Top 22 Quotes About King Crimson

#1. Touring with King Crimson wasn't a lot of fun for me. I had a lot of equipment, and when I was in improvised music I'd set it up myself, play the gig, and put it all away again.

Jamie Muir

Quotes About King Crimson #699549
#2. King Crimson were the only really famous band I'd been in.

Jamie Muir

Quotes About King Crimson #712216
#3. Now, if King Crimson accepts responsibility for innovating its own tradition, you can't accept responsibility for the audience. And there is an enormous tangible weight of expectation, which comes from an audience attending a King Crimson concert.

Robert Fripp

Quotes About King Crimson #937511
#4. When music appears which only King Crimson can play, then, sooner or later, King Crimson appears to play the music.

Robert Fripp

Quotes About King Crimson #1311725
#5. Emerson, Lake & Palmer or King Crimson or Gentle Giant - the worst prog rock references I can come up with. Though I totally loved those groups as a kid.

Duncan Sheik

Quotes About King Crimson #1329804
#6. King Crimson is never easy; it's challenging. That's why I like it.

Adrian Belew

Quotes About King Crimson #1360629
#7. The rise of King Crimson was so fast that, to me, it felt as if it was going out of control. And it was going so fast that I couldn't keep up with what was happening.

Michael Giles

Quotes About King Crimson #1473277
#8. From my time in 'King Crimson,' I'd describe a Progressive band as one that keeps trying to break musical barriers, and keeps trying to do new music.

Tony Levin

Quotes About King Crimson #1523464
#9. King Crimson will soon be touring parts of Europe.

Adrian Belew

Quotes About King Crimson #1573421
#10. Michael Giles the first drummer of King Crimson, never agreed to the name King Crimson. But then, if you'd knew Michael, you would know he didn't agree to the album cover either. So maybe Michael didn't agree to the point of definition with many things.

Robert Fripp

Quotes About King Crimson #670534
#11. A king-size bed sat catty-corner opposite me. The bedroom was painted white, but the comforter was crimson. Small black velvet bird appliques swarmed in the center. I'm not much for art. I'll confess the deeper meaning of the twisted comforter was lost on me. Maybe death to all swallows?

Hailey Edwards

Quotes About King Crimson #1798298
#12. Ruin seize thee, ruthless king! Confusion on thy banners wait! Though fann'd by Conquest's crimson wing, They mock the air with idle state.

Thomas Gray

Quotes About King Crimson #1613570
#13. I denied Discordia and regret nothing; I have spat into the bodiless eyes of the Crimson King and rejoice; I threw my lot with the gunslinger and the White and never once questioned the choice.

Stephen King

Quotes About King Crimson #1441534
#14. he sat upon his throne, which is made of skulls...

Stephen King

Quotes About King Crimson #1391915
#15. Look out, world...this diva is about to break out!

Jamie Collins

Quotes About King Crimson #1352675
#16. Do not join encounter groups. If you enjoy being made to feel inadequate, call your mother.

Liz Smith

Quotes About King Crimson #1204527
#17. When you're a child, it's easy to see school as the worst thing in the world. It's only later in life you realise what a wonderful time it was. Looking back, I can't believe I even wanted to leave.

Ian Beattie

Quotes About King Crimson #1028509
#18. Is Stephen King the Crimson King of this world?

Stephen King

Quotes About King Crimson #919923
#19. All people are enslaved by something.

Dejan Stojanovic

Quotes About King Crimson #476355
#20. I do believe that Muslims and Christians and Jews pray to the same God. And yet they understand who God is in significantly different ways.

Miroslav Volf

Quotes About King Crimson #388451
#21. The Black Man grinned at her with his jackal mouth, and his scarlet eyes knew all the secrets of woman-blood.

Stephen King

Quotes About King Crimson #296545
#22. Said the straight man to the late man
Where have you been
I've been here and I've been there
And I've been in between
I talk to the wind
My words are all carried away
I talk to the wind
The wind does not hear
The wind cannot hear

King Crimson

Quotes About King Crimson #286655

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