Top 35 Quotes About Kindness And Grace

#1. I choose to rise up out of that storm and see that in moments of desperation, fear, and helplessness, each of us can be a rainbow of hope, doing what we can to extend ourselves in kindness and grace to one another. And I know for sure that there is no them - there's only us.

Oprah Winfrey

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #115479
#2. When "doctrinal integrity" (a term usually defined by those using it) trumps kindness and grace, faith has wandered out of bounds. Anything claiming to be truth that does not lead to compassion for our neighbors cannot rightfully be called the truth.

Ronnie McBrayer

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #1274823
#3. I treat people with respect, love, kindness and grace not because of who they are, but because of who I am.

Elissa Gabrielle

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #1672675
#4. So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son.[*] 7 He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. 8 He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.


Quotes About Kindness And Grace #53127
#5. Attack anything that makes you feel unworthy, inadequate, hopeless, powerless and useless. That is the evidence of the enemy. All those things need to be attacked with joy, with peace, with love and grace, with mercy, with kindness and the goodness of God.

Graham Cooke

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #882201
#6. Grace doesn't lead us into destructive behavior. Sin does. And grace is the only remedy for sin. The kindness of God leads to repentance.

Tullian Tchividjian

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #1784289
#7. We can love and do righteous acts only by grace.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #949354
#8. Lord, grant that anger or other bitterness does not reign over us, but that your grace, genuine kindness, loyalty, and every kind of friendliness, generosity, and gentleness may reign in us. Amen

Martin Luther

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #994653
#9. Please Lord ...
May you give me that last one gift, the privilege of manifesting from my lips: Your Greatness, Holiness, Kindness, Love, Mercy, Grace and Magnificence as I draw my last breath, So that all on earth may see that You are GOD Alone.

Timothy Pina

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #1079445
#10. Beauty that steals the heart is often imperfect, suggests grace and kindness, and inspires tenderness more than it incites lust.

Dean Koontz

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #1194065
#11. 6And since it is through God's kindness, then it is not by their good works. For in that case, God's grace would not be what it really is - free and undeserved. +


Quotes About Kindness And Grace #1229052
#12. Grace is God's unmerited favor. It is kindness and love we do not deserve, a free gift that can never be earned. This divine help and support is provided to help us through the sanctification process.

Cheryl Zelenka

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #1308155
#13. Grace is what picks me up and lifts my wings high above and I fly! Grace always conquers! Be graceful in everything; in anger, in sadness, in joy, in kindness, in unkindness, retain grace with you!

C. JoyBell C.

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #1335727
#14. Thank God for his loving kindness and tender mercies.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #1497851
#15. Most of all, I am thankful for Lily, who, since she entered my life, has taught me everything I know about patience and kindness and meeting adversity with quiet dignity and grace. No one makes me laugh harder, or want to hug them tighter. You have truly lived up to the promise of man's best friend.

Steven Rowley

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #1500753
#16. If there were no grace and no kindness,
conversation would be useless, and nothing we do would matter. Listen
to the new stories that begin every day. If light were not beginning
again in the east, I would not now wake and walk out inside this dawn.


Quotes About Kindness And Grace #1562576
#17. Grace is the wonderful spirit that imbues every fiber of our being when we practice the fruits of the spirit: kindness, patience, understanding, forgiveness, love, gentleness, fellowship and endurance.

Edgar Cayce

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #1609512
#18. I lost my athletic scholarship by injuring my right knee. That right knee kept me out of Vietnam, and I went into Drama. I put them all together with a football foundation and the house was built on Drama - and love and kindness and understanding and grace.

Gary Busey

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #1646794
#19. Live with kindness, integrity and spirituality. Comport yourself with grace under pressure.

Bryant McGill

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #1647110
#20. Mercy is compassion, kindness, empathy, forgiveness. While grace might be described as blessings and favor from God that we do not necessarily deserve, mercy represents not receiving what we do deserve because of the patience, love, and atonement of the Master.

Brent L. Top

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #836036
#21. I have a theory that you can tell what the head of a company is like by the people who work there. I knew a publishing house that was run on fear and paranoia, and I felt sorry for everyone who worked there. Needless to say, the person at the helm was not known for kindness, warmth, or grace.

Jane Green

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #834837
#22. The word grace emphasizes at one and the same time the helpless poverty of man and the limitless kindness of God.

William Barclay

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #815290
#23. Religion also teaches kindness, personal responsibility, and the grace not to judge people by the worst moments in their lives.

Richard North Patterson

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #741970
#24. Our Savior kneels down and gazes upon the darkest acts of our lives. But rather than recoil in horror, he reaches out in kindness and says, "I can clean that if you want." And from the basin of his grace, he scoops a palm full of mercy and washes away our sin.

Max Lucado

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #694295
#25. Albeit i may die sleep not in the coffen of gold and even beer no fruit; but my impact after depart is my particular to paradise.

Oladosu Feyikogbon

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #686883
#26. Grant me the grace to dissolve my negative thoughts about myself today. I breathe the grace of kindness into my heart. And may the grace of healing flow abundantly to every one in need of help.

Caroline Myss

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #668821
#27. Just as like finds like, love finds love. Embrace it. Be open and giving. Accept love with kindness, grace, and spirit.

Michael Holbrook

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #617582
#28. To pray is to change. This is a great grace. How good of God to provide a path whereby our lives can be taken over by love and joy and peace and patience and kindness and goodness and faithfulness and gentleness and self-control.

Richard J. Foster

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #451323
#29. Have recourse trustfully to Gods loving kindness and He will not forsake you, for He longs to bestow His graces. Though you may have had the misfortune to offend Him, He is always ready to receive you, provided you return humbly to Him.

Margaret Mary Alacoque

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #383523
#30. God made us alive and secured us in Christ so that he could make us the beneficiaries of everlasting kindness from infinite riches of grace. This is not because we are worthy. Quite the contrary, it is to show the infinite measure of his worth.

John Piper

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #379063
#31. Future strong is grace, kindness, and gratitude within a pressure cooker.

Bill Jensen

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #271438
#32. If you fear you've written too many checks on God's kindness account, drag regrets around like a broken bumper, huff and puff more than you delight and rest, and, most of all, if you wonder whether God can do something with the mess of your life, then grace is what you need.

Max Lucado

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #270802
#33. In the weeks after 9/11, out of the pain and the fear there arose also grace and gratitude, eruptions of intense kindness that occurred everywhere, a sharp resolve to just be better, bigger, to shed the nonsense, rise to the occasion.

Nancy Gibbs

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #118089
#34. A praying mother symbolizes grace, strength and wisdom; she is an icon of productivity and ingenuity.

Jaachynma N.E. Agu

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #116039
#35. Let us remember the loving-kindness of the Lord and rehearse His deeds of grace. Let us open the volume of recollection, which is so richly illuminated with memories of His mercy, and we will soon be happy.

Alistair Begg

Quotes About Kindness And Grace #15682

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