Top 42 Quotes About Intense Look

#1. She had that fine-drawn intense look that is sometimes neurotic, sometimes sex-hungry, and sometimes just the result of drastic dieting. I

Raymond Chandler

Quotes About Intense Look #206657
#2. He leaned toward her, his face only a breath away. His intense look captured her fully. His words rumbled from his chest. If you love me, kiss me.

Melanie Dickerson

Quotes About Intense Look #74679
#3. Leadership is an intense journey into yourself. You can use your own style to get anything done. It's about being self-aware. Every morning, I look in the mirror and say, 'I could have done three things better yesterday.'

Jeffrey R. Immelt

Quotes About Intense Look #991919
#4. The egg is glowing now, as if it had an energy of its own. To look at the egg gives me intense pleasure.

Margaret Atwood

Quotes About Intense Look #1837420
#5. When I want to push myself and do intense workouts, I do that, but I'm not going to do it because anybody thinks I should look a certain way. It's really more about how I feel and about being healthy.

Queen Latifah

Quotes About Intense Look #1032636
#6. In order to be a great marketer, you have to be focused and intense and look at scarcity, urgency, activity and passion in the marketplace.

Dave Ramsey

Quotes About Intense Look #1087126
#7. I look over to make sure he's all right. He's panting for air and staring right at me with a look so intense it makes me squirm.

Susan Ee

Quotes About Intense Look #1194796
#8. Because we're all rainbow-colored inside, each of us a different arrangement, of course. The kiss just makes all the colors more concentrated, so intense they can be hard to look at. Or feel, rather. Like a Mediterranean sunset.

Tess Callahan

Quotes About Intense Look #1353036
#9. I always look for an intense experience, an intense ride. There is nothing better than a good zombie movie where you run crazy and blow at monsters! It was a physical shoot and I enjoyed it.

Sarah Polley

Quotes About Intense Look #1382835
#10. It isn't necessary for a work to have a lot of things to look at, to compare, to analyze one by one, to contemplate. The thing as a whole, its quality whole, is what is interesting. The main things are alone and are more intense, clear and powerful.

Donald Judd

Quotes About Intense Look #1406309
#11. Looking at acting, in the movies or the theater, and the way I like to look at it, it's just an extension of childhood play ... Kids play and imagine in a very intense fashion and they don't need any director telling them, 'You really have to believe in it.' They believe in it completely.

Viggo Mortensen

Quotes About Intense Look #1434425
#12. Whether in light touches or for a more glamorous look, I never go out without make-up - even if it's only a lick of mascara. And I always wear perfume, a light or more intense version.

Dree Hemingway

Quotes About Intense Look #1494353
#13. A stab of pain always pierced him when he saw her eyes. Some people's eyes were so fucking intense, it was hard to look at them - those were often ones that had seen the hell of war and all its associated horrors. But hers were even worse. Hers had prayed for death and had been denied.

Elaine Levine

Quotes About Intense Look #1536810
#14. His eyes are intense. Dark. They look like they've seen things I don't want to know about.

Lauren Nicolle Taylor

Quotes About Intense Look #1552338
#15. I look at each one of my restaurants, and I want my personality to come out. Some are serious, some are intense when it comes to food and wines, some are meat masters supreme. I enjoy all my guests.

Michael Mina

Quotes About Intense Look #1559152
#16. I can't help but desire you. I want to taste you again. This feeling I have for you is more than intense " he said roughly. "It is a possessive thing greedy. I look at you Corinne Bishop and all I can think is that you are mine.

Lara Adrian

Quotes About Intense Look #1574273
#17. That got me a look so intense I was unable to interpret it - like the way cats sometimes fix on you. What they mean by the look is completely beyond understanding; but it's meant for you, you alone.

Donald James

Quotes About Intense Look #1598366
#18. It is one thing to look at a mistreated boat and another to look at a tomb. The silence of the bay seemed more intense. And I could see the glint of the carrion flies.

John D. MacDonald

Quotes About Intense Look #1719752
#19. Luke is dark, intense, and can make my heart flutter with one look. Logan is sweet, makes me laugh, and gives me the biggest urge to climb in his lap and let him have his way with me.

Alexa Riley

Quotes About Intense Look #1763066
#20. The process is intense and the producers, who are intelligent men, are bringing in new people for a fresh look at a complicated project that has been in the making for 10 years.

Ednita Nazario

Quotes About Intense Look #1781283
#21. My personality has not once altered under outside influence." "Then I'm genuinely appalled, and your childhood nannies have my intense sympathy. You've got a bit of a nerve, don't you think, accusing other people of vanity? You make Mr. Darcy look like the poster child for low self-esteem.

Lucy Parker

Quotes About Intense Look #1795978
#22. Haven't you ever known someone rejected by a lover, who, consumed by rage and jealousy, never lets go? They look on from a distance, unseen but boiling inside. The emotion never seems to tire, this hatred mixed with intense obsession, even with a kind of twisted love.

Scott Westerfeld

Quotes About Intense Look #1798406
#23. His eyes are so intense I want to look away ... or never look away, I can't decide.

Kasie West

Quotes About Intense Look #359123
#24. She now had a faraway look in her eyes, and I experienced the unfamiliar, yet intense need to hold her and protect her from the world, but most of all from me.

B.B. Reid

Quotes About Intense Look #130158
#25. However you look at it, in these books "power" tends to be an expression of the essential nature of the person or being whose power it is. On those occasions when we've seen Lord Foul act directly, he seems to exert the withering force of pure scorn. IMHO, that's pretty intense.

Stephen R. Donaldson

Quotes About Intense Look #162026
#26. His eyes burned violet - not with anger but with intense desire. The kind of look that made you love a person so much, you missed him even when he was standing right in front of you.

Lauren Kate

Quotes About Intense Look #202793
#27. A look passed between the two men. I felt it graze the side of my head. It was that kind of look.

James Anderson

Quotes About Intense Look #232903
#28. As my heart begins to return to normal, I look down at -- and feel such an intense rush of love and relief it takes my breath away. "I will never let you put of my sight again," I promise --

Camilla Way

Quotes About Intense Look #243294
#29. Well you know, I think a lot of us in marriage know that you play different roles at different times. And Mitt can get very intense, and I can have the ability to kind of talk him off the rails sometimes and say, 'Hey let's look at what is really important and let's do that now.'

Ann Romney

Quotes About Intense Look #258696
#30. I look back over my shoulder and feel the presence of an intense young girl and then a volatile and disturbed young woman, both with high dreams and restless, romantic aspirations

Kay Redfield Jamison

Quotes About Intense Look #308857
#31. His power, his intense masculinity, hit me like a semi, sucking the air out of my lungs. He doesn't help matters when he steps closer, forcing me to look up at him. My five seven is no match against his six three.

Magda Alexander

Quotes About Intense Look #334945
#32. When I look back at that freedom of childhood, which is in a way infinite, and at all the joy and the intense happiness, now lost, I sometimes think that childhood is where the real meaning of life is located, and that we, adults, are its servants - that that's our purpose.

Karl Ove Knausgaard

Quotes About Intense Look #344197
#33. When we look for success, it should be for the sole purpose of boasting sincerely in Christ. There's no other reason for it. Success is only worth it when the more intense it gets for you, the more you find yourself bragging for his glory rather than your own.

Criss Jami

Quotes About Intense Look #906390
#34. Although the garment was beautifully designed and well made, the color, a dark velvet that captured the intense tones of a ripe plum or black cherries, would prove a jarring clash with her hair. She added ruefully, "Not with this carrot top. I'll look a fright.

Lisa Kleypas

Quotes About Intense Look #449995
#35. His name was as exotic as his looks. The deadly combination of lush chocolate brown hair, those intense pale blue eyes and his lithe figure that just screamed he would look like a god naked, was too much for her.

Jennifer Ashley

Quotes About Intense Look #556704
#36. One of the beautiful things about having kids is I had no idea how much it will make you look into yourself and who you are and what you believe in and what your past was like and all that kind of stuff. I think it's made me really look at life in a much more intense way.

Jamie Cullum

Quotes About Intense Look #559617
#37. When I'm working, I don't wake up and say, 'OK, time to go be intense.' I just look at whatever scenes we're working on that day and break them down - just real intense everyday work.

Michael Shannon

Quotes About Intense Look #616866
#38. When I see David Attenborough talking about how chimps live, big apes, I just remember my dad and the way he'd look at you. He couldn't speak, but everything else about him was, 'This is us, a family.' Relationships are just as intense as they are for people who can speak. Probably more so.

Richard Griffiths

Quotes About Intense Look #707201
#39. I feel the desire, or rather the intense need, to do something useful for society, and that is what stimulates me. In every situation I always look for what is positive and beneficial for my fellow citizens.

Antoni Tapies

Quotes About Intense Look #713089
#40. His gaze on me was intense, I couldn't look away. I felt as if I was revealing my entire soul to him in this moment.

Christy Pastore

Quotes About Intense Look #739618
#41. Slowly, with a look of intense concentration, he got up and advanced on me ... put out a front paw, and stroked my cheek as I used to stoke his chops. A human caress from a cat. I felt very meagre and ill-educated that I could not purr.

Sylvia Townsend Warner

Quotes About Intense Look #795282
#42. To see the beauties, mysteries and magics of your existence look at it with intense love, child's wonder and joyful heart.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Intense Look #893812

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