Top 35 Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams

#1. Freud published The Interpretation of Dreams in 1900. It introduced the notion that there existed certain predictable and identifiable processes by which dreams were formed.

Henry Reed

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #355929
#2. I came to Freud for facts. I read 'The Interpretation of Dreams' and I thought- 'Oh, here is a man who is not just theorizing away, here is a man who has got facts.

Carl Jung

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #1189836
#3. The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.

Sigmund Freud

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #1199357
#4. The interpretation of dreams is a great art.


Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #1308818
#5. The ultimate lesson of The Interpretation of Dreams: reality is for those who cannot sustain the dream.

Slavoj Zizek

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #1381044
#6. I led the life of an intellectual up until a certain age. I remember Freud's 'Interpretation of Dreams' was a big favorite when I was 11. It sounded so interesting. And it really was!

Wallace Shawn

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #65870
#7. Solution dreams can help you overcome obstacles that are preventing you from growing into your full potential.

Pamela Cummins

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #1250349
#8. You will always be your child's favorite toy.

Vicki Lansky

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #1814783
#9. It is all nonsense, to be sure; and so much the greater nonsense inasmuch as the true interpretation of many dreams - not by any means of all dreams - moves, it may be said, in the opposite direction to the method of psycho-analysis.

Arthur Machen

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #1313922
#10. An evil nature wielding great authority brings misfortune upon the community.


Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #1371616
#11. Recurring dreams for some may seem like a punishment; the reality is it is done out of love to enable your spiritual enhancement.

Pamela Cummins

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #1596002
#12. There is no denial in the dreamtime, only subconscious and spiritual truths.

Pamela Cummins

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #1621321
#13. When we humans learn how to analyze the messages of the nighttime we open ourselves up to manifest our greatest selves.

Pamela Cummins

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #1672363
#14. When I'm living in the world of luxury and celebrity, which is where I found myself for a large part of my life, it's a walk-on part. Not a vital necessity, like it is for so many people. I enjoy it but I can see right through it!

Agnetha Faltskog

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #1681507
#15. The process of deciphering meaning from dreams and ultimately, discovering a life path, does not usually happen instantly. This process evolves over time as dream interpretation is practiced.

Teresa DeCicco

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #1684871
#16. Some dreams tell us what we wish to believe. Some dreams tell us what we fear. Some dreams are of what we know though we may not know we know it. The rarest dream is the dream that tells us what we have not known.

Ursula K. Le Guin

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #1709202
#17. Spiritual dreams are meant to comfort us during difficult times, show us how much we have grown, and encourage us to go to a higher level.

Pamela Cummins

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #1737645
#18. I thought it best to add nothing further, to let the line of his thought lead him to his own conclusions.

Geraldine Brooks

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #1750086
#19. The journey of learning the secret language of dreams is fascinating and well worth the effort.

Pamela Cummins

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #1774599
#20. Most of my novels were developped from dreams I had. A dreamer I AM! Literally , at 1 AM. A dream with 140 characters is to dream an impossible dream. Too many characters to develoo from it. But in twitter that worked just fine for me,

Ana Claudia Antunes

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #1802752
#21. Give yourself permission 2 evolve. Become a philosopher; come up with your own interpretation of life and stop accepting someone else's as your truth.

Germany Kent

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #971282
#22. Beginning and committing to a dream interpretation practice is one of the best gifts anyone can give themselves. This is truly the greatest guidance anyone could ask for.

Teresa DeCicco

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #898428
#23. Thus the man who is responsive to artistic stimuli reacts to the reality of dreams as does the philosopher to the reality of existence; he observes closely, and he enjoys his observation: for it is out of these images that he interprets life, out of these processes that he trains himself for life.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #885850
#24. The best, most successful managers in the modern era are those who can keep a player happy even if he is not in the team. Given the size of the squads and the use of rotation nowadays, that's tougher than it's ever been.

Gary Lineker

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #840776
Everything's either
concave or -vex,
so whatever you dream
will be something with sex.

Piet Hein

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #823521
#26. Humans are spiritual beings in physical form; we have dreams about our bodies because they are the vehicles that help us experience life.

Pamela Cummins

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #738022
#27. No dream symbol can be separated from the individual who dreams it, and there is no definite or straightforward interpretation of any dream.

Carl Jung

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #720253
#28. Wise men have interpreted dreams, and the gods have laughed.

H.P. Lovecraft

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #613278
#29. In my opinion, Fiction is a figment of our imagination & it causes us to dream but Reality taints dreams, and the F.scott Fitzgerald has clearly depicted this in The Great Gatsby.

Parul Wadhwa

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #579922
#30. By working with one's own dream images and learning how to interpret them, a dreamer is unlocking the treasure box of insight, guidance, and transformation.

Teresa DeCicco

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #443324
#31. Embrace your responsibility to dream big.

Kevin Michel

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #293761
#32. Don't ignore your dreams, in them your soul is awake and you are your true self.

Bangambiki Habyarimana

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #277097
#33. When you dream, ask yourself about the energetic as well as the psychological messages.

Elaine Seiler

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #176127
#34. A dream is a place where a wish and a fear meet. When the wish and the fear are exactly the same we call the dream a nightmare.

Gregory David Roberts

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #171274
#35. It has been rightly said that nothing is unimportant, nothing powerless in the universe; a single atom can dissolve everything, and save everything! What terror! There lies the eternal distinction between good and evil.

Gerard De Nerval

Quotes About Interpretation Of Dreams #170989

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