile and delicate. One wrong move and it would snap beyond mending.

Juliet Marillier

Quotes About Love Longing #286793
#58. I was not meant for this world. I don't know. All I know is, I love, and I am not loved. I do not know happiness. I know despair, loneliness, and longing.

Candy Darling

Quotes About Love Longing #290187
#59. Love is a longing to belong, to be beloved.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Love Longing #306455
#60. i swallowed the syllables of your name
and i was full.


Quotes About Love Longing #307396
#61. Why love if losing hurts so much? We love to know that we are not alone.

C.S. Lewis

Quotes About Love Longing #310268
#62. I synonymously felt my heart beat rapaciously, the heart which was once void of anything alive and well. Now the heart was rasping and knocking on my ribcage as if it was demanding to come out, take its root and grow.

Diyar Harraz

Quotes About Love Longing #313399
#63. We're living for Likes, but we're longing for love.

Craig Groeschel

Quotes About Love Longing #317452
#64. Ari's words felt like drops of sunlight upon my skin, and my frame was burning with longing.

Petra March

Quotes About Love Longing #333597
#65. Think of it! We could have gone on longing for one another and pretending not to notice forever. This obsession with dignity can ruin your life if you let it.

Mary Ann Shaffer

Quotes About Love Longing #333633
#66. Saudade.
A nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that is distant, or that has been loved and then lost; "the love that remains".


Quotes About Love Longing #334469
#67. I've longed for you so, while my connection to the rest of reality has torn. It is that you have lost me. And I have lost you, longing for more than my enough.

Brandi Gomez

Quotes About Love Longing #335596
#68. It is poetic and lyrical; words that spill forth like cool waters into the dusty dry rock bed of the Soul desiring love. It has been said that I've lived in the desert all my life and do not know what it means to be wet.

Sophia Rose

Quotes About Love Longing #335638
#69. This is what it feels like to care about someone who doesn't feel the same. I'd only known how it felt to love someone who loved me just as fiercely. I'd never known rejection. I'd never wanted someone who didn't want me. The longing didn't go away with rejection.

Abbi Glines

Quotes About Love Longing #343837
#70. The locust continues
to devour the world
Hunger persists
Love lurches on
listing to starboard
like a ship in a bottle
Human longing goes on
Loneliness a curse
Innocence persists
Ignorance persists

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Quotes About Love Longing #343923
#71. She would never forget how his soul was lonely as the moon they'd met under, and how, for several brief moments, she'd been able to chase the loneliness away.

Katherine McIntyre

Quotes About Love Longing #345980
#72. The shimmering, lucid tones and silver melancholy of I'll Be Right There give readers a South Korea peopled with citizens fighting for honor and intellectual freedom, and longing for love and solace. Kyung-Sook Shin's characters have unforgettable voices-it's no wonder she has so many fans.

Susan Straight

Quotes About Love Longing #359709
#73. Shatter your pride in dust to vanish into the joy of longing and love.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Love Longing #362734
#74. Love isn't something that fades with time. It just grows sharper with longing.

Amber Argyle

Quotes About Love Longing #365463
#75. The soul must long for God in order to be set aflame by God's love; but if the soul cannot yet feel the longing, then it must long for the longing. To long for the longing is also from God.

Meister Eckhart

Quotes About Love Longing #370780
#76. Say my name with hints of longing and hunger. I'd like to hear the desire in your voice scraping against the walls, messing up the sheets of my bed, scratching on my skin. Caress every single letter of me like you're making love to me. I want to be owned by you.

Nessie Q.

Quotes About Love Longing #373588
#77. He answered her with a kiss. It was more than hungry; it was filled with months' worth of fear and uncertainty and longing. It was a thousand I'm sorrys and ten thousand I love yous.

Heather Huffman

Quotes About Love Longing #380467
#78. Erotic longing is really a longing to merge with something greater than oneself. For every kind of love is a force that holds the promise of taking us beyond the limitations of our individual lives.

Julianne Davidow

Quotes About Love Longing #383422
#79. Deep down under where his heart resided, strangled up in thorny vines of guilt, anger, fear and longing, there lay something deeper in him, something that he couldn't see but she could.

Carol Oates

Quotes About Love Longing #385607
#80. Last night, lost in spaces between star - bays and lakes of clouds, I tossed and turned looking for you

John Geddes

Quotes About Love Longing #389150
#81. My heart only ever had one thought, one want. One need. Despite all, in spite of all ... All my heart has ever wanted is you.

Stephanie Laurens

Quotes About Love Longing #390254
#82. Your mind is the voice for your heart.

Shannon L. Alder

Quotes About Love Longing #406705
#83. It more or less has the shape of a love song, but 'Crescent Moon' reflects more my longing for an ancient romantic context that includes wild animals, fire, danger of death, stellar navigation, and seasonal intuition.

Frank Black

Quotes About Love Longing #409235
#84. There's a softness to Raffe's look that I've never seen before. It's not that I see naked longing or tender love or anything like that. And if I did, it would just be in my messed-up fantasies.
Not that I fantasize about him.

Susan Ee

Quotes About Love Longing #409584
#85. But she had dreamed of being his for too long. He had quite ruined her for a marriage of convenience. She wanted everything from him: his mind, his body, his name and, most of all, his heart.

Sarah MacLean

Quotes About Love Longing #412912
#86. His heat warmed her, even as her insides turned to ice.

Katherine McIntyre

Quotes About Love Longing #413405
#87. And yet I was filled with grief. In the beginning of all love there is grief, because at that moment you're closest to the ghost of parting. You know how easily it could all slip away, how easily it could evaporate into eternal, never-to-be-consummated longing.

Edeet Ravel

Quotes About Love Longing #415168
#88. Loving each other began with longing, weaving her loneliness into his.

Leah Kaminsky

Quotes About Love Longing #419390
#89. I begin with songs. They provide a sort of skeleton grammar for me to flesh out. Songs of longing for future tense, songs of regret for past tense, and songs of love for present tense.

Mary Doria Russell

Quotes About Love Longing #425159
#90. Tenderness emerges from the fact that the two persons, longing, as all individuals do, to overcome the separateness and isolation to which we are all heir because we are individuals, can participate in a relationship that, for the moment, is not of two isolated selves but a union

Rollo May

Quotes About Love Longing #430661
#91. If you don't receive love from the ones who are meant to love you, you will never stop looking for it.

Robert Goolrick

Quotes About Love Longing #432308
#92. Yet, it ought to be obvious that good music generally occupies a higher plane that mere politics. Great writers can express moods through melody and capture experiences we share most powerfully - love, lust, longing; joy, rage, fear; triumph, yearning and confusion.

Tony Snow

Quotes About Love Longing #432974
#93. Anger keeps us down and hinders us from moving forward. Its power is strengthened by our longing for justice.

E'yen A. Gardner

Quotes About Love Longing #437361
#94. A man can never fill the longing for my one true God.

Mesu Andrews

Quotes About Love Longing #441726
#95. It was as if she had thought him into existence again, as if her mind were a flask into which had been poured a measure of longing, a measure of discontent, a measure of fatigue, a dash of bitterness, and pouf, there he stood.

Wallace Stegner

Quotes About Love Longing #444004
#96. A longing for books [is] nothing compared with what you [can] feel for human beings. The books [tell] you about that feeling. The books [speak] of love, and it [is] wonderful to listen to them, but they [are] no substitute for love itself.

Cornelia Funke

Quotes About Love Longing #450184
#97. As they went out of the room Rosa turned to look at Tommy and had an impulse to go back, to get into bed with him and just lie there for a while feeling that deep longing, that sense of missing him desperately, that came over her whenever she held him sleeping in her arms.

Michael Chabon

Quotes About Love Longing #450772
#98. Jesus is the answer to the longing of every human heart. The love of his heart is the only love capable of filling our human longing - because it is human, yet infinite, and because it is also divine. Not only does each individual need and desire this love, but the world, taken as a whole, needs it.

James Kubicki

Quotes About Love Longing #451116
#99. [ ... ]when he closed his eyes, the torrent of longing waiting inside was so thick he thought he might drown in it.

Aimee Bender

Quotes About Love Longing #459003
#100. Love is a longing for giving and receiving.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Love Longing #466804

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