Top 100 Quotes About Joy Of Living

#1. Life is too short to be unhappy in business. If business were not a part of the joy of living, we might almost say that we have no right to live, because it is a pretty poor man who cannot get into the line for which he is fitted.

George L. Brown

Quotes About Joy Of Living #35714
#2. At a time when the joy of living is more painful than imagining the beauty of eternal life, we leave our life behind.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Joy Of Living #83998
#3. I find my joy of living in the fierce and ruthless battles of life, and my pleasure comes from learning something.

August Strindberg

Quotes About Joy Of Living #188033
#4. Serving others breaks you free from the shackles of self and self-absorption that choke out the joy of living.

James Hunter

Quotes About Joy Of Living #287499
#5. The end of consumerism and accumulation is the beginning of the joy of living.

Vandana Shiva

Quotes About Joy Of Living #293031
#6. Ukrainian proverb: The fear of death takes away the joy of living

Andy Szpuk

Quotes About Joy Of Living #310039
#7. The joy of living is the heart of thanksgiving.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Joy Of Living #317077
#8. There are thousands of books on the joy of gardening and cooking. Alas, there are only few on the joy of living.

Robert Muller

Quotes About Joy Of Living #322950
#9. Noronha's Laws

1. No man works harder than he must.
2. The joy of living, lies in making little things big.
3. Try never to do what you do not want to do. The secret of a happy old age is in never doing what you do not want to do.

R.P. Noronha

Quotes About Joy Of Living #333074
#10. No one can teach us the joy of living; we are endowed with it. So why are we continually waiting for the lecture?

Dee Hock

Quotes About Joy Of Living #346658
#11. My purpose of life is very simple; I live just for the joy of living.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Joy Of Living #397576
#12. The real joy of life is in its play. Play is anything we do for the joy and love of doing it, apart from any profit, compulsion, or sense of duty. It is the real joy of living.

Walter Rauschenbusch

Quotes About Joy Of Living #413639
#13. Each one of us has the power - and must develop the will - to be the hero of his own life. We believe in goals, in purposes, in achievement and in the joy of living.

Andrew Bernstein

Quotes About Joy Of Living #473745
#14. How much the making of a garden, no matter how small, adds to the joy of living, only those who practice the arts and the science can know.

Ernest Henry Wilson

Quotes About Joy Of Living #477514
#15. Clearly, the pleasures wines afford are transitory - but so are those of the ballet, or of a musical performance. Wine is inspiring and adds greatly to the joy of living.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Quotes About Joy Of Living #488225
#16. It is the experiences, the great triumphant joy of living to the fullest extent in which real meaning is found. God it's great to be alive!

Christopher McCandless

Quotes About Joy Of Living #555612
#17. Success, I would find out, is interior. It has to do with self-fulfillment and the joy of living.

Sophia Loren

Quotes About Joy Of Living #709857
#18. Gratitude is the best feeling I would ever have, the ultimate joy of living.

Lewis B. Smedes

Quotes About Joy Of Living #712850
#19. We knew toil and hardship and hunger and thirst; and we saw men die violent deaths as they worked among the horses and cattle, or fought in evil feuds with one another; but we felt the beat of hardy life in our veins, and ours was the glory of work and the joy of living.

Theodore Roosevelt

Quotes About Joy Of Living #772902
#20. There is no joy other than the joy of creating. There is no man who is truly alive other than one who is creating. All others are just shadows on the earth with nothing to do with being alive. The joy of living, whether it is love or action, is the joy of creating.

Romain Rolland

Quotes About Joy Of Living #793831
#21. The joy of living, its beauty, is all bound up in the fact that life can surprise you.

Frank Herbert

Quotes About Joy Of Living #825106
#22. Only those who have not paid a high price for the gentle joy of living and breathing can allow themselves feelings of melancholy, denial and lofty disdain of life.

Alexander Kushner

Quotes About Joy Of Living #894017
#23. When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.


Quotes About Joy Of Living #919322
#24. It is the experiences, the memories, the great triumphant joy of living to the fullest extent in which real meaning is found. God it's great to be alive! Thank you. Thank you.

Jon Krakauer

Quotes About Joy Of Living #953543
#25. There was always a quest for more minutes, more hours, faster progress to accomplish more in each day. The simple joy of living between summers was gone.

Mitch Albom

Quotes About Joy Of Living #989301
#26. for Roberts talks chiefly of God's love and of the great joy of living in obedience to that love.

Evan Roberts

Quotes About Joy Of Living #1017308
#27. The joy of living is his who has the heart to demand it.

Theodore Roosevelt

Quotes About Joy Of Living #1102022
#28. The dance lives in all mankind as a necessary motor-rhythmic expression of excess energy and the joy of living.

Curt Sachs

Quotes About Joy Of Living #1160514
#29. What happiness is, no person can say for another. But no one, I am convinced, can be happy who lives only for himself. The joy of living comes from immersion in something that we know to be bigger, better, more enduring and worthier than we are.

John Mason Brown

Quotes About Joy Of Living #1166903
#30. To be a Christian is not a pious pose. It is not a long list of restrictions. Christianity flings open the windows to the real joy of living. Those who have been truly converted to Jesus Christ know the meaning of abundant living.

Billy Graham

Quotes About Joy Of Living #1194617
#31. He explained how once we began to chime the hour, we lost the ability to be satisfied. There was always a quest for more minutes, more hours, faster progress to accomplish more in each day. The simple joy of living between sunrises was gone.

Mitch Albom

Quotes About Joy Of Living #1203068
#32. One takes what the river offers, both good and bad. The joy of living by running water far outweighs the sorrow.

Matt Goldman

Quotes About Joy Of Living #1247804
#33. The Irish ... are full of the fear of the Lord and the joy of living, and they don't know how to combine the two, but they'll sure have a good time trying.

Mercedes McCambridge

Quotes About Joy Of Living #1277420
#34. We all need a space to just let things be, a place to remember who we are and what is important to us, an interval of time that allows the happiness and joy of living back into our consciousness.

Nina Sankovitch

Quotes About Joy Of Living #1312726
#35. It's an inside job to learn about forgiving, it's an inside job to hang on to the joy of living.

Don Henley

Quotes About Joy Of Living #1420972
#36. God made us for joy. God is joy, & the joy of living reflects the original joy that God felt in creating us.

Pope John Paul II

Quotes About Joy Of Living #1547155
#37. Rejoice in the abundance of being able to awaken each morning and experience a new day. Be glad to be alive, to be healthy, to have friends, to be creative, to be a living example of the joy of living. Live to your highest awareness. Enjoy your transformationa l process.

Louise Hay

Quotes About Joy Of Living #1666548
#38. Joy of living is sustainable; fear of dying is not.

Dean Ornish

Quotes About Joy Of Living #1690558
#39. Humility makes us more friendly
Happiness makes us more lively.
Love makes us more caring
Dream makes us more daring.
Trust makes us more forgiving
Kindness makes us more loving.
Hope gives us the joy of dreaming
Peace gives us the joy of living.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Joy Of Living #1742855
#40. Happiness is never a negative affair; it is to be won by men who are fully alive, full of the joy of living

Aga Khan III

Quotes About Joy Of Living #1792414
#41. One's life, from being an exterior thing, grows inwards. Its intensity stays the same; and, d'you know, it's most mysterious, the corners in which the joy of living can sometimes hide away.

Blaise Cendrars

Quotes About Joy Of Living #1805837
#42. Give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself.

Rhonda Byrne

Quotes About Joy Of Living #1818795
#43. At the highest level of awareness, the greatest gift given and received when you give someone flowers, is the joy of living a life based on love.

Marianne Williamson

Quotes About Joy Of Living #1827369
#44. Though one may acquire much in wealth, fame, or honor, the real joy of life does not lie there but, rather, in keeping the romance of living going. Nothing gives such complete and profound happiness as the perpetually fresh wonder and mystery of exciting life.

Norman Vincent Peale

Quotes About Joy Of Living #4996
#45. The birth of a child is a joy to the parent and the world.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Joy Of Living #5448
#46. Music; joy of the heart.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Joy Of Living #9671
#47. Passionate living is the joy of existence.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Joy Of Living #11983
#48. When we understand the illusory nature of life and the profound power of eternal love, which enables us to create miracles and experience the presence of our deceased loved ones, we find ourselves living with joy, hope and peace.

Susan Barbara Apollon

Quotes About Joy Of Living #23423
#49. The song of thrush and blackbird, joy that falls so gently on the ears to celebrate another day of life and living, flying free.

John McLeod

Quotes About Joy Of Living #25762
#50. Reap your harvest. (Benefits) You have been sowing seeds on good soil. (Working Hard) Your garden is overflowing abundantly.(Successful) Now is the time for you to fill your basket with the fruits of your labor. (Savings). Prepare your soil for new seeds. (Investments)

Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Quotes About Joy Of Living #51598
#51. If you are standing in one place waiting for something to change, you may be there for a while. You've got to move. Step up and take a swing. Make something happen

Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Quotes About Joy Of Living #56259
#52. Compassionate people are geniuses in the art of living, more necessary to the dignity, security, and joy of humanity than the discoverers of knowledge.

Albert Einstein

Quotes About Joy Of Living #56297
#53. Living does mean accepting the loss of one joy after another, not even joys in her case, mere possibilities of improvement.

Vladimir Nabokov

Quotes About Joy Of Living #60257
#54. We ought to celebrate the sacredness of life.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Joy Of Living #61854
#55. Trade your bitterness with gratefulness. You will find joy of life.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Joy Of Living #63933
#56. With all this talk of Going Green, Buying Green, Living Green, and Green being the new whatever, I've come to realize that, although we had no green, my grandmother was actually the 'greenest' person I've ever known.

Joy Bryant

Quotes About Joy Of Living #79276
#57. Oh the wild joys of living! The leaping from rock to rock ... the cool silver shock of the plunge in a pool's living waters.

Robert Browning

Quotes About Joy Of Living #79832
#58. We will be more successful in all our endeavors if we can let go of the habit of running all the time, and take little pauses to relax and re-center ourselves. And we'll also have a lot more joy in living.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Quotes About Joy Of Living #82583
#59. The process of living, for each of us, is pretty similar. For every gain there is a setback. For every success, a failure. For every moment of joy, a time of sadness. For every hope realized, one is dashed.

Sue Atchley Ebaugh

Quotes About Joy Of Living #82911
#60. We all pretend for a while or for a lifetime. But pretending is not living ... I believe that God meant for life to take our breath away, sometimes because of the sheer joy of it all and sometimes because of the severe pain. To choose living over pretending means that we will know both.

Angela Thomas

Quotes About Joy Of Living #101520
#61. Be glad while you have breath.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Joy Of Living #105892
#62. We try to find something to fill our void. But it is only God who can fill the void.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Joy Of Living #111143
#63. The bond of love is supernatural.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Joy Of Living #116082
#64. It's fine to have talent, but talent is the last of it. In an acting career, as in an acting performance, you've got to have vitality. The secret of successful acting is identical with a woman's beauty secret: joy in living.

Rosalind Russell

Quotes About Joy Of Living #116745
#65. To work for the sheer joy of it, to wake up and be really excited on a Monday, to love what you do so much that the idea of a long vacation looks boring - that's living.

Manoj Arora

Quotes About Joy Of Living #125242
#66. There is one experience that brings joy or happiness to every living being. The experience of love.

Deepak Chopra

Quotes About Joy Of Living #128975
#67. The man from whom the joys of life have departed is living no more, but should be counted with the dead.


Quotes About Joy Of Living #143754
#68. Your greatest gift is your life.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Joy Of Living #149755
#69. Art always serves beauty, and beauty is the joy of possessing form, and form is the key to organic life since no living thing can exist without it.

Boris Pasternak

Quotes About Joy Of Living #152096
#70. Joy and laughter are the gifts of living in the presence of God and trusting that tomorrow is not worth worrying about.

Henri Nouwen

Quotes About Joy Of Living #153236
#71. ...the state of perfection is an elusive goal; demanding something so obscure as almost unattainable and can become a compulsive, crazy making squirrel-on-a-wheel way of living.

David W. Earle

Quotes About Joy Of Living #155896
#72. - So you're a masochist.
- I know. But what's life rather than walking barefoot?

Cristian Peter Marinescu-Ivan

Quotes About Joy Of Living #157121
#73. Thankfulness is the life of contentment.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Joy Of Living #163355
#74. Jealousy means ego, jealousy means unconsciousness. Jealousy means that you have not known even a moment of joy and bliss; you are living in misery. Jealousy is a by-product of misery, ego, unconsciousness.


Quotes About Joy Of Living #181501
#75. I am delighted to experience the beauty of life.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Joy Of Living #181900
#76. I am overwhelmed by the goodness of God.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Joy Of Living #187431
#77. It's like, if I had the luxury of choice, and didn't have to worry about making a living, I would definitely want to get into whatever field it was that allowed me to push further and further comedically. Because that's the joy of it.

Mitchell Hurwitz

Quotes About Joy Of Living #197962
#78. Be rightly related to God, find your joy there, and out of you will flow rivers of living water.

Oswald Chambers

Quotes About Joy Of Living #200963
#79. I have felt a presence that disturbs me with the joy of elevated thoughts; a sense sublime of something far more deeply interfused, whose dwelling is the light of setting suns, and the round ocean, and the living air, and the blue sky, and in the mind of man ...

William Wordsworth

Quotes About Joy Of Living #210246
#80. Is there plenty of celebration in your life? How about your spiritual life? Is it an exercise in following rules and practices? Or does it look more like a joyous celebration?

Steve Goodier

Quotes About Joy Of Living #233278
#81. Read a good book every day. Books help to educate the soul. The mere joy of learning something new will instill the will to live in you.

Sanchita Pandey

Quotes About Joy Of Living #235035
#82. You are worthy of love and you deserve to be happy. You have these beautiful qualities and many more because you are living the gift of a human incarnation. My hope is that you will embrace these truths and your birthright to live a life abundant in love, joy, and celebration.

David Simon

Quotes About Joy Of Living #237921
#83. Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of joy you must have somebody to divide it with.

Mark Twain

Quotes About Joy Of Living #239608
#84. Live by your own sacred standard.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Joy Of Living #242512
#85. I receive grace. And through me, grace could flow on. Like a cycle of water in continuous movement, grace is meant to fall, a rain ... again, again, again. I could share the grace, multiply the joy, extend the table of the feast, enlarge the paradise of His presence. I am blessed. I can bless.

Ann Voskamp

Quotes About Joy Of Living #254789
#86. Often, when you look at history, at least through the lens that many of us have looked at history - high school and college courses - a lot of the color gets bled out of it. You're left with a time period that does not look as strange and irrational as the time you're actually living through.

Karen Joy Fowler

Quotes About Joy Of Living #259070
#87. How can you know love, and lose it, and go on living without it, and not feel the loss forever?"
"You can't," Feather answered. "You feel the loss forever. But you put it in a corner of yourself, and bit by bit some of your sorrow changes into joy. And that's how you go on living.

Sonya Hartnett

Quotes About Joy Of Living #272690
#88. Those of us who read carried around with us like martyrs a secret knowledge, a secret joy, and a secret hope: There is a life worth living where history is still taking place; there are ideas worth dying for, and circumstances where courage is still prized.

Annie Dillard

Quotes About Joy Of Living #276098
#89. Joy and pain, they are but two arteries of the one heart that pumps through all those who don't numb themselves to really living.

Ann Voskamp

Quotes About Joy Of Living #278176
#90. The Master said, "What a worthy man was Yan Hui! Living in a narrow alley, subsisting upon meager bits of rice and water - other people could not have borne such hardship, and yet it never spoiled Hui's joy. What a worthy man was Hui!"
(Analects 6.11)


Quotes About Joy Of Living #281685
#91. There are many ways to achieve the same end, and that's the meaning of life - to explore our individuality and joy in living what matches our level of understanding, wisdom and honesty.

Daniel Marques

Quotes About Joy Of Living #282769
#92. In this life, the proper way of living is to make use of both joy and suffering. They are both merely stimuli that the world presents to us. So by blending them skillfully within you, you can use them in a completely different way. If you want to be steeped in evil, you mustn't forget good.

Fuminori Nakamura

Quotes About Joy Of Living #286066
#93. When we see the wholeness of being born, living, and dying, there is a joy in living and a grace in dying.

Vimala Thakar

Quotes About Joy Of Living #325379
#94. " ... Grateful living makes life meaningful and full of joy."

David Steindl-Rast

Quotes About Joy Of Living #332885
#95. Almost suspended, we are laid asleep In body, and become a living soul: While with an eye made quiet by the power Of harmony, and the deep power of joy, We see into the life of things.
-William Wordsworth(Tintern Abbey)

William Wordsworth

Quotes About Joy Of Living #344467
#96. Let's work and rest happily, abandon us to the course of life; let's run out the muddy and rotten water of the daily thinking and within the Void will flow the Gnosis and with it, the Joy for living.

Samael Aun Weor

Quotes About Joy Of Living #351557
#97. The high value put upon every minute of time, the idea of hurry-hurry as the most important objective of living, is unquestionably the most dangerous enemy of joy.

Hermann Hesse

Quotes About Joy Of Living #358901
#98. Every living thing suffers transfiguration. Yes, until the creation of Eve, Adam had fondled beasts.

Joy Williams

Quotes About Joy Of Living #365402
#99. Don't let the worries of this foolish world destroy your joy in living.

Marty Rubin

Quotes About Joy Of Living #370089
#100. Then at certain moments I remember one of his words and I suddenly feel the sensual woman flaring up, as if violently caressed. I say the word to myself, with joy. It is at such a moment that my true body lives.

Anais Nin

Quotes About Joy Of Living #372072

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