Top 16 Quotes About Jailbait

#1. Jailbait," he declared, leaping up. "You're a saint. A goddess, even.

Richelle Mead

Quotes About Jailbait #692360
#2. Hey," he said softly. He moved closer to the bars, pressing his face between them. "I always said you were jailbait, but this is ridiculous.

Rachel Caine

Quotes About Jailbait #962524
#3. Relax, Jailbait," said Avery. "A drunken kiss is nothing compared to a drunken fall. God knows I've kissed plenty of guys drunk."
"And yet, I remain unkissed tonight," mused Adrian.

Richelle Mead

Quotes About Jailbait #1312213
#4. Ummm ... " She licked her lips. "Define fun."
"Quit doing that, jailbait. It's distracting.

Rachel Caine

Quotes About Jailbait #1408779
#5. The female asked him, "Have you ever been bait? Well, besides jailbait. Rowr." "I can't say that I have, ma'am." Texan accent?

Kresley Cole

Quotes About Jailbait #1684010
#6. If you have to be right, you put yourself in a hedged lane, but once you experience the power of not having to be right, you will feel like you are walking across open fields, the perspective wide and your feet free to take any turn.

John Naisbitt

Quotes About Jailbait #103890
#7. Every time Europe looks across the Atlantic to see the American Eagle, it observes only the rear end of an ostrich.


Quotes About Jailbait #199506
#8. Life is a mission, not a career. A career is a profession, a mission is a cause. A career asks, What's in it for me? A mission asks, How can I make a difference?

Sean Covey

Quotes About Jailbait #299482
#9. The acme of faith is ... immersion of the mind in God.

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Antonov

Quotes About Jailbait #377445
#10. Whatever you do, make certain that your hands are clean.

George R R Martin

Quotes About Jailbait #657851
#11. Hack fiction exploits curiosity without really satisfying it or making connections between it and anything else in the world.

Vincent Canby

Quotes About Jailbait #936137
#12. A one-hundred-thousand-word novel might take a year or several years, and then you just come to 'The End' one day. But it takes hundreds of days to get to 'The End.' As a writer, you have to put in those hundreds of days.

Bob Mayer

Quotes About Jailbait #1229945
#13. Happy Birthday.
Adrian came to a sudden halt. The words were soft and small, spoken tentatively, but easily discerned by vampire ears. Slowly, he turned around and found Jill Mastrano standing shyly before him.

Richelle Mead

Quotes About Jailbait #1470430
#14. I don't know how I absorb things, but I do. I just absorb them. I don't over read the script, and I don't really ever spend much time learning it.

John Noble

Quotes About Jailbait #1522542
#15. Civil society must be strengthened to help raise awareness among people living with HIV, and those at risk, of their rights, and to ensure they have access to legal services and redress through the courts.

Shereen El Feki

Quotes About Jailbait #1605620
#16. Victoria started to text something else, but then she shoved her phone in her pocket and yanked open the door. Why was she trading insults with him on a phone when he was right there?

Lynn Raye Harris

Quotes About Jailbait #1646513

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