Top 37 Quotes About Karch Kiraly
#1. I never did. I only prepared to win the next day.
Karch Kiraly
#2. I thank my dad for my mental longevity and for the fact we played against better competition.
Karch Kiraly
#3. I played a kid's game, I got to do it at the beach, and I was able to support my family. I consider myself incredibly lucky.
Karch Kiraly
#4. Playing against better competition makes you better and more focused, so you can do what you have to, to win.
Karch Kiraly
#5. I couldn't be messing around and acting like an 11-year-old if we expected to compete well. I wanted to compete well, because it was great to see the looks in the eyes of men-like, "Wow, I am having a hard time beating this kid."
Karch Kiraly
#6. I had four different colors of hats, one of which was pink. I just got on a roll with the pink hat. So what started out as a superstition grew into a tradition and an easy way for my family to find me at tournaments because I am the only one with cojones big enough to wear a pink hat.
Karch Kiraly
#7. We play at the world's most beautiful beaches but in the world's most challenging conditions. It is not like you play one match and you go back to air conditioning. We do it all day long.
Karch Kiraly
#8. Someday, I'd like to live a life based on doing good stuff instead of just not doing bad stuff.
Chuck Palahniuk
#9. When you've done everything you can to train yourself for competition, you'll sleep well when the tournament is over, win or lose.
Karch Kiraly
#10. Physically I'm not as strong as I was, but I try to make up for it mentally. It's a big challenge, and I relish it, competing with guys half my age.
Karch Kiraly
#11. One of the best ways to [improve my longevity] that is to minimize injury or avoid it by being more flexible-especially when we are meeting at the net. There is a hitter and blocker, which means a lot foot contact, where you can twist your ankle easily.
Karch Kiraly
#12. How much we have to hydrate out here in this kind of heat and humidity. I think the most I have ever taken down in one day of fluids is five gallons - a gallon per match. If we didn't replace our fluids, we would probably keel over and die.
Karch Kiraly
#13. Practice like it's competition and compete like it's another day on the practice court.
Karch Kiraly
#14. No volleyball play can begin without a serve, and the serve is the only technique that is totally under your control. In other endeavors, you cannot succeed without believing in yourself, and that belief is completely under your control.
Karch Kiraly
#15. The core in the Juche outlook on the revolution is loyalty to the party and the leader. The cause of socialism and communism is started by the leader and is carried out under the guidance of the party and the leader.
Kim Jong Il
#16. We're seeing an explosion in new approaches, new models and new forms of interaction. This growth comes from change, insight and exploration, not obedience.
Seth Godin
#17. My name is very often associated with parties and entertaining, but it's not true. I am not such a party person.
Roberto Cavalli
#18. Armaeus is presently able to enter Hell bodily, as are you. Any properly equipped mortal may enter a portal at will. Once you're inside, however, getting out is trickier." I frowned. "So it's like an IKEA store?" "In
Jenn Stark
#19. I didn't want to use anything as a crutch and ever have excuses heading into a match.
Karch Kiraly
#20. It's the best. And the job site isn't too bad, either.
Karch Kiraly
#21. To me, every cubic inch of space is a miracle.
Walt Whitman
#22. The exercises helped get the flexibility back in my ankle and also increased my overall flexibility. As I was getting into my 30s, I wanted to do everything I could to improve my longevity.
Karch Kiraly
#23. Volleyball is not like a formula so we must give players some freedom.
Karch Kiraly
#24. I still get excited just attending a final four, because the process is so long, so arduous, so challenging, that when it finally arrives, the adrenaline can't help but take over. I love the sense of accomplishment and camaraderie that the indoor game can engender.
Karch Kiraly
#25. A lot of guys are out there with their iPods. I'm not one of them. I just never really got into it.
Karch Kiraly
#26. The first thing I do when I get there-like all of the players on tour-is apply sunscreen. One of the few hazards of the job is the wear-and-tear our skin takes from the sun.
Karch Kiraly
#27. Not everything you're going to do in volleyball - or in life, for that matter - is exciting or fully functional, but if you have the willpower to make each minute count, you'll benefit in some way. And it will make you a better player and a better person in the long run.
Karch Kiraly
#28. Most people put a hat and glasses on to go incognito. I take them off.
Karch Kiraly
#29. I had a bunch of different colored hats I wore. When I started wearing a pink one, we won five or six tournaments in a row, so I stuck with it. It started as superstition and now it's tradition-my hideous trademark that I always wear.
Karch Kiraly
#30. I want to be as self-reliant as possible and do it all from within.
Karch Kiraly
#31. Violence was becoming distressingly normal; there were over six hundred bombings or bombing attempts across the country in 1969, and the number climbed still higher the year after.
Hal Brands
#32. My dad was a really intense competitor and that rubbed off on me. He was loud and vocal on the court, so I let him do all the talking. But I developed a kind of quiet intensity that I knew I had to have to improve and compete with grown men. It took every ounce of focus.
Karch Kiraly
#33. It was really an exciting time trying to find my way from being a boy to becoming a man-being toe to toe and eye to eye with grown men, even though I was only 11 or 12.
Karch Kiraly
#34. There's nothing worse than the feeling of wishing you had another chance at a play because you weren't ready. Every athlete has those feelings to mull over, and over and over ... Don't even expose yourself to the possibility to being caught off-guard. -
Karch Kiraly
#36. It's hard to give a career like this up, when I tell my wife I'm going to the office, and it's the beach.
Karch Kiraly
#37. The highest art is always the most religious, and the greatest artist is always a devout person.
Abraham Lincoln
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