Top 14 Quotes About Jimson

#1. They can't give you all that, Mr Jimson,' said Walter, who was upset. 'It wouldn't be right. What would they give you seven years for?'
'Being Gulley Jimson,' I said, 'and getting away with it.

Joyce Cary

Quotes About Jimson #748237
#2. The passion to produce is very great. One man, who has not yet been assigned his little garden plot, is hopefully watering a jimson weed simply to have something of his own growing.

John Steinbeck

Quotes About Jimson #1666617
#3. The bands that have been the most important to me, and the records that have been the most important to me as a fan, have been records that surprised me for one reason or another.

Steve Albini

Quotes About Jimson #32372
#4. It's hard to pay attention and stay focused, especially when there is a lot going on around you.

James L. Farmer Jr.

Quotes About Jimson #58342
#5. The Professor looked like a Protestant saint when the cannibal offered him the choice of taking six wives or being boiled alive. He wanted to mortify some flesh, but he didn't know which.

Joyce Cary

Quotes About Jimson #208635
#6. I feel like I'm really young and I'm only thinking about my career and continuing playing.

Serena Williams

Quotes About Jimson #550678
#7. Plantie is a very strong Protestant, that is to say, he's against all churches, especially the Protestant: and he thinks a lot of Buddha, Karma and Confucius. He is also a bit of an anarchist and three or four years ago he took up Einstein and vitamins.

Joyce Cary

Quotes About Jimson #641994
#8. I really would have liked to love, but I didnt trust myself to allow it.

Karl Valentin

Quotes About Jimson #741350
#9. Love is the language of the heart,
which everyone understands.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Jimson #1174306
#10. To forgive is wisdom, to forget is genius. And easier. Because it's true. It's a new world every heart beat.

Joyce Cary

Quotes About Jimson #1271479
#11. I deny that either singers or conductors can create or work creatively - this, as I have always said, is a conception that leads to the abyss.

Giuseppe Verdi

Quotes About Jimson #1350720
#12. Nothing like poetry when you lie awake at night. It keeps the old brain limber. It washes away the mud and sand that keeps on blocking up the bends.
Like waves to make the pebbles dance on my old floors. And turn them into rubies and jacinths; or at any rate, good imitations.

Joyce Cary

Quotes About Jimson #1360423
#13. When you shoot a film, it takes six months, and it's very important keep the morale of the crew up top, all the time, and keep them on their toes, and keep them enthusiastic.

John Glen

Quotes About Jimson #1400377
#14. Death leaves trails of mutes.

David Kushner

Quotes About Jimson #1624857

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