Top 100 Quotes About Kiera
#1. I didn't think I had to ask to suck on your ... candy. Kellan says to Kiera.
S.C. Stephens
#2. You should pick one, Kiera. Pick one, and release the other. You can't keep them both. -Jenny
S.C. Stephens
#3. Forever. He carved the word into his soul. Kiera was his forever, deformity or no deformity.
Christine Fonseca
#5. Where do we go from here?"-Kiera
"We go nowhere."-Denny
S.C. Stephens
#6. We were never innocent, Kiera. How naive are you? (Kellan)
S.C. Stephens
#7. Griffin can't be a dad, Kiera. He just can't. He blows pot into puppies faces, Kiera! Can you picture him around a child?
S.C. Stephens
#8. Oh. My. God ... yes. I cried out in the same way she did. We needed this. We needed each other. Please, Kiera. Say yes.
S.C. Stephens
#9. With a sad smile, I ran my fingers down her door. It doesn't matter what you wear ... you'll be stunning. As much as you want to, you can't hide your beauty, Kiera.
S.C. Stephens
#10. I need to be close to you, Kiera. This is the best compromise I can offer you.
S.C. Stephens
#11. You bought it though. You must think the worst of me." He sighed softly and looked sad for half a second. "I'm not a monster, Kiera.
S.C. Stephens
#12. Kiera was a scar across my heart that would never fully heal, no matter how many random encounters I placed across it. My poor imitations of her were only ripping open the wound again and again. Good or bad, she was forever a part of me. Kellan Kyle
S.C. Stephens
#13. Puppies are cute. I'm fierce!"
"Yeah!" Evelyn snorted. "Romas says you're as fierce as a kitten."
"A kitten?" Kiera's tone grew more hurt. "I'm not afraid of him, just because he's twelve feet tall and can bench press me with his toes. It's not nice of him to say that
Lizzy Ford
#14. But this ... Stop fighting, Kiera. Just say you want this. Tell me you want me ... like I want you. I already know you do ...
S.C. Stephens
#15. Anyway, I heard you and your Mother-in-Law kicked ass! Shame his daddy'o wasn't around for the family reunion, although I doubted a battle is the right way to say 'hi,my name's Kiera and I am sexing up your son's man stick.
Stephanie Hudson
#16. And I was happy ... and devastatingly sad too. It was hard, watching someone you had once loved, loving someone else, and loving them more than they'd loved you. But, really, that's exactly what I'd done to Denny with Kellan -Kiera
S.C. Stephens
#17. Don't leave me," I begged, when I found air to speak. Kellan wrapped his arms around me just as tight. Voice cracking he murmured, "I won't ... I'm yours, Kiera, for as long as you want me." Pulling back I cupped his face. "Forever, I want you forever.
S.C. Stephens
#18. Kiera, I don't want to tell you how to handle your relationship with him, but ... you'll never last if you start lying to him -Denny
S.C. Stephens
#19. Well, it was stupid ... you could have been seriously hurt, Kellan."
"Better me than you, Kiera," he whispered.
S.C. Stephens
#20. I know, Kiera," he said soothingly. "That's why I don't really buy the rumors. Because I know you, and I know you wouldn't put up with him cheating on you." As guilt flooded me, he added, "We're a lot alike in that way.
S.C. Stephens
#21. I don't necessarily like wearing lipstick; I just think it's funny to do. I think the darker the better, but it's whatever my girlfriend Kiera has in her purse.
Mac DeMarco
#22. I'll still be with you every night, Kiera. Every night, no matter where I am, crawling into bed with you. Our bed will be a lot bigger, miles wide, but it will just be you and me inside it.
S.C. Stephens
#23. He was my comfort. He was my solace. Nearly everything I had faced in my young life, I had gotten through because of him, because he was always there for me, with soft words and a tender heart.
-Kiera Allen
S.C. Stephens
#24. Still looking at me, Kellan lifted the microphone to his mouth. "I'd like to formally introduce you to this beautiful girl at my side, Miss Kiera Michelle Allen." He turned back to the DJs. "My wife.
S.C. Stephens
#25. I love you too, Kiera. Just you. You're my always.
S.C. Stephens
#26. I wanted everything from and everything for him, because I wanted every piece of him.
Kiera Cass
#27. You've got to stop thinking of me that way. When it's just you and me, I'm not a Five and you're not a Six. We're just Aspen and America. And I don't want anything in the world but you.
Kiera Cass
#28. She was curvaceous and held a near-empty glass of wine that, based on the heavy look in her eyes, was not her first. "Where
Kiera Cass
#30. Mercifully, all the girls let out light giggles, so I blended in. The little traitor!
Kiera Cass
#31. Maxon Schreave, you are nothing but a child who has his hands on a toy that he doesn't want but can't stand for someone else to have.
Kiera Cass
#32. The only way to get to the good is to walk through the bad.
Kiera Cass
#33. It was completely fascinating to me the way that love grew. I kept thinking I'd found a way to give him all that I had, but then I'd learn a new quirk, hear a new story, go through a new experience, and my heart swelled.
Kiera Cass
#34. How had I lost so much in such a short period of time? It would seem like leaving your family, living in some foreign place, and being separated from the person you love should be events that take years to roll into place, not just a day.
Kiera Cass
#35. I was used to watching this on a comfy couch with bowls of popcorn and family commentary.
Kiera Cass
#36. I'm so happy for the both of you. Savor this moment. Remembering this feeling, because it won't always be like this. You'll have ups, you'll have downs. You'll drive each other crazy. But it's worth it if you stick through it. - Gavin
S.C. Stephens
#37. Circumstances being what they are, I haven't had the opportunity to fall in love. Have you?" "Yes,
Kiera Cass
#38. Maxon: "To be clear, no one agrees with you."
America: "To be clear, I don't care.
Kiera Cass
#39. I sense that you won't let the world push you into a life you don't want.
Kiera Cass
#40. If she's going to win, we need a plan." Her smile was diabolical, and I grinned with her. I'd never met anyone as organized as these girls. If I had them, there was no way I could lose.
Kiera Cass
#41. Try patting them on the back or shoulder and telling them everything is going to be fine. Lots of times when girls cry, they don't want you to fix the problem, they just want to be consoled.
Kiera Cass
#42. But if it was always a point of speculation, where one person insisted it was a certain way and another denied it, how would anyone ever hold on to the truth?
Kiera Cass
#43. Go on a date or something, you need to get a life,
Kiera Cass
#44. Every girl needs to shine once in a while.
Kiera Cass
#45. Celeste met me halfway, swinging her branch with each step. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Just not feeling well, I guess."
"Do. Not. Puke," she ordered. "Especially not on me.
Kiera Cass
#46. So here I was expecting at the very best a cordial welcome from the girls who were prepared to fight me to the death for someone I didn't want. Instead I was embraced.
Kiera Cass
#48. Focus less on what people say and more on what you can accomplish.
Kiera Cass
#49. Let her go!" That was a new voice, young but full of authority. ... There was Prince Maxon.
"Open the doors."
"But-Your Majesty-"
"Open the doors now and let her go. Now!
Kiera Cass
#50. It's just hard to accept
the possibility of ... I don't know,
being less."
"Then don't accept it.
Kiera Cass
#51. This time, I felt like I was on the other side of that, looking past duty and worry and rank, seeing the true heart of a person.
And his was so beautiful.
Kiera Cass
#52. I was stunned into silence, the way I always was when he touched the sky places of my heart.
Kiera Cass
#53. Lowering my gaze , I walked to my seat, settling in next to Kriss.
"Seriously America?" she whispered.
I tilted my head in her direction. "I'm sorry?" I replied, feigning confusion.
She put her silverware down, and we stared at each other. "You look trashy."
"Well, you look jealous.
Kiera Cass
#54. And you, you make me feel like I could do the stupidest thing in the world, and you'd still like me how I am.
Kiera Cass
#55. Besides, I won't be able to rest knowing someone's watching me." They
Kiera Cass
#56. He was composed, polite, and intelligent. All the things a prince should be.
Kiera Cass
#57. If you want the crown, America, take it. Take it. Because it should be yours.
Kiera Cass
#58. It's because I'm so good-looking, isn't it?
Kiera Cass
#59. I didn't know it would be so easy to make you smile
Kiera Cass
#60. You can be quiet and go back to kissing me, or you can leave.
Kiera Cass
#61. One of the things that I've learned from the Selection so far is that moving forward means joining your life before coming to the palace with the future that lies in front of you. I'm hoping to make another step in joining those two worlds today.
Kiera Cass
#62. And I knew I was walking into this alone. And that was for the best.
Kiera Cass
#63. I wish I was as true an artist as you so that I could find a way to tell you what you've become to me. America, my love, you are sunlight falling through trees. You are laughter that breaks through sadness. You are the breeze on a too-warm day. You are clarity in the midst of confusion
Kiera Cass
#64. And of course he would love America! She's so beautiful," Mom swooned.
Kiera Cass
#65. We would live together and weave out lives into one another's and hold on to a sacred sisterhood that only a handful of women ever experienced.
Kiera Cass
#66. Those two moods are so different! Is everyone in your family like that?"
Baden nodded. "Good to know. I'll buy a shield and some binoculars.
Kiera Cass
#67. I just think we'd make a good us." He smiled. "We'd make a wonderful us.
Kiera Cass
#68. If there are no pop stars churning out those mind-numbing songs, then there are no musicians in the booths backing them up, no clerks running back and forth with tapes, no shop owners selling the music. Taking out one person at the top destroys thousands at the bottom.
Kiera Cass
#69. I feel that no good leader can let the masses go unfed
Kiera Cass
#70. We sure are," Celeste replied sweetly. The man sort of melted a little, you could see it in his eyes. Ah. So this was her game. The captain paused a moment and then
Kiera Cass
#71. I didn't want to be royalty. And I didn't want to be a One. I didn't even want to try.
Kiera Cass
#73. You know how your mother and I met," Dad began.
I rolled my eyes. "Everyone does. You two are practically a fairy tale.
Kiera Cass
#74. Nothing makes you quite so aware of a person's presence as the loss of it.
Kiera Cass
#75. In an instant, everything in the room came alive. Like the sunshine had a melody and the sounds of footsteps had a texture I could feel in my fingertips each time anyone moved
Kiera Cass
#76. If he wanted to play a game with my character, then I was prepared to answer in turn.
Kiera Cass
#77. I wouldn't be surprised if you were actually the ringleader of an all-girl mafia.
Kiera Cass
#78. What's this all about?" Anne asked as I closed the door, pressing my ear up against it. "Can you hear anything?" I asked. They both put their ears to the door, too, waiting to see if something intelligible came through.
Kiera Cass
#79. Are you scared?" he asked. "No." "Me neither." But I was pretty sure we were both lying.
Kiera Cass
#80. And it's old advice, but it's good: be yourself.
-Queen Amberly, The Selection/The Prince
Kiera Cass
#81. It was a delicious feeling, falling in love. I'd had so many luxuries in my life, and I thought I'd had a taste of this before, but I realized now it was merely a cheap imitation of something not meant to be imitated in the first place.
Kiera Cass
#82. She smiled. Not wanting the crown means you're probably the best person to have it.
Kiera Cass
#83. You've always kept my secrets. I'll always keep yours
Kiera Cass
#84. He'd wanted his first kiss to be with me.
Kiera Cass
#85. Maxon, you were the one who said you wanted to stop arguing. So stop giving me reasons to argue with you!
Kiera Cass
#86. Life is pointless. Love is pointless. And still, wouldn't I do every second of it all over again?"
"I'm guessing yes."
"Undoubtedly. Yes.
Kiera Cass
#87. It's old advice, but it's good: be yourself.
Kiera Cass
#88. All I learned about was butter." "Then you know everything." In
Kiera Cass
#89. Don't be so shocked. Friends usually spend time together." My tone added the of course. "Ah, you're cross with me because I've been engaged all week, aren't you? I didn't mean to neglect our friendship, America.
Kiera Cass
#90. Live your life. Be happy as you can be, let go of the things that don't matter, and fight.
Kiera Cass
#91. her way to me. "You're late," she jokingly scolded.
Kiera Cass
#92. We swayed, barely moving. I settled my cheek on Maxon's chest, he rested his chin on my head, and we spun to the music of the rain.
Kiera Cass
#94. For a small period of time, she was the only one who understood what I was feeling. She made me feel less isolated in my sadness.
Kiera Cass
#95. heard Maxon laugh once before shoving me out into the downpour.
Kiera Cass
#96. He needed more and more of me. He would always want me near him. I would always be first in his eyes. We were a good match. A perfect match. Soul mates.
S.C. Stephens
#97. Beauty is subjective. You know how sometimes what makes a person attractive is the way they make you laugh or how it seems like they can read your mind?
Kiera Cass
#98. Of all the lies you've told me, that's the one I resent the most.
Kiera Cass
#99. I didn't worry about the future. Because nothing could matter as much as him loving me. . .
Kiera Cass
#100. I asked Anne to make me a dress that looked innocent, which made her eyebrows pucker.
"You make it sound like we've been sending you out in lingerie," she said mockingly.
Kiera Cass
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